Quick Update:
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I’ve been going between actually trying to finish World 3 and making things for the Sneak Peek lately, today I finally make some code that will compress those crazy long replay arrays, which I wanted to do before pushing out another version of the Sneak Peek. I changed a ton of the collision since, so I wanted to makes replays easier to pass around before uploading a build that I’ll probably need to debug some more.
I haven’t added any baddies to the beta since last upload, but I’ll probably throw a few more in before the big update. We’ll actually be at 40k Likes / Follows pretty soon (I seriously wasn’t expecting that to happen this soon, thank you everyone!), so the public Sneak Peek update is going to have 2 big additions to it. There’s a few things that I’ve been touching up on my side that I’ll point out, too, so it’s a pretty substantial update coming out.
I still don’t think I’ve taken enough advantage of the fact that I really can just upload stuff that I’m working on for everyone to see, so I’m going to try to show off some more behind the curtains things that will actually be playable, that should be pretty cool too.
tl;dr: I’ve gotten a good amount done on actually advancing World 3, so I’m going to be doing some more work on the Sneak Peek this week. Fun times for all!
Talk to everyone soon!
Update 6:
Lots of bug fixes, keep sending those bugged out arrays, guys, I can’t tell you how much they help!
I’m at the point where I have to start working on World 3 again, so once we all debug this version, I’ll get a baddie room up in the main Sneak Peek build. That means I won’t be able to spend as much time putting baddies in, so it might take me awhile. Mostly depends on how awesome it is and how much work it would be, so make sure you fool my fla guide!
Again, don’t put replays in the comments! Email them!
Thanks again to everyone, you’re beyond awesome
(might need to empty your cache)
Fixes to the Parrot, a few more enemies, enemies all cycle once before going random, plus everything else:
Here’s where it gets fun, for me at least. Now that I have enough baddie mass to really stress test the gameplay, I started going through and making actual tweaks to how FPM controls. Here’s the list of the latest changes, please leave feedback in the comments!
– FPM runs bit faster while holding pencil, feels less sluggish, but there’s still a contrast
– Much larger reach with the charged attacks, give you another reason to fully charge them
– Changed the deceleration, shouldn’t run into baddies as easily if you miss
– Can change directions while poking, or while doing the 3 hit combo
– Gave the attack hits on all baddies a red tint, better feedback.
– Separated stomped and hit clips, so stomping something doesn’t turn it red
– Some fixes to the Parrots, but I think they still don’t work quite right… Should work next (this) time
Now, I’m not making these changes specifically to make the game easier, but, the game should start feeling better and control more intuitively, so keep an eye on your high scores, they should be going up.
Let me know if there’s anything that still feels wrong, like if you get hurt when you think you shouldn’t, or don’t hit a baddie when you think you should. I need to add the replay system back in so you can just send me a replay when something ‘wrong’ happens.
If you guys can send me baddies that aren’t really animated, I can just give them springy type animation routines, should be able to tell what I mean if you play the beta long enough.
Original Post:
Sheesh, it sure has been quiet around here, hasn’t it? So then, what’s been going on? Well, I’ve been working on World 3 again (remember, FPA on console was made by an entire team, we didn’t just charge you for a Flash game!), but I’ve also been keeping an eye on the XBLA and PSN games. The main reason you guys haven’t really heard from me lately, PSN’s been down, and well, we can’t really plan for the future until we a firm grasp on how sales are going. PSN’s finally back up (and FPA’s on sale for 5 bucks!), but it’ll still be awhile until we know how we did.
I have been reading all of the reviews, though, and one thing that I think is really disappointing is, well, a lot of reviewers don’t seem to really like combat. So my plan was to tighten it up for the World 3 release. But that’s pretty boring, so here’s where you guys come in.
Make me stuff to beat up! I’m gonna be testing combat, and I’m tired of beating up spiders!
Yep! I’ll go ahead and add a baddie room to the Sneak Peek for hitting over 30k Likes plus Follows, and you guys can help keep me amused. I’ll start us out with some ninjas, and I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else!
Once that’s in there, I’d love your help debugging combat, comparing it with the console version, and letting me know what works, or what needs to be fixed still. I’ve been tweaking it a bit already, so we’ll see how much more work needs to be done.
Here’s how this is going to work:
Download this file (you might need to right click, save as). It should be Flash 8 now, anyone want to confirm it works? You can download a demo of Flash at adobe.com.
Actually, if you want to avoid the stupid Akamai downloader, just get the trial here (I swear, if Adobe has the option to do something easily or stupidly, they’ll choose stupidly every single time).
If you’re using CS5.5, though, please do a file, save as, and send me a CS5 fla, please!
Replace the spider’s individual clips with your own art, and rename all the ‘spider’s to something unique.
Email it back.
Play the Sneak Peek online, beat up tons of random baddies!
Tell me how the combat feels.
A few guidelines:
Don’t send me other people’s art, without their permission. This includes Nintendo’s and SEGA’s, so don’t just send me sprites, or anything that breaks someone’s copyright (your own parody art is fine).
Nothing vulgar, and nothing boring!
I don’t claim to own anyone else’s art, it’s just all in good fun, and just for the demo. I won’t be using any art for financial gain (other than helping to spread the word about FPA on console), and I’m not planning on using anything in World 3.
I’ll let everyone know when the first round is up. I haven’t uploaded anything yet, though. I’m going to try to make a video about it tomorrow, if you’re not sure how to edit the fla, I should have something in there for ya.
TL,DR: Testing combat is boring, help me out!
Ack, meditation debug clip snuck in, whoops!
Okay, so I know I said I wasn’t going to use any of these for World 3, but wouldn’t a baddie room filled with nothing but like 20 different cameo turtles be officially the best level in a video game pretty much ever?
Hey Brad! What is YOUR Highscore?
hahahah meditation is awesome!! I found some glitches like while on meditation mode go all way right and you’ll find some life,and when you are in the room area the parrots come on FPM but don’t hurt him.I also looked FPM better while on meditation and i realised he’s making something with his hands like focus or maybe the other one…
@Brad:Your idea is quite good!A baddie room in World 3 would be great.Also maybe you could put the rabbit’s kids(world 2) in the baddie room
P.S:Guys your work is great i love the Anti-Pants Man the Ball and the Humberger
@Brad: Yes, do a turtle room 🙂
dude that room was my idea i would contact him on facebook this site skype twitter ect.
how are u guys doing the meditation thing again?
brad, do you know what program to open the file in? I tried adobe but it said it couldn’t read the code, or something like that. ❓ Please help me because I HATE killing spiders now they’re not interesting at all. 🙁
– デービスマウス
THANKS, AJ32!!!!! 😀
whilst doing the yoga thing, if u go down without stopping you’ll die… just a fun-fact
@ applewarrior: Press “s” to stop, too.
@ Brad: I’ve made a scorpion-beetle thing, and it’s colored grayish…since you got the spawning thing to work, do you think that you could put the random color script on it (like the frogs and ninja headbands), ’cause if not I could just put a black overlay effect on it…
Also, sometimes the parrot drops enemies inside of walls, so they fall to their doom.
So what is the significance of the flight, anyway? Is it some developer thing so that you could pass the levels quickly without having to play them, or just some Easter Egg thing?
@thelimedart: I need to add changing directions to the attacks, thought of the two button thing (I did that for throwing in SnowBlitz)
@Infrared: Definitely, would just be one line of code.
Weird, parrot shouldn’t be dropping enemies in walls. I need to get my replay code working again so you guys can send me a text file and I can see exactly what’s going on.
And yeah, like I said, just a debug clip.
@Brad: Okay, thanks!
I don’t know about the enemies, though. It could have been just a one time thing, because it seems to be working now…
@davismouse: Did you get the error message on the website, or after you downloaded it?
😆 🙂
@Fancy Pants Champ: ACTUALLY… LOOONG before you were here, when there was no sneak peek and we just had our friend the header… i remember making a poll about a baddie room… so I came up with it, but who knows how long brad has wanted to do it… 😛
😆 🙂 😀 XD
@ICARAX: Doesn’t mean I wasn’t thinking about doing something like that long before you said anything 😛
@wingdemon: I really like your style. You do much fbf animation?
@Brad: Isnt that sorta what i said?? 😛
@Applewarrior: YA!!!! I sorta floated towards the forums now, its an even better place to do mr. green stories, if the mods are okay with it, along with brad and fairly… Wanna try to do it there? or should we continue doing it just here…
You guys knew someone had to do it.
That and I suck at drawing with a mouse. But I wanted to do a baddie X3
I’m not sure. I clicked on the link brad posted, the downloads thing popped up, I clicked on the first one (pretty sure it was adobe), blank screen came up, something popped up and said It couldn’t read the file code. ❓
heres progress of my turtle, im completely FBF’ing, finsihed teh animatic, and im on frame 1 of a 20 frame walk cycle :/
1 frame = 10 minutes. WTF.
atleast it’ll look boss. :3
@davismouse: Did the error show up on the actual webpage (like a 404 error does), or did it show up as a dialog box on your computer? Because it could have just been a server issue, and you should just wait and try again (like yesterday when Bornegames showed up as a really long page of random characters) if it showed up on the actual page. I don’t know how to solve it if it came up on a dialog box, though…
Just in case, check your computer’s web history and make sure that this is the URL you went to (this link worked for me):
I cant look at the spider because I dont have the app. What application is needed?
@next one: Adobe Flash!
@wingdemon: Awsum!
almost done, just the jumping, falling, and attacking animations left. 😉 😀 :3
i’ve been working on it,for like the alst 3 or 4 hours so 😀
I’m so clueless when it comes to computers. I’m ok on macs, but not on pc. 😛
It opens in a new window.
The problem might be that I only have flash 7?
Thanks anyway! 😉
That sucks it want let me open the file, there’s something really wrong with my computer………..
Turtles can’t jump — but fall, wingdemon!
@davismouse: I’m pretty sure that Brad saved it as a Flash 8 file…
AJ32, Who are you?
@Atilioo: Yeah, Adobe Flash CS5. Adobe bought Macromedia, so now it’s Adobe Flash, if that’s what you mean…
On second thought, it is tiring, ah,then let it go ! : P
@ICARAX: The original Sneak Peek or the baddie beta?
Don’t forget to check the update! Here’s where I really start tweaking things, so I need your feedback!
@Brad: We have already 3 Turtles, a Sonic Parody, a Beach Ball and a walking hamburger and your own enemys. Could you please insert new mice and pirates and frogs.
And PLEASE make the room bigger!
@Brad: no, i was saying the link for the download of Flash. but i found it now. 😛
A parrot was sitting on the cannon one time and then when it flew off, two came out. That’s all.
That and I’m loving the baddies X3
Edit: Oh, and now Brad has 3 turtles XD
And heres a screeny of the parrot thing: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15662407/DAT%20PARROT%21.PNG
i got my good friend to animate something, hes a good flash animator, he says hes gonna try something, in fact he has his own account on this site (ZATIPNIS)
@Crasher: That happened to me a million times! One time there were two parrots sitting on that cannon thing!
Look in the background of my channel. You will find the version of the arena that will look better:
EDIT: First on new page!
cool! second! 😛
Hello Brad, but there are some bugs, among Them, sometime Fancy takes time to stop running and it takes time t to attack (it is on when i hold A or D) but only Sometimes something else (I think is not a bug) is That When I attack turtles and ninja turtles, They Do not Become dizzy or die ..
Guys, what’s cutting easier? Adobe or Macromedia Flash CS5? if the Same Thing, Which is better?
I am the one who asks you a lot of things,I am bad that I write!
I m not able to make better translation, unfortunately 🙁
@Atilioo: In my opinion you can use Macromedia to draw something very quickly and that’s easy! When you use Adobe you have more functions but when I try to draw something it doesn’t look as good as in Macromedia! (I have both)
@Atilioo: Well, Adobe Flash is the more recent version, and I think that you can only download Adobe Flash now…
EDIT: Beaten!
Here’s a Baddie non-coloured
file:///Users/Sebastian/Desktop/Picture%201.png hopefully you can read it…
There are also some bugs by my computer, I videotaped it…
What has gone wrong once ( I play it every day ) is that when I hold ‘a’ then let go; Fancy will sometimes just crash into the baddie before he gets to strike. I liked it when you charged forward after letting go of the key ‘a’ and just hit him no matter what.
Like, I wanted to know the easiest!
Oh, and When They reply, is the Google Translator to translate and write in Portuguese Português and as well, because Sometimes the translation will
is nonsense ! I Hate it..
Like, I wanted to know the easiest!
Oh, and When They reply, is the Google Translator to translate and write in Portuguese and Portuguese as well, because Sometimes the translation will
is nonsense! I Hate it ..
Er .. I did a drawing .. ^^
@AJ32: haha, im one ahead!! 😛 56. 😀
@Atilloo: LOL.
FINALLY, my flash is about to start, just waiting for one other download to make apps on iphone that is basically finished, maybe a minute? hey, whaddya know? its finished. Now i gotta get out of all of this stuff, so it will complete. I will FINALLY GET TO START!!!! YEAAHAHAHH!H!!!!!!! HA!!!HA!!!!YE!!AAH~!!!!!!!WRA!!!EJUHEUHGA!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!
sorry about that randomness… 😛
I CANT WAIT!!! I will come back with an update… 😀 😛
😆 😉 🙂 XD
@ ICARAX, who are you?
@ICARAX LOL? Because ▓ ‗O ▓ ‗ ?

@next one: You can’t just link to it from your computer…you need to upload it to a file hosting site.
@Atilioo: I always take a while to type things out…
@ICARAX: Is your name from Makuta Icarax from BIONICLE?
@Brad: I emailed the enemies to brad [at] bornegames [dot com]. That’s the correct email address (obviously minus the at and the dot com), right?
@Infrared Yes,
[Don’t post my raw email address online, I get enough spam as it is 😛 ]
Eu envio várias perguntas as quais não tem no FAQ
* I sent several questions which have not in the FAQ
Não entendi o que você queria dizer nisso ..
*I did not understand what you meant it ..
-==(Denovo *Again)==-
Vou tentar uma partida no novo Sneak Peek (o recente)
*I’ll try a round at the new Sneak Peek (the recent)
Cara, hoje a tarde passou muito rápido ! Estou assustado..
Guy, this afternoon passed quickly! I’m scared ..
What did you think of my copy of Fancy?
O que você achou da minha cópia do Fancy?