oh, Brad, I just noticed that if you roll against a wall, you bounce back again and roll in the other direction. but the animation of FP’s hair looks really weird when this happens. maybe you’ll have the time to fix this ๐
@pandebus: yep, i saw that too! has anyone done a back flip in slowmode? because if you look carefully, fancy pants doesnt do a full flip, and he lands on his head, but a frame after, hes back on his feet. Brad, its weird, but dont try to fix it, because you have work to do on W3! and console fpm! lol.
@Icarax, that’s not a glitch, it’s just because FPM doesn’t have enough space to go high enough on the wall. once you can walk higher, you’ll be able to do a full flip.
@pandebus: yea, i guess, but i dont think i used the wording “glitch” for the wallflip. i knew it had to do with space, but what i thought was weird was that fancy pants wasnt dazed like he would be in world 2. thats what i thought was weird, because i kinda knew that the header is too small to do the full wall flip. I have fully stated myself…. wait, wait! well, theoretically it isnt a glitch, because brad doesnt have time to fix these little things. Do not fix this Brad, for you have a job to do on World 3 and the Console FPM!!!! for Fanciness!
sorry i haven’t commented in a while guys, logging in doesn’t work anymore ๐
the reason why i’m here now and not at school is because SCHOOL IS CANCELED!!!!!!! AWESOME!!! we have about 4 inches of snow here, it’s 25 degrees fahrenheit, and its still snowing!!
well i played hooky to go to the dentist.
no cavities:P
that’s why i’m not at school.(anyway my school network has a webwasher for this site.i hate those things)
In holland there’s a hit, called Barbra’s Treisand. every time I hear it it reminds me of FPM World 2, because the intro is exactly like the music from W2 ๐
hey, guys. my computers dying.
probably won’t be on for a long while.
so…see ya, brad.
see ya, fairly.
see ya, internet.
and remember(i know this is old)THIS IS SPARTA!!!! ๐
@applewarrior Ugh… I know I hate those web-washer things too. They’ve blocked this site on my school computers also, although I never knew they were called web-washers until you said they were.
@brad: i have been pressuring the same question, but you havent answered! its now nearly friday (the second one) and yet we dont know when the report is going to be! can you please inform us soon? thanks. ๐
TGIFAMBWMAR! (it means Thank god its friday, and maybe brad will make a report!) lol. but will you brad? or is something more interesting coming, and that would be the reason why you havent been posting in a while? well, i guess we just have to wait and see! ๐ฎ
-,- like FairlyObvious said, last week was Thanksgiving, so rather than upsetting the system of one video every friday Brad probably just skipped one friday.
Hey guys, Over the Top is hitting an important development milestone, and I’ve been super busy getting them all the animations and such that they need. I’m going to try to make a new video for the weekend, though.
I wonder if it will be on Saturday or Sunday?(it’s Saturday today). Anywho, it don’t matter cuz brad’s working hard with OVERTHETOP gamez.. oooh… milestone :O EXCITED
FPA rockz me socks off!:D
@everyone: is there any other way to get a picture OTHER than gravatar, because gravatar doesnt let me in, even though this is a wordpress account!! please tell me if you know. hey brad, do you know how to? After all, you do have a picture….
@brad: not to pressure you or anything but…. do you know what time you will be doing the report today (if you are, because you said that you would make one for the weekend)???
Ok, let’s review.
โขNew console game
โขOver the Top having a development milestone
โขHaving a life
Yep, that about covers it. ICARAX, don’t you think Brad’s got more important things to do right now?
@pieman: okay, i didnt mean it to come out like a bad thing, or a complaint, i was just asking, because brad had said he was going to, or at least try to make one. and really, who doesnt have a life? lol. but sorry if i offended anyone or anything.
aww…man! This has made my day! I’m so happy to hear that fancy pants man has been picked up by electronic arts – I make flash games myself. It’s fills me with optimism that now increasingly the mainstream world is looking towards the indie world for ideas. I can make games I want to make and maybe..just maybe they’ll go further than could ever be imagined!
Your animation is truly beautiful! – I still can’t figure out exactly how you’ve done it!
@SticksStones not being an animater myself, I can’t be 100% sure, but I suppose he just does it frame by frame. and after having done this for, uhmโฆ I dunno how many years, He’s become extraordinarily pro at it ๐ so, I hope you’ve got some spare time ๐
@davismouse: its easy. just type in, https://www.bornegames.com or whatever site you want, and it most likely will be a link if you type it right. Hope this helps! ๐
@pandebus: i make little animations, and i believe most animations are made with frame by frame. And more of my evidence that it done with frame by frame is that on the header if you hold shift and run with fancy pants, it shows him going frame by frame. As a matter of fact, brad are you going to keep the ability of seeing each frame in the real game?
@everyone: lol, im taking exams in school, and i always finish early, so i make small drawings of fancy pants. i made one of him holding the pencil high, and then i drew him sleeping, you get it. lol.
@brad: unfortunately, i dont have a facebook yet. im thinking after my exams im going to attempt to get one, and then i can post my pictures. but i found this really cool animating program called “stykz” and i made a fancy pants, but it isnt as good as my drawings on real paper. is there any way I can post an animation on this site of fancy pants? because its not a game, its a small video animated on a computer…
Are only a few select people playing the beta for World 3? And does it come out before, after, or the same time as the demo? Either way, I’d like to play it as soon as possible.
You know, all this animating business is sounding awesome, maybe I’ll get something to animate with….. Pfft I’m just kiddin’, i’ve wanted to animate stuff since forever. I have to wait until I get a computer that doesn’t break down every five seconds though. Maybe I’ll be able to make somethin’ like FARMVILLE (lol facebook reference) no but seriously, Brad, when you animate, do you draw as good as you would normally?
@applewarrior You type in : ? : without the spaces ๐ hope that helps with all your question mark endeavours ๐
awwww, no report on fri???? ๐
oh, Brad, I just noticed that if you roll against a wall, you bounce back again and roll in the other direction. but the animation of FP’s hair looks really weird when this happens. maybe you’ll have the time to fix this ๐
@pandebus: yep, i saw that too! has anyone done a back flip in slowmode? because if you look carefully, fancy pants doesnt do a full flip, and he lands on his head, but a frame after, hes back on his feet. Brad, its weird, but dont try to fix it, because you have work to do on W3! and console fpm! lol.
@Icarax, that’s not a glitch, it’s just because FPM doesn’t have enough space to go high enough on the wall. once you can walk higher, you’ll be able to do a full flip.
@pandebus: yea, i guess, but i dont think i used the wording “glitch” for the wallflip. i knew it had to do with space, but what i thought was weird was that fancy pants wasnt dazed like he would be in world 2. thats what i thought was weird, because i kinda knew that the header is too small to do the full wall flip. I have fully stated myself…. wait, wait! well, theoretically it isnt a glitch, because brad doesnt have time to fix these little things. Do not fix this Brad, for you have a job to do on World 3 and the Console FPM!!!! for Fanciness!

@ Brad, What’s up? When’s are next progress report coming? ๐
sorry i haven’t commented in a while guys, logging in doesn’t work anymore ๐
we have about 4 inches of snow here, it’s 25 degrees fahrenheit, and its still snowing!! 
the reason why i’m here now and not at school is because SCHOOL IS CANCELED!!!!!!!
well i played hooky to go to the dentist.
no cavities:P
that’s why i’m not at school.(anyway my school network has a webwasher for this site.i hate those things)
In holland there’s a hit, called Barbra’s Treisand. every time I hear it it reminds me of FPM World 2, because the intro is exactly like the music from W2 ๐
pandebus: the music from world 2 was awesome
ICARAX:that’s what i said!!! ๐ฎ
@spplewarrior: srry, didnt read ur comment, BUT STILL!!!!!! ๐ฏ
hey, guys. my computers dying.
probably won’t be on for a long while.
so…see ya, brad.
see ya, fairly.
see ya, internet.
and remember(i know this is old)THIS IS SPARTA!!!! ๐
Pandebus: Barbra’s Trisand? I thought it was Barbra Streisand…
W2 music was epic, so W3 should have even better music! lol.
@pandebus: Are you dutch? Cuz I am.
@CARAX: about ur world three idea, that is really cool! great idea
@baconnlegs: thank you, thank you (bows).
@Brad: When do you expect to make the next report?
@applewarrior Ugh… I know I hate those web-washer things too. They’ve blocked this site on my school computers also, although I never knew they were called web-washers until you said they were.
@brad: i have been pressuring the same question, but you havent answered! its now nearly friday (the second one) and yet we dont know when the report is going to be! can you please inform us soon? thanks. ๐
TGIFAMBWMAR! (it means Thank god its friday, and maybe brad will make a report!) lol. but will you brad? or is something more interesting coming, and that would be the reason why you havent been posting in a while? well, i guess we just have to wait and see!
-,- like FairlyObvious said, last week was Thanksgiving, so rather than upsetting the system of one video every friday Brad probably just skipped one friday.
but…. where is brad? is he working on something EVEN COOLER?
Hey guys, Over the Top is hitting an important development milestone, and I’ve been super busy getting them all the animations and such that they need. I’m going to try to make a new video for the weekend, though.
@Brad: NP man as long as the game comes out were happy
@Brad: yay!! okay im happy now. lol
I wonder if it will be on Saturday or Sunday?(it’s Saturday today). Anywho, it don’t matter cuz brad’s working hard with OVERTHETOP gamez.. oooh… milestone :O EXCITED
FPA rockz me socks off!:D
@Brad: what kind of “milestone” may i ask?
@everyone: is there any other way to get a picture OTHER than gravatar, because gravatar doesnt let me in, even though this is a wordpress account!! please tell me if you know. hey brad, do you know how to? After all, you do have a picture….
@davismouse: yeah right! but where is this “2Darray” and why does he or she comment anymore?
2DArray? The programmer of “the company of myself”?
–> http://armorgames.com/user/2DArray
@AJ32: possibly?…..
@brad: not to pressure you or anything but…. do you know what time you will be doing the report today (if you are, because you said that you would make one for the weekend)???
๐ ๐
Ok, let’s review.
โขNew console game
โขOver the Top having a development milestone
โขHaving a life
Yep, that about covers it. ICARAX, don’t you think Brad’s got more important things to do right now?
@pieman: okay, i didnt mean it to come out like a bad thing, or a complaint, i was just asking, because brad had said he was going to, or at least try to make one. and really, who doesnt have a life? lol. but sorry if i offended anyone or anything.
aww…man! This has made my day! I’m so happy to hear that fancy pants man has been picked up by electronic arts – I make flash games myself. It’s fills me with optimism that now increasingly the mainstream world is looking towards the indie world for ideas. I can make games I want to make and maybe..just maybe they’ll go further than could ever be imagined!
Your animation is truly beautiful! – I still can’t figure out exactly how you’ve done it!
@SticksStones not being an animater myself, I can’t be 100% sure, but I suppose he just does it frame by frame. and after having done this for, uhmโฆ I dunno how many years, He’s become extraordinarily pro at it ๐ so, I hope you’ve got some spare time ๐
@davismouse: its easy. just type in, https://www.bornegames.com or whatever site you want, and it most likely will be a link if you type it right. Hope this helps!
@pandebus: i make little animations, and i believe most animations are made with frame by frame. And more of my evidence that it done with frame by frame is that on the header if you hold shift and run with fancy pants, it shows him going frame by frame. As a matter of fact, brad are you going to keep the ability of seeing each frame in the real game?
@everyone: lol, im taking exams in school, and i always finish early, so i make small drawings of fancy pants. i made one of him holding the pencil high, and then i drew him sleeping, you get it. lol.
Do we still look for glitches in world two? I mean, because i found one….
@brad: unfortunately, i dont have a facebook yet. im thinking after my exams im going to attempt to get one, and then i can post my pictures. but i found this really cool animating program called “stykz” and i made a fancy pants, but it isnt as good as my drawings on real paper. is there any way I can post an animation on this site of fancy pants? because its not a game, its a small video animated on a computer…
Hm, don’t know of a way besides YouTube, or emailing it to me.
Are only a few select people playing the beta for World 3? And does it come out before, after, or the same time as the demo? Either way, I’d like to play it as soon as possible.
You know, all this animating business is sounding awesome, maybe I’ll get something to animate with….. Pfft I’m just kiddin’, i’ve wanted to animate stuff since forever. I have to wait until I get a computer that doesn’t break down every five seconds though. Maybe I’ll be able to make somethin’ like FARMVILLE (lol facebook reference) no but seriously, Brad, when you animate, do you draw as good as you would normally?
brad, can you post this animating program when you finish w3 so everyone can attempt creating games (flash, i think). thanks!!
@Aubrey: Everything that I’ve said up until the announcement of FPA for consoles still stands.
@Pieman: That sounded like a Farmville reference to me, yeck ๐
@ICARAX: Adobe would not be happy if I posted Flash, neither would my bandwidth, or my host ๐ And Mac.
Well, farmville’s on Facebook Sooooo.
But which is worse? Hmmm…
That’s a trick question, because Farmville actively makes Facebook even worse, zing!
No plans have changed with World 3, the EA deal has been going on for awhile now, I wouldn’t have lied to you guys all that time, heh.
Many more updates coming ๐