Gonna be heading up to GDC in San Francisco soon. Don’t know if that means I’ll be posting more or less for the week, heh. I’ll try and keep you guys updated if anything interesting happens. If anyone here is awesome and going to be there, let me know!
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Gah. I’m so jealous…
if FPM AW 3 come’s faster then its ok
MAN, i’m in calafornia right now, its seems like your almost following me or something! =P i’ll be in colorado in a bit, maybe i’ll run into you somewere in these western states!
Hey Brad, Are you going to the Flash Game Summit as well?
Whats this page all about Brad.
Try reading it, that might help you figure it out. 😉
cool have fun!
So – not sure where to post this, but it seems that the FPA2 link on armor games seems to be down. Just FYI, not sure if you can do anything about it or if it’s just my computer that’s screwed up, but thought you might want to know…
HeHeHeHeHeHe I have the giguls:D
Brad how to chang my pictre?………………that one >
Who want’s to read about narutohttp://www.onemanga.com/Naruto/484/16-17
@John Junner: What, you mean like mine???
(This could be fun)
Go ahed but I just wan’t one comment and that’s from Wallross and it dosn’t seam fun (T_T)
I was granted an avatar for fearlessly rescuing Cutie Pants from a spider.
I think she kinda fell in love with me, but 2D girls arent my type.
That’s good
On a less made up note, hows the change around of the forum/site going???
both? mehbeh?
SHHHHHHHH about being shushed! And also confused.
I’m obsessive =(
and GDC was awesome, I’m going to try to post on that today if Brad doesn’t beat me to posting about something else . . .
We have issues with that sometimes . . . 😉
Haha awesome.
A friend and I have gotten talking too, we’re thinking of trying to go to GDC Europe in Germany. Which would be awesome to no end.
Brad and I were talking about MAYBE trying GDC Canada at some point, not this year though . . . . .
I wonder if theres a GDC Australia?