On a plane, last trip before launch, you know what that means!
(old Update)
So I’m at EA’s headquarters at the moment, talking about the future of FPA (daunting!). If anyone wants to pipe in about what other platforms FPA should hit (don’t lie, I know you all do!), now’s the best time to do it.
(new Update)
Yep, I’m in London right now, this is the last big push before launch! Getting the game in the hands of a lot of very awesome people, and the response has been even more incredible than before, I really don’t know what else to say.
We have one more day, then you should be getting a nice little flood of infos ๐
Then, well, you know what happens after that ๐
(and don’t spam up my comments, plz, go make a thread in the forum ๐ )
ive mad it to the 4th level on the imposibke game lol misspell ๐
@joel huff: you mean including the xboxlive indie level, right? because there are no more than 4. but same! ๐ ๐
@Pieman: i beat it on practice mode pretty easily, but i ALMOST beat it on regular. ๐ ๐
@tyson: the one im talking about is the one where you are an orange square, and you are trying to dodge black squares and triangles (you can be ontop of black squares). anyways, theres a small flash version of it on the computer, the whole thing is on xbox, itouch/iphone, and android. ๐
@Brad: so where are you? ๐ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
๐ hmmm….
@anyone who wants to see the impossible game im talking about:
yeah so thats the one u were playing. lol i was confused. sorry for the trouble
THE IMPOSSIBLE GAME, I played it just now, but man that’s one addicting game and it is VERY HARD!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh! I thought you guys were talking about the worlds hardest game!!!! ๐
@BeFancy: IKR!! Fpm is more addictive tho.
@Seana360499: noooo……..
@joel huff: lol. ๐
brad comon atleast make a release date. ๐
@Tyson: awesome! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
@Joel Huff: well, he is in london right now, and hes going to give a ton of information to us in a few days (probably 3) so dont worry, that might be part of the info. ๐
YES!!!! TOP OF THE PAGE AGAIN!!!! I was the bottom of a page, then the top in this post. ๐ YEAH!!!! ๐
@ICARAX: Who’s in london??? :/ Oh, and congrats on being first AGAIN!!! ๐
@ICARAX: wow i didn’t know that i thought he was at the EA headcorters
@ICARAX: Oh really? That’s neat. ๐ Sorry, but *Yawn* I’m going to bed. ๐ I’ll be back tomarrow guys! ๐
Ok since a lot of people got confused with the worlds hardest game and the impossible game so I am just asking, how many people have played the worlds hardest game
*dizzy* man, the only games im interested in now is Portal 2 and Fancy Pants Adventures. and in that order cos of the release dates
BRAD!!!!!!!! Let us know if it is going to be on any other consoles, I NEED TO KNOW! The suspense is killing me. When I first found out about fancy pants man I was hoping that there was a second, and there was. then after that I was hoping that there would be a third. After you had done all of your world 3 reports is when I started watching them, because that is only when I knew about them. If you are still at that meeting then I hope that it will be on many other consoles, I will get bored after days with the flash version.
Meh, I am talking too much
@tyson: i have played the worlds hardest game
ICARAX: played the impossible game!! HATE HOW IT ENDS!!!
EVERYONE: like i have said so many times b4. PATIENCE. he said he’s on the last trip so it will obviously be released sometime this month. & the flash version of world 3 right behind it so hold your horses & keep them in the stable. ๐ ๐ ๐
๐ ๐
live long & prosper. oh and EAT PIE!!!! LOL
I’d love it do go out on PC ROM!! ROM RULES YEAH!!!! :L
holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!! i havent posted for a while so i will read on from here on out alright?\
@applewarrior: That’s my line.
smileylover: apple pie, to be precise!!!
Pieman: it is? well your name IS pieman so OK!!! ๐
@applewarrior: Pie? Pie? Pie? Pie? Pie? Pie? Pie? *brain overloads*
@Kcreator78: I know London is city!!! ‘:) BTW BRAD WERE ARE YOU????????????????????????????????????? :<
… I don’t even get half the stuff that is going on. Suddenly people are talking about pie because of piemans name. and people are having brain overloads… WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THE FANCY?
ORDER IN THE COURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *bangs gavel many times until everyone in the comments is quiet*
Thank you.
Anyways, I have been absent from the comments for a long time from the past 6 posts on this blog because I feel that the comments have just gone to hell. People are going completely off topic about things totally unrelated to the FPA franchise and relatively new guys like Icarax and Applewarrior are taking over the comments and making it all about them. I noticed that most of the old time regular commenters who commented before I started aren’t commenting anymore either, and I hypothosize that they left for the same reasons I have. So please, everyone, don’t talk about off-topic things for long periods of time, whine/beg to Brad to give you information or a new game, or generally make my life and all the other commenters lives miserable. I’m not trying to be a comment troll here, and I apologize if I am being one, but all of this endless chatter and whining is giving me a headache. I love FPA just like everyone else, and I don’t have an Xbox or PS3 either, but I’m certainly not going to whine about it. I’m extremely grateful that Brad is still going to make a flash version of World 3 for PC, considering that he is going to make tons of money on his new console game. Alright everyone, my rant is done. It’s okay, you can all come out now. ๐
@applewarrior pie? pi? ฯ? 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209
74944592307816406286 ? http://tinyurl.com/3rj8gyo ? march teh fourteenth? huh? NAHHH! CAKE!!!!! ZOM!! ICARAX!!! DONT YOU KNOW WHERE THE RETURN KEY IS!?!?!?!?!?!
ICARAX, stop doing that long-word-going-super-far thing. I recall that there was a guy doing it before and it crashed the site or something of the sort. They fixed it but I don’t think your helping the situation.
@NATS M. SKY: if we were not to talk about anything else though, what could we talk about? I mean, everything that we can talk about that is FPA related we all already know of… It will be easier to talk about when it is out.
But Nats M. Sky is right, we should not get in massive, no where near conversations which then somehow leads into pie (even though pie is AWESOME!) so, what can we talk about?
Anyone got something that we can talk about where it doesn’t turn into a never ending thing where someone has to bail us out?
done it again ๐
no guys I really agree with nats m. sky, we should stay on topic. if we want to chat about other things we should talk on the messenger on armor games or some other chatting system. personally I thought the pie thing was ridiculous no offense.
Ok so is everyone ready for tomorrow? We will be getting more news people! MORE NEWS! this could be what thousands of people have been waiting for. A flood of news! ๐ ๐
If we keep with conversations like this we will never go off topic. Highly doubt it though, would not be enough to talk about.
I have an idea for what to talk about:
What do we think Brad is going to reveal to us tomorrow?
@tyson: Talking about FPA gives us just as much to talk about as going off topic, as long as people are creative and actually use their BRAINS and don’t just produce shallow chatter. We could even have existential conversations about FPA, like what Fancy Pants Man’s pencil or his fancy pants symbolizes, or what his ultimate goal in life is.
@Brad: Thanks for acknowledging the spam in the comments so I don’t look like an idiot troll for bringing it up!!! XD
@everyone: One more thing: please avoid overuse of the terms, “LOL, LOLZ, OMG, OMGZ” etc., because I’m absolutely sure that you are all smarter and more linguistically proficiant than that. (If you don’t know what “linguistically proficiant means, google it! I’m not a dictionary!) ๐
Ok everyone, since everyone is kind of stumbling, I will start something. Is there any more moves you think fpm should have? Here is a starter, he could be able to do a backflip kick, that would be awesome like when he is doing a backflip you could press the jump button again and he would do it one leg at a time. It would be handy for beating those parrots, no?
Anyway I would really like to know what you think, even if it is with the pencil, what other moves could fpm have?
PS: when I almost submitted this I said he should be able to wall run across a sign horizontally like in mirror’s edge. But I think it would be weird with fancy pants running like that.
@pieman: im sorry. ๐
@applewarrior: i agree, how many levels are there, in both world 3, and FPM on console!
@Nats M. Sky: i agree, that you are correct. good job for bringing us back on topic!
@tyson: the moves are already in there, and there is a backflip, but im not sure about the backflip kick.
@everyone: well, lets start talking about the news tommorow (or today.) what if its the GAME!?!?!? O_o if its not the game, and the truckload of info comes, What if the information includes the PENCIL!?! O_o o_O o_o. Whooo knows………. ๐ ๐
๐ ๐ ๐
@Icarax: Yes i know but it would be pretty cool, maybe for the fancy pants adventures 4?
Anyways, The suspence is building… WHAT COULD THE SURPRISE BE?
@Brad: O.o achievemens! but what about the ps3? Will there be other achievents for the ps3 version? no? yes? maybe? no idea?
@Everyone: My favourie pie is blueberry pie ๐ Well, that’s the only type of pie I have ever tasted…
Bluberry pie is really tasty with some icecream! Especially 3/4ฯ*r*r*r icecream ๐ ( 3/4ฯ*r*r*r is the equation of the volume of a sphere ๐ )
@Brad: Will the game be a disc at a local gamestop??? Getting xbox live is such a hustle! ๐
Another reason I got the ps3 instead.
BTW, I made a topic over at the forum, just in case you decide to talk about something else. It’s called ” The Spam Bucket”
A couple of things; tyson its okay to talk about pie ;)!
Can somebody PLZ answer meh question??? ๐
I wonder where ICARAX is… ๐
Soooo its out on xbox live marketplace?!? ๐ฎ
@Brad: release date…..?
Nobody’s posting that much… ‘:/
@everyone: well guys…. since i have airsoft tounement i cant keep up-to-date so i will salute goodbye for a while (at least till this game comes out) soo i will see you all around although i wont be gone forever i will be back later i just wont be comenting as much
i also have parties to go to btw 3 31 wuz my bday so0oooo happy bday to me
@Seana360499: Well, I was just thinking that yes it is ok to talk about pie but not here. This is the site of one of your favourite games and you are talking about pie. Although, pie could be a trampoline in fpa :D. So, anyone got any other moves that fancy pants man should have? really like to hear from you, it would be awesome.
@tyson: World 3 isnt finished though… maybe brad will add it in WORLD 3!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Brad: wait, will world 3 be in the console version already? ๐ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
Hmmm… actual fpa related stuff, eh? How ’bout sneak peek microtrial best times? mine stands at 251 right now. what about you guys?
@tyson: something is coming at 20,000 though! it might be pencil.
@mistercheesio: 253, but it was before i made my kongregate account ๐ ๐ฅ ๐
19789 likes and follows guys!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
@smileylove: Mine is about the same for the Science Room only like 1642 off. Funny you should say that because I was going to put up a blog on that but my computer shut borne games and it didn’t send at all… And mine for the squigal trial is 250.
@Icarax: hopefully. I am really looking forward to it as to it might not be on wii or ipod. I beat Mirrors edge on the ipod and it is awesome! if it isn’t the pencil it might be some more enemies like some under water ones or tooth pick ninjas.
PS: I made toothpick ninjas out of lego! They are awesome. My friend relised it immediatly that they were toothpick ninjas! One has a red sword and banner and the other one is blue sword and banner, I mean toothpick not sword! ๐
@smileylover: i have the same problem, with both science room, and microtrial! ๐ ๐ฅ
@tyson: cool! ๐ like the ninjas in FPM! ๐
@smileylover Wow, seriously? 237? thats pretty beastly o_O my science room’s at about 1,108,100. i still have a little way to go to catch up lol!
@brad: tommorow is the news right? i hope not tonight, i have to get a good nights sleep so i can run a FULL MILE tomorrow. well, seeya everybody! ๐ ๐ ๐
guys one of the achivments is get all 60 stars and ther is 3 stars in easc level so the game must be 20 levels long!
@Cacyboy: You might only have to get 60 stars because he only wants you to get a certain amount, meaning that some stars might be left out.
@ICARAX: Me too! It’s really annoying. I’m really really glad it recorded my Microtrial score, because I don’t think I can get that again….
@MisterCheesio: Thanks ๐ I guess I just have a lot of practice.