On a plane, last trip before launch, you know what that means!
(old Update)
So I’m at EA’s headquarters at the moment, talking about the future of FPA (daunting!). If anyone wants to pipe in about what other platforms FPA should hit (don’t lie, I know you all do!), now’s the best time to do it.
(new Update)
Yep, I’m in London right now, this is the last big push before launch! Getting the game in the hands of a lot of very awesome people, and the response has been even more incredible than before, I really don’t know what else to say.
We have one more day, then you should be getting a nice little flood of infos ๐
Then, well, you know what happens after that ๐
(and don’t spam up my comments, plz, go make a thread in the forum ๐ )
Its coming, Its time for our lives to be fancier soon with the 4th fancy pants game (sneak peeks and demo’s don’t count. I have played all of them so I wonder how fancy is this one? Don’t you just love the adjective? lucky it was fancy pants man otherwise it might be awesome pants man or something, but fancy pants man is the ruler of all pants names! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ :)……
@Seana360499 & Tyson: wait, what are you guys meaning by kudos to the toothpick ninja? confused i am…. ๐ ๐ ๐
please tell me soon. ๐
@Brad: yeah, you should add the pencil at 20K ( i dont have a facebook) (im just saying it here) ๐
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
@Brad: so if most of the people are saying that you should add the pencil now, are you going to? ๐ hmmm…. ๐ โ ๐ โ
@ICARAX: Well I’m not going to lie to them, haha.
@brad will there be a launch party me and the gang can go to???? if so ppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
sorry about the breakthrough i know that bothers you sorry
@jackhall: no breaking the page! ๐ ๐ ๐ hehheh just dont try to do it.
@Brad: YAY!!!! so it will be in the sneak peek soon? a date would be nice, or a rounded date would be good.
Brad: long time no post!!!! thought you got abducted by aliens!!! LOL ๐ so u DID see my proposition. ๐
Jackhall: do you mean “the gang” as in us at Borne Games.com or your personal friends?
’cause i’m sure every one of us resides in a different state. not to rain on your parade. a FPA party would be awesome. but how would everyone get there?
iif you mean your personal friends then disregard anything said directly above. ๐
๐ :confused:
EDIT: crap it didn’t work…
@applewizard, some reside in different states, some reside in different countries
@tyson: no, on this page! OH… i thought you said the toothpick ninjas were in the sneak peek, and i was extremely confused. ๐ but now its better.
@miaow: HAHAHAHA we are going to use that in future mr. green shows if we are going to do them again. ๐ but yeah, people do live in different countries. ๐
@everyone: im going to disappear off the site for a while, i might check this laptop im taking if i can get internet connection (im not counting on it) so i probably wont be here for 4 days almost (i will be back on saturday) well, im off to debate! and my birthday is on friday guys! i will try to get the internet. well, seeya guys! for now… ๐
@ICARAX: We’ll miss you!
@everyone: ICARAX left us! PARTYYY!!! (no, just a bad joke)
well i meant us at bornegames and it is possible if we can all get plane tickets to new orleans… yes brad i do know that
i live in Pennsylvania anyone else??????
I live in Pasco Florida! Awww man OMG i’ts like a volcano!!! ๐
@klimtkiller: So if it’s on PC, mac users won’t be able to play it? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I don’t have any of the consoles or anything. ๐ฅ I’m going to go cry in a corner now….
is there a time trial mode with online leaderboards? if there is, is there a ghost version of yourself like in mario cart or mirror’s edge?
@seana42075927: about how old are you? u dont have to answer that if you dont want to….
i just turned 13 woot woot
@jackhall: congrats man. i turned 13 1 weeks ago
Joel Huff, lol, 1 weeks ago ๐
@Brad: How about 5 days before launch you release the pencil? That would be in two days, plus, I don’t think you are going to suddenly magic up over 9000 likes and follows combined ๐
sorry for double posting, it didn’t let me edit when I realised, You probably don’t know who I am, but big chance you do. I am Tyson but I changed my account information and it ended up like this. ๐ I am not new, kinda
@tysonwallent: lol i didn’t even know i did that
@tysonwallent lul? howdyachangedanaim!!11!!1??/?1
@klimtkiller: I would throw an epic temper tantrum if it released on PC and not Mac. It’ll be nice to have a game on Steam that runs perfectly on Mac or PC at 60 fps. And it better have Steam Play and Cloud Sync, those features rock.
@Waffe: Race mode in single player and all of the challenges are fully online leaderboard compatible, but there’s no ghosting (would be awesome, but we didn’t have time, maybe some other time).
@tysonwallent: I’m going to add the pencil before launch, but I’m taking a mini vacation at the moment, traveling and showing the game off was wearing me out, need to be all here for launch.
Once I get back I’ll add it, that just means we’ll have to add something else for 30k ๐
@Brad, where are you then ATM?
Brad: no sweat, dude!! take your time!!! just think in a few months you’ll probably be a millionaire!!!
something else for 30k?!?!? Hurrah!!! you DID see my proposition!!! or do great minds just think alike? ๐
RANDOMNESS: 300th comment!!! ๐
Thanks brad.
FuzzyLogicBrain: I don’t know, I just pressed a few buttons and somehow it has my last name now ๐
@smileylover: Thanks Brad!! I knew you wouldn’t abandon us mac users! (Though I must admit, I was really scared for a moment there….)
wow, the 3ds is awesome, just played my friend’s one.
This is time for pencil!
@Brad: When will you get back?? ๐
Brad were are you
Everyone who is wondering where brad is he is having a holiday, and I know some of you know. The pencil hopefully will be out before release or before release of world 3 flash, because that’s the only thing that my get my attention, besides seeing speed runs on you tube 6 hours after release.
It is so odd to think that FPA World 1 ended up turning into FPA World 2, and now it’s going to be available for XBox. Amazing…
How many points will FPA be on XBox Live Arcade?
Its something like… 800 MS points? Or $10.00 X3
Its gonna be so awesome!
sorry for not saying it earlier but I don’t think you should have the game at 60fps. It takes out the fancy then it is just “The pants adventures”. I srsly think it make fancy pants man a bad game. But you know, it is my opinion, anyway, your game. Gee it is good to get that off my chest.
@Aubrey: In my very short time after signing up, This is one of the 2 or 3 questions that I can’t answer. I don’t have an xbox :(. I would rather a ps3 but who cares, I still get to play the flash version in a few weeks ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
@tysonwallent: Wait, so there IS a flash version? I’m confused, I thought it was only on console! (not that it isn’t AMAZING that it’s on flash)
@smileylover: There is going to be a flash version but it is not going to be as long or good. But it will still be fancy! ๐
O.o If u search fancy pants adventures at the ps3 website, there is a screenshot of cutie pants and kabootle, standing next to captain rainbow beard, whos lying unconcious on the ground… does that mean it’s still possible to play as cutie pants in some levels?
The good news is that Kabootle is still in the game, yay ๐
Just 4 days left until launch!!!
that reminds me of something, according to xbox live, the game will be released on ps3 april 19th but on the ps3 website, it says that the game will be released the 20th…
@Brad: So when will it be released to ps3, 19th or 20th of April?
going to get a xbox today and i am not getting any other game but FPA for it yeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa
Brad I have a VERY IMPORTANT question to ask! Will Fpa also be in disc form at a local store? plz answer!!! ๐
ICARAX: welcome back!!! u feel like doing a mr. green & mr. red moment?
Seana360499: i hope so…
4…..more…..days! c’mon Brad! add that darn pencil!
@applewarrior: sure!! ๐ ๐ heres one!
MR GREEN & MR RED MOMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MR GREEN & MR RED: We know the when the pencil is coming, or if its already out… ๐ฎ but we cant tell!
MR GREEN & MR RED: Well ICARAX and applewiseman, if you want to see, go check! we can assure that it will probably be in before the game is out! ๐
Applewarrior: its APPLEWARRIOR!
ICARAX & APPLEWARRIOR: you heard it from the best, keep checking back to the sneak peek (on Kongregate, Newgrounds, Chrome apps, and of course http://www.fancypantsadventures.com !!! โ ) โ โ โ โ โ โ โ
Brought to you by The Mayor of Squiggleville, the Mr. Green & Mr. Red incorporations, ICARAX and applewarrior, and of course, sponsored by https://www.bornegames.com
This signature is classified. It Requires LEVEL 4 CLEARANCE which you OBVIOUSLY don’t have. Have a nice day.
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ โ ๐
@Brad: It is 4 days before launch, pencil please. Every time I go to play the sneak peek on google crome I press the a button. And every time I open google crome I play the sneak peek several times. Come on brad, everyone is asking for it. Otherwise we will run out of time and we get to try the pencil, AFTER launch ๐
@Icarax: LOL
Wow ICARAX! What did you talk about?
Please Brad!!!!!!!!!!! Please add the PENCIL to the sneak peek
Wow applewarrior longest post ever haha lol ๐
i agree. ๐
@miaow: haha!
@applewarrior: WOW, thats even funnier. but you used my signature!!! well, it doesnt really matter. heh.
@Seana360499: no, i have made one even longer! no joke, seriously. heh.
, i will beat you in a KoTH battle when the game comes out! ๐ ๐
๐ ๐ ๐
Mr. Green: we’ll see about that… hehehh.
@FuzzyLogicBrain: seriously, don’t ever do that spam thing again. Brad will probably add the pencil in tomorrow, because usually when he takes a holiday, it’s just for the weekend.
@applewarrior and Icarax: I love your mr. green moments, guys. I think they are the most creative idea I’ve yet seen to talk about current Fancy Pants news. ๐
@everybody: have you all seen the countdown to launch pictures and info on FPA’s Facebook page? The five days until countdown post is about the pirates and ninjas in the game, and there’s some really great photos posted, including one of bathtub pirates!!!!
Signing off…
Edit: ZOMG!!! This is the first time ever that I got first comment on the page!!!!!!!!! Sweet!!!!! *freaks out momentarily*
@ Nats M. Sky: Lol! You are the second poster, not first!! ๐