Hopefully this is the first in a series of progress reports on World 3. I know I never post as much info about the development of World 3 as I’d like to, so I’m going to make an effort to consistently post updates on development. Hopefully I’ll be able to make these on a weekly basis.
To start off, we have:
– Advanced pencil combat and movement techniques.
– What exists so far of the sword fighting pirate baddie.
– Combat with flying enemy concept
– First video of Squiggleville ๐
Next video should be much more interesting, got a few things I’m working on that hopefully everyone will like.
View the video from YouTube to watch it in HD!
Yeah, definitely, I’m pushing for having a good deal of ways to just play around in the game.
Will the flying creatures be animated, pft, what do I look like, Filmation?? >:O
Glad you like the pirates, real animation takes soooo much longer than animating stick figures, heh.
I have a few ideas for cameo art, but I’m not sure I can say anything about that yet. For World 2 it was a pretty last minute decision, but I can say I love working with awesome Flash artists…
Just wanted to ask if his sister will still be included in the game.
Is the aerial attack always gonna be an overhand swing? Just asking.
Unlike those other series (like the Matrix) where the creator notices its success and decides to make a sequel in order to churn out some more popularity, FPA just keeps on getting better and better like there’s no end to it.
This video is incredibly awesome, the pencil aerial bounce adds a whole now dimension to the game.
I didn’t expect Squigleville to be this urbanised, rather naturalised as we saw in the preview pic. But whatever fits your fancy, I guess ๐
Also, I just googled Filmation. You’re damn awesome for making a reference like that of the top of your head.
Wow. Just drawing the level probably took TONS of time. I noticed you added the “run up wall” move from ME2D. Will we see the move where you run sideways on a wall in the background?
The pencil PWNS ALL. I can’t WAIT to memorize a level and then just Spider Pinball like WJUK said through the whole thing. ๐
Did I mention it’s awesome?
@Hidas1: I dont think that Brad wants to rip of ME2D too much, you know. I just dont see that bilboard run as a move that FPM would pull off.
I probably should have expected this, but the fact that this is so obviously the greatest game in human history, IS BLOWING MY MIND! I was like, “Oh, there’s no way he’s gonna top THAT! But look, he just did!” Five independently scrolling backgrounds!? Animated buildings that cut away to reveal the level!? Even Fancy Pants Man is better, his backflip is ten times cooler, he can run on walls, and use a spin attack with his pencil! How did you find the courage to design such exquisite aerial enemies, Brad!? SO MUCH 3D!!!
But there are also some questions! How do you make it so he performs a jumping attack with his pencil from a standing position? Hold A and S at the same time, or hold A and THEN press S? Do the pirates simply have more health than spiders, or are they defending with their swords? Do the swords stay on the ground because you can pick them up, or are they more like snail shells? Is it easy to acquire the pencil, or must you find it first? Are you going to implement more of ME2D’s features, like ziplines and a race-your-ghost mode? That’s all! ๐
Thank you for doing such an amazing job on this. I love you.
The only problem I have with this is that it looks like FPA3 will just become TOO much. Having to handle the pencil is one thing. But having to handle the pencil bounce and all…
I don’t know Brad. As long as you keep the learning curve proper. I hate being thrown into games where the creator haven’t thought of learning the player. You don’t seem to be that kinda guy though. But I’ll just have to wait and see. It’s not like you’ll release the game before asking about the learning curve and how it feels.
Oh, and having read daxters comment, i must agree. Also, i forgot to mention to mention that i too loved the fading buildings to reveal the inside, they were very well done. In conclusion, i dont love you like slugminni, but youre still a cool dude. ^^
If it makes you feel any better, Brad usually has me go through it first and I tell him how it feels to me. All he tells me is the buttons it requires and let’s me go. It’s actually not too difficult to pick up, if it was, I’d whine constantly until Brad changed it . . . .
I’m a horrible wife =(
OK, it’s nice to see that there will be more videos with more interesting stuff, meaning you’ll somehow top this video. ๐
Hey Brad, just noticed a few things on my 100th (thats how epic it is!!) rewatch:
1) When the pirates left hand comes down after a lunge, the line
on their shoulder dissapeears.
2) The lines for FPM look thinner than in the WallRun sprites,
than any of the others.(or its just me)
@Brad: Judging from the pirates, the mayor and some sketches inside the building, every person seems to be actually human, with the exception of FPM and CPG.
Are they, being stick figures, another race/species?
Or are they the only 2 of their kind?
I guess that they’re from another town where everyone is a stick figure. Will you show this place in the game or later games? Or are you just going to keep their origin a mystery?
Well, speaking of the “fullness” of the pirates, their arms look really big. Maybe the pirates themselves could be made a bit bigger, so the arms aren’t so huge in comparison, or maybe you could just make the arms skinnier. I don’t know, maybe I’m just not used to FPA people who are filled in, but the Mayor looked more proportionate, in my opinion.
i lkike want to scream and then… just, i dunno. die of uter awesome? this is honestly, the BEST fash game IN HISTORY!!!!
Thats ssssssoooooooooooo awsome!
will you be accepting ideas from us?
i just want to see, for the heavy attacks, keep the little impact pause, and don’t use it for the normal attacks. thats just my opinion about it.
and i just have to say, I LOVE THE BACKFLIP ANIMATION!
@gheith: Sure, as long as everyone understands that I still have last say, heh. Yeah, the jab has much less of a hit impact than the heavy attacks do. I might lower it even more once I have baddies that use it better and I’m actually playing around with it. And thanks ๐
@greatestguy: What if you use something that lets you download the mp4s from YouTube? Is there another video site that works for you? Sadly I just don’t have the bandwidth to host the videos myself, or I would, I hate Flash video.
Gotta say it looks really good, although it looks like he shoves the pencil into his pants.
@Fairly: Oh no you ain’t! ๐
I seriously wonder why nobody else tried to cheer you up. You made a sad smiley! That’s serious stuff!
P.S. If you did do that, I’d recommend going with a 3rd party publisher, so that most of your fans could get their dirty little paws on it (i.e. if you were to go with Microsoft, PlayStation 3 owners like me would be left out in the cold ๐ ). Anyway, just wondering if that might be a possibility in the near (or far) future, World 3 looks awesome though so if you say no I’ll bury my dissipointment with that, Shift 5 and Eliminate (Pro and CO-OP).
Brad this time you have realy out done your self keep up the good work:D
Brad did you us Pivot to creat fancy pants man or did you just draw him and put him on the computer amd animat hem?
I like the new backflip!
Ive just got a few questions:
when will the next video be out?
Will you make a trilogy of worls 1,2 and 3?
Do you think you could make an iphone game of World 1? Armor games is your sponser an they have already made shift and crush the castle for the iphone.(there could be a button for jumping and one for ducking!)
please reply!!!
Okay… awesome, I have a question… there was a FPM world 2 demo… when is the FPM world 3 demo going to be out?
LOOKS AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Will there be a demo??????
@john junner: In case you didn’t know, Flash has its own set of drawing tools, which is what Brad uses to make the animations. Pivot is for making 10-second clips of stick figures killing each other, which I think Brad knows about.
HAHAHAHAHA VideoGuy people make thos you can make one thats not about filling and you can make a fancy pants man and pivot dose not involve flash.
P.S:It’s more then 10-seconds long.
I think what VideoGuy is trying to say is:
Flash is an advanced porgram that allows you to create just about anything you can imagine, whereas Pivot is meant for the specific purpose of… making stickfigures kill eachother.
come on brad! please release a demo! i mean you released the demo of fpaw2 when there was still tons of glitches and unfinished art, why can’t you do the same for world 3?
@Junner: Where did Brad say that he thought that Pivot was a person? (Even though, there’s a whole lot of people who have had that name.)
Also, Pivot is not worth mentioning when discussing animation. I’ve never seen a good Pivot animation.
@VideoGuy: You’re totally right!
@DaxterSpeed: Agreed.
@Jesus: I bet when Brad feels he has enough for a good play through, he’ll work on releasing a demo. But to say “Why CAN’T you do what you did with FPA2?” is ridiculous. He’ll tell us when he CAN, but you shouldn’t rush him before then. For all we know, the FPA2 demo was one-time-only thing.
Junner please, THIS is what Flash can do: http://legomyfoot.deviantart.com/art/Unexpected-3-123825011
Slugminni pivot does not involve Flash in any way.OOHH and aslo HI every one.
John, pivot is a free program, not something that any proffesional would ever use. Pivot contains no interactivity, doesnt export, and only uses basic lines.
Flash is an amazing program that proffesionals use.
I suggest that you download the trial instead of annoying Brad about a program that is used to make stick figure movies.
I love internet comments…oh, what were we talking about? Oh yeah…
Wallross pretty much summed it up. John, we’re trying to show you the difference between Flash and Pivot, not connect the two. They are very different programs, Flash being a lot better than the Pivot, so stop mentioning it.
And Slugminni, yours isn’t bad, but Flash is capable of a lot more than that. I think that’s all jesus was saying.
And for anyone who asks for a demo: I’m sure Brad has considered it, and begging for one isn’t going to change anything.
and i can beat your animation ANY day…. just sayin’
On second thought, let’s just forget the whole thing and start the topic all over again!
HAHAHAHA I know what pivot is and it’s nothing like flash at all.
*wants to stab jesus*
Anyways, Brad: Report 2? Now? Please?
Yeah, no offense or anything John, but how old are you? Is English a second language? ‘Cause, again, no offense, but it seems like you’re having a hard time understanding us, and we’re having a hard time understanding you.
oh and junner,
flash pwns, pivot sucks… all there is to it.
OMG!! brad just sent me a demo for WORLD 4!!!! http://www.truploader.com/view/396206
OMG OMG OMG!! its SOOOO amazing!!!!
Not funny jesus_minime.
Jesus, Flash ANIMATIONS are a different venue from Flash GAMES, sure it is capable of more, but that’s only because I showed you the type of Flash venue that I dabble in. Sure, Brad’s Flash GAMES are superior in composition to my ANIMATIONS, but they are still completely different genres. ๐
And that weird thing at the end where you cried and lied about being sorry… It’s freakin me out. O_O
i was actually confessing that i lied about the link i posted be for fancy pants adventure world 4…
and flash ANIMATIONS CAN be made a lot better.
therefore flash is CAPABLE of doing so much more than simple animating. i’m dissing your animation, i’m just saying that PROS like Adam Phillips, can do way better. or even myself.