Last Trip!

On a plane, last trip before launch, you know what that means!

(old Update)

So I’m at EA’s headquarters at the moment, talking about the future of FPA (daunting!). If anyone wants to pipe in about what other platforms FPA should hit (don’t lie, I know you all do!), now’s the best time to do it.

(new Update)

Yep, I’m in London right now, this is the last big push before launch! Getting the game in the hands of a lot of very awesome people, and the response has been even more incredible than before, I really don’t know what else to say.

We have one more day, then you should be getting a nice little flood of infos 😉

Then, well, you know what happens after that 😀

(and don’t spam up my comments, plz, go make a thread in the forum 😛 )

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  1. tyson

    @Icarax: good attitude but i feel bored with the normal sneek peek and I have not got an xbox or ps3. I only have a ps2 wii ds computer and ipod touch… ok that sounds lucky but I had to buy them all and they are all the consoles that it is NOT going to be on, well except for the computer, but that won’t be as big. I don’t know why but i think that there should be moves in the combo rooms for the pencil stuff like the mid-air pencil spin.

    I was thinking the other day when you put up that blog that you were at a meeting for fancy pants adventures, I thought back to when it all started as a small 3 level flash game to a four player local or online which has epic graphics and is on console.

  2. FuzzyLogicBrain

    @fireblek welcome newcomer! it means that Brad wont go back to ea anymore, and that the game is coming out soon. VERY SOON!! *slobber sloop drool*
    @FANCYFANMAN: you posted just as i posted you sniping freak! (<-lightharted! :3) PSP? AGREEEEEE!!!E!E!E!!!!


    @newcomers: WELCOME ALL NEWCOMERS!!!!!! 😛 😀 😆 by the way, please dont double post too often! only if necessary, or if it doesnt let you edit the comment.

    @ miaow: LOL!!!! 😀

    @seana360499: thats cool! 😛

    @FANCYFANMAN: Welcome back! long time no see. 😀 😛 but you must remember rules, no double posting unless necessary. 😉 😀 :mrgreen:

    @jackhall: i AGAIN second this emotion of jackhalls. 😀 😛 :mrgreen:

  4. Pieman

    So when is the release date? Sorry if it’s been said, but its been months since I even looked at this site.( It’s a miracle I even remember my password.)

  5. smileylover

    I think AfroNinja is my favorite cameo level, but they’re all awesome. Though Adam Phillips is kind of frustrating because there are some squiggles at the top that I can’t figure out how to get to. I’m one of those perfectionists who has to get ALL of the squiggles…

  6. blademan

    The last two details we don’t know are the price and release date. I’m gonna guess it comes out on April 30th, 2011 for XBLA and PSN for 15 dollars/1200 Microsoft Points

  7. blademan

    @ICARAX Thanks for the welcome. Anyways, on PSN you must add money to a virtual PSN wallet using a credit card or a prepaid card and for XBLA,from what I know you need Xbox Live and you need to buy Microsoft points with a Credit Card or prepaid card.

    Also, has anyone else noticed the fact that the FPA Sneak Peek’s Like/follows counter is not updating?


    sorry for the double comment (i realized this wasnt in before)

    Brad: Just curiously, how long ARE you there at EA’s headquarters? 😕

  9. Frito

    Brad! The Fancy Pants Adventures has gotta hit Wii! One of the most popular game systems… And I know a bunch of people who love FPM… but don’t have a PSN or XBLA!I only have a Wii and I am going to die of jealousy when the games come out. Oh man, I’d pay way more than twenty bucks for a Fancy Wii game.

  10. tyson

    @Frito: Yes but are you thinking it would be on disk? I would love the fancy pants adventures on disk cos I can see in about a year I can see a little kid going to walk into EB games and say: “Mummy, can i get fancy pants? All my friends have it and I want it NOW!” From speaking to his/her mother from that obviously they won’t get it, causing them to have a massive tantrum, but that is not brads fault.

    @brad: if you make it on disk trust me, lots of people will buy it, more than in the ps3 store or xbox 360 store because a lot more consoles will be assessable with disk. But man it is your game, I’m just saying.

  11. smileylover

    @Joel Huff: As ICARAX and applewarrior said, Patience is a virtue…. You know we all want it as much as you do. (okay, that was my good side. Now my evil side is saying: I need it! NOW!!! *bangs head repeatedly against wall* (my evil side isn’t smart enough to realize that if it injures it head, it won’t be able to play it anyway….)) So yeah. Anyway, Happy Birthday!! :mrgreen:

  12. Aubrey

    … many comments on one short post….
    anyway, when FPA comes to console, what will happen to the flash version? Won’t it seem dull and boring compared to the console version, which has more opportunity to be amazing? Like you said about the pants, they can’t have designs in the flash game because you would have to design each frame for that pant design. The console version come with so many attachments and options, I’m worried nobody will look forward to the flash version as much as they used to.

    Did someone already ask that? I don’t read the comments anymore…

  13. tyson

    @Pieman: Your right but only for Xbox and ps3. all other consoles have not be announced or never will be. Which brings me to…

    @Brad: Do you know if fpa so far is going to be out on any other consoles? Really would like to know, looking forward to the fanciest game ever. 😛

  14. PC-Gam3r

    Okay, I don’t know if this comment’s a bit late… but I must tell you: I’ve played many flash games in my time, too many in fact but my most popular flash game is yours. I like the variety in your flash games and your talented at what you do, no doubt about that. I’ve also notified many of my friends to play your games as well and they like it too. It’s great and a simple concept can go a long way.

    Hopefully the third world will be better, but one thing I need to tell you is that most game developers would put it on the 3 basic platforms: Xbox 360, PS3 and the PC. I know your putting it on both the Xbox marketplace and the PSN store but have you got any plans as to whether or not it will make it on the PC…? As a pc gamer i most frequently play all my games on the PC, i do have an Xbox 360 but the only time I will make that exception and play on the Xbox 360 is if it is an exclusive game to that console say: Halo for example. It would be great to see it on the PC, so people can release free community designed maps and play online (as it should be played)or even mods for the game; on the PC after all the flash version originated on the PC, so why shouldn’t the console game be simply ported to the PC as many games are these days… i don’t know if thats too much trouble but if its released on more systems it= more money. I’m not saying to put it on the PC for free, I would be happy to pay more than $50 for a console game that I can graciously play on the computer!

    If thats not too much trouble to ask, its a 2D game isn’t it and the controls would be easy to convert over to the PC wouldn’t it? Their the same as the Flash version’s I’d asume… anyways hopefully you read this message and understand just how important and I think I speak for the whole PC community when I say this… but to bring it on the TRUE GAMING SYSTEM and not to forget about the people and the system which started off all gaming to begin with. Even if some people don’t know about it on the PC, some would’ve played it on the internet, the flash version and as such feels right at home on here (the PC). There’s more than 4 million PC users each day, and the Steam application could release it on their store as almost every PC gamer gets their game off Steam and every game like this usually goes to these 3 systems so I can’t see why not. I just hope you consider this or are considering this right now as it is important to me and most people who own a PC. I’m sorry I write a lot but I need to express my feelings as of how it should be released.

    P.S I haven’t wrote about Fancy Pants before or any of your other games because a friend just informed me of this website right now that I could post messages and the release of Fancy Pants so i’ve been reading every post as of the development (even the older ones), playing the sneak peek and now finally being notified of being able to write this message as of now. I know a lot of people play the PC and it would be a shame for all of us PC gamers to miss it. Best wishes and good luck on the FPA and World 3 (Flash).

    Please take into account what I feel and see what you can do about it. I won’t get angry if you can’t/don’t release it on the PC it would just be a great loss as the PC community makes up one of the largest gaming communities out of all the systems and I have no problems if you release it on other platforms other than the Xbox 360 and PS3 like the Wii or Nintendo DS as these are some great ideas but I don’t generally use them or are good at them so if you could release it on the PC as well, my mind would be at ease and I could tell all my mates of this game as well and to buy it on the PC. Just one thing I ask for and one thing only… Also please inform me and everyone else on the website if you decide to release it on the PC as it would make me extremely happy!:)

  15. blademan

    A flash version of world 3 is going to be worked on once Brad is done with the console version. Although I believe it will be different in some ways due to flash`s limitations (no textured pants for example). This is all explained in Brad`s World 3 FAQ.

  16. PC-Gam3r

    Thanks for the clarification @miaow. Yeah just wanted to know, whether or not the PC would get a game that is exactly like or similar to console port and not restricted by flash like you said. (I wasn’t talking about the flash version however…). It amazes me though that at this stage, there are so many possibilities as to what gaming system it could go on, as it would would greatly on any. I have already read the FAQ’s and know about the flash version and that it would be limited, etc. and that it would be created after the console but just wanted to know about this standalone version. Also is there going to be a fancy pants 4 in the future and what will happen to the FPA franchise from here on? Will there be DLC… Too many questions I’m wondering about and not enough answers. Maybe I’m just too anxious and can’t wait as to whether these outcomes could just so happen to be true.

  17. ICARAX

    @PC-Gam3r: Welcome newcomer!

    @joel huff: happy birthday!

    @smileylover: thank you for quoting me! 😛 😀


    @tyson: well, i guess you are right, people would buy it EVEN MORE if it was on computers. But yes, its what he wants to do.

    @Brad: so after this is on these two consoles, you will be back on world 3, right?

    @everyone: has anyone played the impossible game? (by flukeduke360) its really cool (not as cool as FPM though!) its on itouch and xbox 360, and i think android. But anyway FANCY PANTS IS AWESOMER, IN ALL WAYS!!!! 😀 😛 :mrgreen:

  18. BE FANCY

    It’s hard to choose just one cameo level, they’re all awesome – but I did especially love the AfroNinja one. It had an unusual, unique art style and I was terrible at it to begin with, but I definitely had a real sense of achievement when I completed it and it did help tone my fancy skills!

  19. ICARAX

    @Brad: BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD??!???!!?? are you there??????????????? well, you are probably finalizing the fancy pants game, but, ANSWER how long left you are there, ONCE YOU SEE THIS POST! lol. but really. do. 😆 😉 🙂 😀 😛 :mrgreen:

    BTW 18,905 on the pencil!! 😀 😛 :mrgreen: only 1095 left for 20,000!!!! YEA!!!!

  20. smileylover

    @ICARAX: You’re welcome 😀

    @Joel Huff: What does ty mean??

    @mud-doober99: Welcome newcomer!

    @Aubrey: There is no possible way that Fancy Pants would seem “dull and boring” to me. I don’t have an Xbox or anything, so I don’t know if I can really talk, but it seems to me that even though we won’t have the pants textures, etc. in Flash, and the game won’t be as long, it will still be amazing! Plus, there are tons of people like me who love the games but don’t have Xboxs, etc.

    @PC-Gam3R: I agree, it would be really awesome to have a PC version. (Note that when I say really awesome I mean the most amazing and wonderful thing in the world!!!!!!!!!) I definitely would pay for that, especially since I don’t have an Xbox so I wouldn’t be able to play it any other way. PLEASE Brad, I need this!

  21. ICARAX

    @smileylover: haha, we have those parent teacher conferences this week, so im off today and tommorow. lol! well, i guess its my fault. LOL, there are no dragons! No no no!! 😛 :mrgreen: 😀 its okay. nothing is wrong in doing it, and you arent a criminal. 😉

  22. smileylover

    @ICARAX: How do YOU know there are no dragons?? Though I guess you have a point, you would have been long since been eaten if they ate EVERYONE who double posted…. Still, you never know….

  23. tyson

    @Icarax: Yes I played the immpossable quiz about a year ago and can’t remeber where I got up to.

    To everyone: if anyone knows if the fancy pants adventures is going to be on any other console than ps3 or xbox 360 then could you let me know. Also I am downloading mirros edge on my ipod right now
    so I am going to see the control scheme. It could be the same for fpa on the ipod, maybe a button for the pencil?

  24. ICARAX

    @smileylover: hmmm…… maybe im a dragon! 😛 just kidding! 😀 😛 😆 ! !! ❗ ❗ ❗
    BTW TY means Thank You.

    @tyson: not impossible quiz, the impossible game! 😛 :mrgreen: Well, brad would tell us all, if it were going to be on another console. 😉 😀 😛 :mrgreen:

  25. tyson

    @Icarax: that is what I meant but there are lots of impossible games… I have only played the one where you are a square and you have to dodge other squares, i might be thinking of something else…

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