Brad Borne and Electronic Arts are partnering up for the release of Mirror’s Edge 2D!
I made a post about it in the forum a few days ago, but it looks like the news is out, so here’s the official post about it.
We’re still a week or two away from full launch, but I’d like to get as much feedback about the beta as possible, so if you find anything glitching out, or anything you’d like to comment on, just comment this post.
Update: Just added a timer, lets see those scores! Finish the level to store best time.
To anyone having problems with high jumping from ledges:
Run at the ledge
Jump right before you hit it (or go too high from a wall climb)
Hold jump when she snaps to it
Keep holding jump
Annnd yeah
Criticism and responses: there has been a ton of aspects of the game that have been tweaked to address some criticism. I’ll try to address things that I’m not changing, or won’t add until the final game (most likely, at least) here:
There will be some sections with enemies (like, mini-levels), if I can get the balance right and keep it fun. Basically, enemies slow the player down, I know that most people want to keep moving on big sections.
Wall jump / jump is too powerful / not realistic enough
Well, yes, the wall jump probably seems to powerful in this level. I had it toned down much more at first, but that made Level 2 impossible in some parts. Same thing with the jump height. Certain level designs just aren’t possible if I keep the movement too conservative. And this is 2d, I need to use those two d’s as much as I can! That means lots of vertical ground covered, far more than in the console counterpart.
Re-mappable controls
This definitely highlights my hatred of the keyboard as the standard of input for computer games, but what can I do about that (besides tell you guys to use joytokey, darwiinremote, gamepad companion, etc)? Re-mappable controls are only necessary when games get too complex, devs ignore standards, or in the case of PC gaming, there are hardly any standards at all. I’ll try and add a few different control types to the game if I have the time, but I like to try and keep all my games so that the arrow keys map to the d-pad, and the WASD map to the face buttons. Basically, I’m a console gamer developing for a mouse and keyboard input scheme.
theres a specific jump that was originally impeded by the turnaround glitch in .8a you fixed the turnaround glitch in .8b but the jump still wasnt there… so it seemed at first. theres a way to pull off the same jump allowing the times to be comprable (even though i beat my .7 record) but the jump is much more technical and difficult to do now. i will point this out in the video i send you, which will be in 12 hours or so (i need sleep lol). i will email it since i dont wish to give away my methods.
I didn’t read anything. I just played, and it was pretty damn good for a 2D flash.
Simple Critics:
Can’t Turn Around in Mid Air?!? Air strafing rocks and feels natural with a WASD configuration.
Wall running jumps are awesome, but can be kinda cheated.
The hanging ledge jumps where you get that extra little power are the toughest move to execute properly. I thought additional height to the “power jump” may be the added when you flip over an edge your hanging on for some effect and easy of the player.
That is it! Your game was awesome and I got 9 out of the 10 bags because I could figure out how to get up to that last one before my Firefox Browser crashed. Thanks!
i agree it isnt difficult. the hard thing is other jump… hehe…
yeah with momentum basis, you shouldnt be able to change directions in air
also with the ‘unrealistic’ ability to wall climb…
its a 2d flash platformer and both the height and method of the wall climb opens lots of possibilities for level design. i love it.
and drnero, im sending you an email with a link to a video you should download and watch regarding things to preserve for speedruns as well as an issue with .8c
You bollixed .08c all up. ;_;
1. You can’t jump straight feet first onto the first silver bar anymore. You always hang.
2. You can run up the blue steep thing. Wait, what?!!? Lol.
3. You can’t even get PAST the tallest tower by using the low arcing jump anymore. You just get flipped around and hang on to the other side.
Also. I don’t really think 1 and 3 are bugs. I kind of realize now that you just lowered the power of the jump across the board…. Is that true? Because it kinda blows. D:
games amazing best online flash game ive ever played. dont listen to the post that say it needs to be more realistic, this game should be as unrealistic and crazy as posible. still this game is so good it deserves a award. great job your best game yet
The jump wasn’t toned down, I had some variable that said her feet were up to land, but it was supposed to degenerate after as they came down, but that code was wrong, so when I fixed that code, she started putting her feet down before you got to that platform. I made the feet offset code a bit looser, so she hits that platform again.
Of course, that means I’m left fixing everything else that’s broken…
i really dont think there was all that much wrong in .8b for speedruns, i wouldnt get too far away from it…
i will definitely say for the time being you should go back to .8b and attack the problems from a different angle, everything feels wrong, too restricted. i wish i could get this darn vid to upload…
Most of it’s pretty much fixed already, just working on a few visual tweaks, let’s see what you think of .09 first…
Man, so this is how Apple must feel whenever they release an OS…
Anyways, I’m hoping that .09 address all of those problems *crosses fingers.*
51,07 :p COM’ON
Jump straigth up looking right a litte left of the ledge and hold down…
50.67? ๐
I call BS until we see a video ๐
Also- DrNeroCF, I can you can still run up the blue ramp D:
“Jump straigth up looking right a litte left of the ledge and hold downโฆ”
Will also work if you are further from the ledge…
By the way Mister Borne, I find that the whole game is very very fluid, except the long jump, which is unfortunatly a bit choppy, isn’t it ?
I know, i’m fussy, but the more you are, the better your game will be ๐
This game is SICK!!!! Can’t wait to play the final version.
I’m thinking Faith should be able to do a shoulder tackle to knock out enemies…
Hi DrNeroCF and to all who’s enjoing the game :).
I myself find it very addicting.Great 2D design,cool music,fluid moves(great charatcter animation),very nice platformer indeed.
The new version have major problem with the 45 degree wallking(where you need to pres up and forward).
A thing that would like to suggest is when you hang from the hooks and press left or right to change the direction Faith wanted to jupm(her body mean),because it’s a little strange to be jumping backward :).
Yes i realize that it’s possible to slow the overall speed of the game and some problems with the controls,but if she change her animation every time when you press lef/right thus you don’t need to worry for the speed and extra buttons.Plus the attention toward the little things is always noticed.
Also it’s good to have multiple ways to finish the level but,they have to be pretty close in terms of time to reach,it’s good for speedruns(though i’m not that kind of person),i would like more secrets,hard to find/reach bags :).
I watch how the game is changing, and i think that the feel of freedom little by little is begining to decrease ;).
That’s all by me at the moment, i hope to understand my imperfect english.Wsih you luck and i’m sure it’s gone be awesome game.
p.s. – my best time was 52.03 (0.9v.)
Donc pour cette nouvelle version… Si votre fix consiste a nous bloquer 3 secondes sur la grue vers les 35′ avant la tyrolienne… c’est un peu dommage, รงa bouffe le dynamisme :/
Enfin pour avoir sรฉrieusement saigner votre bรชta, je trouve รงa dommage d’avoir fait 51’33 hier soir et de plus rรฉussir a passer en dessous des 53′ depuis votre fix…
Voila, pour le screen du best lap :
A+ Jรฉrรฉmy
i should be more specific lol
you cant get the zipline in one jump anymore, in fact it takes several
ya, speed runs suck now, and im posting a glitch later today so keep an eye out
The game is great i love it.
the jump system is good, and get better whit the s key keep it.
but i need to ask you when will be the full launch?
I am really waitin for it.
keep the game this way cus is real god Thx
So that’s what that code did, oops…
Okay, try it again now.
Yeah those comments were before .09b, that platform should behave properly now.
sir, I am simply amazed. I couldn’t get myself away from this game until i collected everything and then I started playing against the time. I have not had so much fun with a game like this since N+. If this comes to DS, you have my money even if i have to import it to Poland ๐
woot my tops time so far is 54.7
Awesome game,would be better with enemies.Does anyone know when we’ll be getting the full game?
layer glitch still there. just do Arrange – Send To Back or somethin…
Zymn, heh, well the layers are a bit more complicated than that, but can you post a screen of what you’re talking about to help me out?
damik51, I’m coding as a full time job, but I spend a good deal of time creating levels and fiddling with character animation, or playing video games for inspiration. The actual lines, can’t say, I think there’s something like 2,000 on my main frame, then tons of other code spread out in movie clips (which I hear is a big no no in Flash, hehe). Everything’s done in Flash, art, code, backgrounds…
“the long jump is a bit choppy, I might get Mike Miller to inbetween it a bit more”
“or playing video games for inspiration.”
I do that all the time too. ๐
I don’t let the fact that I’m not creating any games to stop me either. (On another totally unrelated note: L4D is awesome, I only really started playing it today and verses is sweet…)
Well, it’s not as great a time as some, but I got a 53.33 on .9b:
DrNecroCF thanks for reply :). I need to spend lot of time to learn action script… And I think you must have experience to doing games. How long are you working in da flash? Studies or learning it yourself? And how are u learning? (books, net). Thanks a lot for answer for my post. And again sorry for my english. ๐
52.00 in 09b
w00t 53:60
i is happy, although I know it isn’t as good as some, its my PB
ooo, i got 26.7 seconds.
in my mind at least.
Ok this happened to me -> it just levitaded there. at this moment it levitates ๐ had to refresh whole page. 53.60 my record ๐
Do you plan on ever porting this to XNA Creators’ Club for the Xbox 360?
It’s really cool. So smooth, I really like it. I think I’m sort of buying the game for ps3 because of this ๐
Just goes to show EA choose well to spend it’s money to pay Brad and others to make a flash game based on ME. It’s like advertising, but cheaper (presumably). ๐
And besides, it’ll probably get digged and linked a lot and will just spread through word of mouth once the whole game is released.
Hey Brad, I know people keep asking you but when is the full game coming out?
I’m just wondering because my college finishes this term on the 17th and we go back on the 5th. If preferably I’d be awesome to have it release when during the Xmas holidays so I actually have time to play it. XD
Me too. My classes end at the 18th so I’m probably buying it the next day. Sooo…I will just play the two if it’s out yet. It ‘ll be a good comparation point. ๐
Lol I’m not really warm. Two mountains covered in snow around me ๐
Great beta, completed it.
Mildly annoyed that nothing happened when you got everything =[
Ups looks like it was beat yet. -.-
Haha, I bet it’s still warmer than over here. Seriously, it’s really frickin’ cold. Every morning I walk out and almost slip on ice. ยฌยฌ
@Paramecium: Yea, just remember it’s a BETA. There’ll be a reward in the actual game. Although a little reward in the BETA would’ve been cool too.
I guess you’re right. That time I went to England…dude…brrrrr
The link doesn’t seem to be working…I get a weird error message. Is this happening to anyone else?
me too o.o