Um if that one doesn’t work, try this one.
Some people say they can’t see the difference between 60fps and 30fps. I think they’re silly.
Um, if neither of those play, try downloading it? Dang, no wonder people still use Flash for video, yeck.
BTW, anyone see any of the Chrome ads featuring Fancy Pants Man? Just came up for me on Destructoid, awesome stuff.
Woot! My first first, lol. Anyways, getting a ps3 4 mah b-day, which is in early april, and the vid waz laggy for me and it looked worse than 30fps so obviously I need a faster pc.
P.S havnt seen the ad yet on chrome, but ill keep a look out!
Actually, fancy pants man animation was still 30 fps, right?
Because it was kinda weird… 30 FPS in fancy pants, and in the background 60 FPS…
Ah, so much frames… I am an amateur, so i make my animations 24 FPS ๐
Thanks Brad, the only reason i have to animate in flash is to reach at the fancy’s level. You are my Hero and my motivation….
I say leave it at 30 until you can draw more frames for FPM. It looks kinda weird when he’s moving with low frames and everything around him is 60. I mean this in the best possible way. Constructive criticism, you know?
sorry for the double post, but i found a glitch in the header! if you roll into the wall and suddenly stop, it goes back to the old roll, and if you let go of the down arrow, he gets stuck in the position before getting up! hope it helps. ๐
@icarax just hit r and the level will reset
@jackhall: i know! ๐ ๐ ๐ but unfortunately, R just makes fpm disappear! ๐ ๐ฎ
Wow! I just watched (no, literally just watched) the new footage, and it’s awesome!!! ๐ It makes me sad tough, because it makes me want to play even more, and you STILL haven’t released it yet!!! ๐ And besides, it looks like it’s finished. I’ll still be checking in, (Brad, I hope your reading this) ;), But can you give the release date??? ๐ Sorry for double-posting! ๐ <- wat?
Buggens happens when I ram in high speed into the corner of that purple thing. The game freezes. If I let Chrome try to stop it I only get tons of smoke animation at the impact point.
@Cameron: It’s funny, I hardly notice the 30 fps animations anymore, though spinning does look a little smoother.
It would be totally sweet to inbetween all of the animations… Maybe one day…
Looks like I was experimenting with new animations in the header file, since it exports so much quicker. I was trying to update the roll, but couldn’t figure anything out that looked better than the original, so I didn’t copy that one over to the Sneak Peek, but I’ll probably revert the header’s also.
Brotip: the header actually contains half of a new hang animation, though I have no clue why wall jumping isn’t working there…
@DaxterSpeed: Gonna have to look into that purple thing. Console game doesn’t do that, though.
Most people can’t tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps unless they’re right next to each other, so maybe you should have a video of each or something. Even less can tell the difference between 120 and 60 (120 looks silky smooth ๐ ).
But I do love the 60 fps, are you going to try and get that in the flash version (that would be quite awesome).
BRAD!!!! YOU TRIPLE POSTED!!! ๐ lol, only the owner of the site can triple post without saying sorry. ๐
@Brad: On Kongregate, the pencil meter suddenly says 2000 something! WHAT HAPPENED???? We have over 15,000 likes and follows… And by the way, 60 fps looks awesome. Is there any way you could let us try it in the sneak peek or something?
Thanks, Brad! ๐
@smileylover: Oops! That was my fault, I have to type that number in manually. Fixed. Yep, over 15,000, not bad at all!
Maybe I could add something small for 20k, hmmmm.
@Brad, that would be great! ๐
the 60fps is nice’n smooth, only now one can really see that some animations are done framebyframe (like the running in the beginning)
And I absolutely love the high quality ๐
sorry for the double post, but, I figured out how to get rid of the snail in the sneak-peek. get the snail as far right as possible, there you will see a spring-pad, get the snail on to the spring-pad, he should go up and down indefinitely, then go back to the house. while you are doing that you should hear the sound of a spring-pad constantly and regularly being used, when you get to the house go in, and the sound should stop. When it does, go and try to find it. But don’t take all day!
@Brad:you should 60FPS (Or whatever you call it) the sneak peek. ๐
@fuzzylogicbrain: welcome newcomer! ๐
@Brad: small as in one of the pencil moves? …. ๐ฎ ๐ โ ๐ ooh…
@Pandebus: Every single animation in the entire game is fbf ๐ I ain’t no tweener >:O
@FuzzyLogicBrain: Yeah, with the animation system in the console game, we can pause all animations and nested animations, any time, pretty much ever.
Yeah, something weird with Flash’s hitTests, they just stop working if go to far away from the stage. Not really sure why it does that. Might have to turn off the shell even in mid air if you get too far from it. The spring doesn’t pan and fade like the other sound effects? Gonna have to fix that too.
@Seana360499: Because it’s in Flash, haha. For awhile, I think you could unlock the framerate by holding F, but that speeds everything up. I don’t have a system in there to control the animation to such a degree, like Over the Top had to build.
ICARAX: Maaaybe…
@Brad: Yes I did see the Chrome ads and also, I have two questions for you:
1) Do you know yet what date you are going to release the game?
2) How many Microsoft points will the game cost on xbox?
@RockinPIXARdude: i hope he adds the fun level form world 3 report 3 and a baddie tryout room
@brad will the fun level be on the console game
Wow, it looks pretty good running in 60 fps even though fancy pants man animation is on 30 fps. It would be awesome if it had the in betweens but that would take lots of work. Thank you for uploading!
Cool. ๐ Bye guys!!!
@brad: awesome! maaybe is good enough for me! ๐ ๐ ๐
Brad: probably a little late with this but… love the new Header!!!
but he won’t wall jump anymore ๐
ICARAX: i second that emotion!!
Brad: i have a proposition. you upload the pencil combat when we hit 20k. but if-IF-we get to 30k you upload the frog,
i know this probably won’t get a yes, but i thought it was worth a try.
so what do ya think? ๐
@applewarrior: i second that emotion!! ๐ ๐ ๐
@jackhall: lolol, thirding an emotion. ๐ ๐
Why the frog and not the angry duck?
why not all of them
everyone: i knew you guys would like my suggestion. let’s just hope Brad does too…
RANDOMNESS!!!: my power went out for, like, 5 seconds( ’cause there was a thunderstorm) & my computer shut off. i had to turn it back on, log back on to my computer account, open up Google Chrome, go to, then-FINALLY- log on as applewarrior. it was so long & tedious… it sucked
we’re currently at 15,839 and climbing.
could everyone do me a favor & cross your fingers??
15,866!!! & climbing
sorry about the triple post. it just seems like i’m the only one here. here. here.
creepy. eepy. eepy. eepy.
is it possible to be LMAO & giving you a salute at the same time?
๐ ๐ ๐ โ
“cause that’s what i’m doing right now. ๐
15,879!!! and climbing!!!
we’re goin’ at a good speed. great job people of the internet!!
๐ ๐ ๐ โ ๐
keep it up!!
Hey guys! ๐ I know this is an obvious question, but when will it be finished???????????????????????????????????????? ‘:/
Seana360499: when will what be finished? world 3? the console version? be specific. ๐
The console version. Besides, Brad said that FPA for console is coming out first and then for computers.
Welcome MisterChessio!
Watch the trailers, they have some clues as to the plot.
FPM has to rescue his sister, Cutie Pants Girl, fighting pirates, toothpick ninjas along the way.
@ miaow
Actually, I’ve been visiting this site for a little while now, but I just recently made an account and got involved. Therefore, I know a fair bit about the main plot. My curiosity was piqued, however when I came across this ‘king’ and ‘tub’ stuff. I dunno if anyone else knows about it and I’m just behind, but that’s how it is. Sorry for any confusion ๐
The Royal Tub? Just look at this:
@mistercheesio: welcome newcomer! ๐ ๐
@Seana360499: LOL, as a joke, how many times has the question been asked in the past month? lol. ๐
@Applewarrior: well, what we know is console game is being released before world 3… right brad? or have you been working on world 3?…? ๐ ๐
@smileylover: (your last post on the last video (the fancy pants adventures report 6)) Well to make a video, you can use quicktime player, theres another program, but you have to sign up for it, so quicktimes the best, but thats just my opinion. and then after making the video, theres some type of format i believe. but im not the best at telling how to make a movie. maybe somebody else can help me??? in case im wrong? …
Sorry ICARAX, I’m just so anxious!!! ๐
@jackhall: i know, i created him! ๐ ๐
my friend (the one whos making a second facebook) i think he knows how to make smileys have different colors. for instance, he could take mr green, and make him red. and then give it a code name that you would type in and the smiley would appear! i think he does… i forget if thats what he said, or if it was something else. lol.
@Seana360499: Well, everyone who is a fancy pants fan wants it to come out (including me) but patience is a virtue. and it was just a joke btw! ๐ ๐
Thanks! Makes alot more sense now!
Glad you care! ๐
@AJ32 Just played the sneak peek and I noticed the sign pointing up with a picture of a royal tub on it… Feel kinda derpy now lol!
@Mistercheesio: where is the sign that says royal tub in the sneak peek?!?!?!?!?!?!? are you sure its not the video sneak peek?? send the webpage link if its the game.
@ICARAX: The sign is at the end of sqiggleville, the light blue sign with a picture of a bath tub and a crown, remember that? Right under the door? ๐
I havn’t been able to post anything lately, due to a lot of homework and other projects at school ๐
But hopefully there will be less things to do now ๐
@Brad: Isn’t there a whole lvl indicated to the royal bath tub? And why is that bathtub really so important? I don’t get it… I know the pirates are trying to steal it, but why? ๐