So here’s a question for all of you.
If I would happen to make some Fancy Pants Man shirts, would you guys buy them?
If you really, really want to sport some FPA gear, here’s your chance to be really loud about it. Telling other people to comment in this thread if they’d want shirts too could also work…
sounds good. then everything you need is a transparent head with fancy hair to be completely fancy.
# Foodmansam Says:
November 9th, 2007 at 4:45 pm
hmmm…… i hope i get my name in the credits! I think there should be FPM Merchandise! like shirts. or even cool orange pants!
Next on the Discovery Channel Surgery: Has the strive to look like celebrities gone to far? Man asks for surgeon to remove all aspects of his face so he can look like his hero Fancy Pants Man!!!
(Brad Borne could not be reached for comment)
haha and foodmansam, Brad and I have been talking about Fancy Shirts looonnnggg before this site existed, so technically, we were first 😉
@FO: I thought of FP merchandise quite a long time ago too…
@styxtwo: I’ve generally found that: BIG HOLE IN HEAD = DEAD.
@WJUK We were thinking of it before World I was released =P I win!!!! mwahahahaha
noo because WJUK can see in the future, and he knew this was going to happen long before the world was created xD
he can also tell chuck norris jokes at the speed of light 😛 (but don’t tell anyone)
@Nyubis: Yes, I have a international diploma in “Big Holes in Head” course. It’s all very complicated stuff.
@FO: I thought of it before I was born! HAHA! I win! XD
@styxtwo: What did I tell you about revealing my uber-powers?
@zymn: Dude… put some clothes on. And I already did.
actually I wasnt talking about shirts as much as pants, but if if brad said so first, he’s right, cuz BRAD IS GOD!!!
@slayerman: O RLY?
@foodmansam: Yes, an “unfortunate accident”
@WJUK@ hey can you kill anybody u want to just by thinkin about it? That would be prety co-*Sam falls over dead at keyboard*
@styxtwo: You must be pretty skilled at… er… nose-typing.
where the heck is brad?
With the immense riches he has garnered, Brad has bought a small island in the middle of the Caribbean to spend the rest of his life on. [source needed[
Maybe this is all a trick though, a clever ploy that you can Brad employed to keep up readership at this blog… hm… conspiracy.
hmmmmm… i think the governement is involved to 😮
actually i do wonder if brad even reads the comments anymore, and if he does still, FIX THE FREAKING FAN-ART PAGE SO MY ART IS UNDER MY NAME!!!! pwetty pwease?!?!?
@styxtwo: Undoubtedly.
@foodmansam: I can type with my eyes closed! Eyes-closed typing: LOL This is fun.
I don’t think Brad does. But fixing the fan-art page would be good, since there are quite a few mistakes there.
@styxtwo: It probably dates back to the Roswell incident… XD
check out my awesome vid!
i wan a shirt, fancy shirt same colour same type and BIG BIG FANCY!
i wan a shirt, fancy shirt same colour same type and BIG BIG FANCY! BESIDES! I WAN A FANCY PANTS 3!
yes, a dutch keybord is different, that explains the &,à and printscreen 😀
btw, wich governement is involved?
or maybe the maffia kidnapped brad!!!! 😮
People, dont fear!!
I’m still alive!!!(maybe that makes you fear 😉 )
anyway, FO didnt eat me (completely).
I was just on a vacation.
and about the nose-typing: why nose?
you can use another bodypart, wich is an anagram of “spine” héhéhéhéhé…
[edit: if you’re going to post random things on my site, make sure they’re actually funny…]
LMAO. I’ll let to see the repercussions of that anagram. DISH OUT THE PUNISHMENT. :O
And I think most of the world’s governments are involved. I heard a rumour that the UN was looking into this little escapade and were unsure on what to do, because if they mis-step even just a teeny weeny bit the world could descend into chaos as WWIII ensues.
Cool! Suldn’t we become heroes and kill some people in order to save Fancy Pants Adventure?
And…Umm…Ali… You didnt actually type that message that way right?
btw, cool movies Buyakasha
well that settles it then….
we have to go to area 51!!
At the Stick-Cave:
The awesome WJUK, Styxtwo, Nyubis, and Foodmansam plot their plan of killing the evil spiders, snails, penguins, and bunny rabbits to rescue FPM!!! Suddenly, a fat guy starts riverdancing, and everybody cowers!!! TO BE CONTINUED!!!! or not…
Yeah, I think a t-shirt will be good. 🙂
noo maybe he is one of the governement aliens, or the dancing fat guy……
nose typing? you know nothing about NOSE TYPING!
SEE! IT IS easy watch.
go away!
@styxtwo: Hm… government aliens? Do goverments hire aliens?
@Be_Fancy: We had that idea already. And watch this! FINGER-TYPING.
*er, 200.
Dude, Fancy Pants is awesome!! Of course I’d buy a shirt. Just don’t make it TOO expencive. 😀
Damn. Missed the 200th post.
shitj mev too!
st(illo nos”e-typiung, i’m getting bvetter at ity :Df
same here
OMG… the above message was completely typed with my nose and i didnt use backspace!
Tiny Sponge…………Nose Typing
I think we’ve started a new internet phenomenon.
^Done with nose too on laptop…
uumm…. hi, ive been a vacation, im back now, bye… (wtf did i miss?)
Taikie a gu4ess.
(Hint: NOSE.) And I think I’m getting better at this.
I might buy one if it was reasonably priced and would be sent to Israel =D.
A hooded sweatshirt would be cool with some picture of fancy pants standing with one foot on a spider or snail shell and he’d be with his arms crossed maybe saying pwned on the side. Or even a regular shirt with those designs doesn’t have to be a sweatshirt.
@Crackskull: It’s Fancy pants! FROM THE ‘HOOD!
Woah, comments are slow now…
@Nyubis: As I predicted.
where the heck is BRAD!
FO, enlighten us.
credit goes to meeeeeeee
he’s strangled to death in FO’s closet.