Quick Update:
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I’ve been going between actually trying to finish World 3 and making things for the Sneak Peek lately, today I finally make some code that will compress those crazy long replay arrays, which I wanted to do before pushing out another version of the Sneak Peek. I changed a ton of the collision since, so I wanted to makes replays easier to pass around before uploading a build that I’ll probably need to debug some more.
I haven’t added any baddies to the beta since last upload, but I’ll probably throw a few more in before the big update. We’ll actually be at 40k Likes / Follows pretty soon (I seriously wasn’t expecting that to happen this soon, thank you everyone!), so the public Sneak Peek update is going to have 2 big additions to it. There’s a few things that I’ve been touching up on my side that I’ll point out, too, so it’s a pretty substantial update coming out.
I still don’t think I’ve taken enough advantage of the fact that I really can just upload stuff that I’m working on for everyone to see, so I’m going to try to show off some more behind the curtains things that will actually be playable, that should be pretty cool too.
tl;dr: I’ve gotten a good amount done on actually advancing World 3, so I’m going to be doing some more work on the Sneak Peek this week. Fun times for all!
Talk to everyone soon!
Update 6:
Lots of bug fixes, keep sending those bugged out arrays, guys, I can’t tell you how much they help!
I’m at the point where I have to start working on World 3 again, so once we all debug this version, I’ll get a baddie room up in the main Sneak Peek build. That means I won’t be able to spend as much time putting baddies in, so it might take me awhile. Mostly depends on how awesome it is and how much work it would be, so make sure you fool my fla guide!
Again, don’t put replays in the comments! Email them!
Thanks again to everyone, you’re beyond awesome
(might need to empty your cache)
Fixes to the Parrot, a few more enemies, enemies all cycle once before going random, plus everything else:
Here’s where it gets fun, for me at least. Now that I have enough baddie mass to really stress test the gameplay, I started going through and making actual tweaks to how FPM controls. Here’s the list of the latest changes, please leave feedback in the comments!
– FPM runs bit faster while holding pencil, feels less sluggish, but there’s still a contrast
– Much larger reach with the charged attacks, give you another reason to fully charge them
– Changed the deceleration, shouldn’t run into baddies as easily if you miss
– Can change directions while poking, or while doing the 3 hit combo
– Gave the attack hits on all baddies a red tint, better feedback.
– Separated stomped and hit clips, so stomping something doesn’t turn it red
– Some fixes to the Parrots, but I think they still don’t work quite right… Should work next (this) time
Now, I’m not making these changes specifically to make the game easier, but, the game should start feeling better and control more intuitively, so keep an eye on your high scores, they should be going up.
Let me know if there’s anything that still feels wrong, like if you get hurt when you think you shouldn’t, or don’t hit a baddie when you think you should. I need to add the replay system back in so you can just send me a replay when something ‘wrong’ happens.
If you guys can send me baddies that aren’t really animated, I can just give them springy type animation routines, should be able to tell what I mean if you play the beta long enough.
Original Post:
Sheesh, it sure has been quiet around here, hasn’t it? So then, what’s been going on? Well, I’ve been working on World 3 again (remember, FPA on console was made by an entire team, we didn’t just charge you for a Flash game!), but I’ve also been keeping an eye on the XBLA and PSN games. The main reason you guys haven’t really heard from me lately, PSN’s been down, and well, we can’t really plan for the future until we a firm grasp on how sales are going. PSN’s finally back up (and FPA’s on sale for 5 bucks!), but it’ll still be awhile until we know how we did.
I have been reading all of the reviews, though, and one thing that I think is really disappointing is, well, a lot of reviewers don’t seem to really like combat. So my plan was to tighten it up for the World 3 release. But that’s pretty boring, so here’s where you guys come in.
Make me stuff to beat up! I’m gonna be testing combat, and I’m tired of beating up spiders!
Yep! I’ll go ahead and add a baddie room to the Sneak Peek for hitting over 30k Likes plus Follows, and you guys can help keep me amused. I’ll start us out with some ninjas, and I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else!
Once that’s in there, I’d love your help debugging combat, comparing it with the console version, and letting me know what works, or what needs to be fixed still. I’ve been tweaking it a bit already, so we’ll see how much more work needs to be done.
Here’s how this is going to work:
Download this file (you might need to right click, save as). It should be Flash 8 now, anyone want to confirm it works? You can download a demo of Flash at adobe.com.
Actually, if you want to avoid the stupid Akamai downloader, just get the trial here (I swear, if Adobe has the option to do something easily or stupidly, they’ll choose stupidly every single time).
If you’re using CS5.5, though, please do a file, save as, and send me a CS5 fla, please!
Replace the spider’s individual clips with your own art, and rename all the ‘spider’s to something unique.
Email it back.
Play the Sneak Peek online, beat up tons of random baddies!
Tell me how the combat feels.
A few guidelines:
Don’t send me other people’s art, without their permission. This includes Nintendo’s and SEGA’s, so don’t just send me sprites, or anything that breaks someone’s copyright (your own parody art is fine).
Nothing vulgar, and nothing boring!
I don’t claim to own anyone else’s art, it’s just all in good fun, and just for the demo. I won’t be using any art for financial gain (other than helping to spread the word about FPA on console), and I’m not planning on using anything in World 3.
I’ll let everyone know when the first round is up. I haven’t uploaded anything yet, though. I’m going to try to make a video about it tomorrow, if you’re not sure how to edit the fla, I should have something in there for ya.
TL,DR: Testing combat is boring, help me out!
I can’t find the room for the baddies, have you put it up yet brad???
@Tysonwallent: I even could not find it. Maybe it is a surprise of Brad that will come in the next few days.
PS I did subscribe to your Youtube Channel.
It’s the first day of summer! now it has to be out in the summer.
Can’t open it because I have Flash 8… π
@KCYF: Any baddie that you create! Would be easiest if it just walks like the spiders, but if it’s awesome enough, I could do some custom coding. If you can’t draw into the computer, you can scan it in and trace it with a mouse, then move things around on the computer.
@tysonwallent: Nope, like I said in the post, nothing is up yet, just giving the site goers the earliest heads up.
@Joel Huff: Same goes for you too.
@AJ32: I’ll have to check my old laptop, I might have an older version of Flash on there…
I might have to join in on this. Could be pretty fun! Oh, and Brad, just thought you might want to check out this link… Apparently someone’s handing out free copies of your game… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ln-KJXhzvKk
Could have sworn that I submitted an infringement form for that. Considering YouTube blocked my request for rev share because some of TommyLM’s animations were in the video, they better take this seriously.
Oh well, submitted one. I’ll get EA to send some scary legal letters if YouTube doesn’t do anything.
I have now the 30 day trial version of CS5 and I can open it, but I can’t draw in CS5 so good… they might have changed the coding of the pencil tool…
@AJ32: Just uploaded a Flash 8 fla, if you want to go back to old faithful.
@Brad: I think I can open it now! Thank you! π And I really want to animate that!
@Brad, me and Ross are doing stuff for Robot Day @ NG (July 10th) after that i’ll hop on it! will the offer still be up?
Gonna finish the walk and fall animations tomorrow and then I’ll color the whole thing and I made it!
toothpick ninjas!!!
u read my mind , Brad!! u never told me u were a telepath…
anywho, glad to see you’re not dead(’cause only dead people are THAT quiet for That long lol π )
everyone: sorry. haven’t posted for a while. probably won’t post for another long while but hope to see this site exceeding it’s capacity of posts!! not literally, it would probably crash but yeah seeya & BE FANCY!!
@wingdemon: In a month? I don’t know, maybe… I probably wouldn’t be able to put anything in very quickly then, I should be working on other parts of World 3 by then. You guys can’t whip something up in a day? π
@AJ32: I have some footage of some King of the Hill matches that I was going to use for the video, since it’ll mostly be me talking, might slip in some video, but I’m going to attempt to start doing weekly videos again, so chances are I’ll be updating the videos with new baddies.
@applewarrior: Haha, while we’re doing the combat thing, I should be pretty active on the site. I have been trying to post more in the forum, though, promise!
Is it okay if there are separately created clips in the enemy clip? I was just wondering, because lag might be an issue if there’s too many clips loaded into one.
I’m working on some stuff, I couldn’t resist!
Should have it in a few days.
By the way, do you prefer clowns or pigs?
…screw it, I’m doing both.
Crap, I just realized I’m not going to have access to my computer for the next couple weeks… oh well.
Maybe I’ll finish it up then. Animation is fun!
You’re telling me…
I don’t have access to a computer for the entire summer since I only get it during school.
I’ll explain:
Every student at my school gets a laptop, and has to give it back at the end of the year.
Wow, short explanation. π
WHOW! I feel so AWESOME fighting Nijas, a turtle AND… A BALL? Funny fan enemys…
PS That room is out of World Report with the ninjas
Sorry for double comment, edit time was over.
GLITCH 1-Stand in the corner and hope that a ninja bumps in to you, and then you got FPM “dancing” in the corner.
GLITCH 2-Do wall run, hoping to let a ninja do the same, and after 4 ninjas you are going up out of the screen.
PS: Today I dont have school because of Luxembourgs national celebration day.
@Pencilmaster: I don’t have school too… Start finishing my enemy in a few hours!
I just need to download the flash 8 demo…
@Brad: Is it OK if I do a enemy called Anti- Pants Man? He looks like FPM, just hes smaller and has lame pants…
@Pencilmaster: As long as I laugh a bit when I first see him π
Don’t know, why not download the CS5 trial?
@Brad: Then give me the link please!
I didn’t want to leave without letting you see anything, so check this out:
See you in a couple weeks!
Looks great! Boo waiting π
@brad, aight ill take some time and make something up. π
I hope you got my email, Brad! π
i think there should be two attack clips for the ninjas one where they attack with their toothpick (like the one already there except the still have forward momentum) and another where they jum and they kick off of FPM and go backwards
maybe the ninjas could roll too
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, my turtle made it in. Thanks again, Brad, and luvin the new FPM anims π
its decided. brad said he wanted something flying in there. WELL FRUTICAKE THE PARROT, I’M DOING A FRUITCAKE ICING DEMONIC EYE FROM TERRARIA!
P.S. @noobs, If you don’t know what Terraria is plz upgrade your Internet connection in whatever rock your living under. thank you. π
I’m makin’ a turtle π
but i can’t animate it π
Hey Brad!
Nice sounds to the sneak peek now. But the constant “EEK” is quite annyoing me. PS: Ninjas now dont fall through floor while wall juming.
New animations look beautiful, and the cameos are pretty awesome. props to the guy who made the beach ball. π I’ll have to make one soon too. How long will you still be accepting new baddies for the sneak peak?
Heh, we’ll see. I do need to color everything, and swap out the background.
One new baddie, though I think I’m finally finished fixing the bugs, got one more on the way.
And my baddie?? π
I know how you can UNLOCK SQUIGGLEVILLE!!! In the baddie room, press SPACE and click ‘reset all data’! Then click ‘yes’ and you are in Squiggleville!!!
The font has changed everywhere! It’s named “FancyFont” and I really want to have it on my computer! But the whole game is more glitchy now! The game has new momentum and camera programming, I think… And why has Brad removed the snail? Hmmm…
There seems to be quite a problem with ledge grabbing when sliding off, also sometimes you wont be able to wall jump or wall run at all.
I defeated all the baddies without getting hurt once myself! Now that’s an achievement, well for me anyway… π
@AJ32: Ack! How’d I miss that? I love it! I’ll get him in here ASAP.
Yeah, camera’s been updated, should be much smoother now, but I’ve only really tested it in little arenas. The momentum’s just back to World 2 style, where he doesn’t start backpeddling until he’s changed direction. I’m trying to figure out what reviewers are complaining about, I think the backpeddle might have been making the game look like it was slipperier than it really was. Which does everyone prefer?
@Felix20: Yeah, there is. Might be some bugs with ledge grabbing in general. I noticed that it would turn off wall jumping, though I wasn’t sure where that was happening. Shouldn’t be too difficult to fix.
OMG brad the ninjas are AMAZING. Finally fpm has met his match!!!
& whovever put that beach ball in there: TWO THUMBS UP!! i had no idea it was a baddie & then it came near me(my health was already extremely low) & the SAD MUSIC PLAYED & i DIED!!!!! it caught me off guard… but anywho yeah i LOVE the ninja’s!!! thank u BRAD( & any other baddi contributors)
Man, I wish I could see that beach ball… but the Wii won’t load the Sneak Peek π
btw, the header could use some updating as well.
He’s big, isn’t he?
Loving the new build with the parrots,enemy death counting thing etc,btw guys,if you press up or down while on the ground,fpm does some kind of meditation pose and starts levitating.
What? A new build already? Must try it…
LOL Meditation…
PS: My Baddie Room Highscore before dieing was 24…
EDIT: Highscore at 48
@Brad: Could you please insert Pirates and make the room more big?