Quick Update:
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I’ve been going between actually trying to finish World 3 and making things for the Sneak Peek lately, today I finally make some code that will compress those crazy long replay arrays, which I wanted to do before pushing out another version of the Sneak Peek. I changed a ton of the collision since, so I wanted to makes replays easier to pass around before uploading a build that I’ll probably need to debug some more.
I haven’t added any baddies to the beta since last upload, but I’ll probably throw a few more in before the big update. We’ll actually be at 40k Likes / Follows pretty soon (I seriously wasn’t expecting that to happen this soon, thank you everyone!), so the public Sneak Peek update is going to have 2 big additions to it. There’s a few things that I’ve been touching up on my side that I’ll point out, too, so it’s a pretty substantial update coming out.
I still don’t think I’ve taken enough advantage of the fact that I really can just upload stuff that I’m working on for everyone to see, so I’m going to try to show off some more behind the curtains things that will actually be playable, that should be pretty cool too.
tl;dr: I’ve gotten a good amount done on actually advancing World 3, so I’m going to be doing some more work on the Sneak Peek this week. Fun times for all!
Talk to everyone soon!
Update 6:
Lots of bug fixes, keep sending those bugged out arrays, guys, I can’t tell you how much they help!
I’m at the point where I have to start working on World 3 again, so once we all debug this version, I’ll get a baddie room up in the main Sneak Peek build. That means I won’t be able to spend as much time putting baddies in, so it might take me awhile. Mostly depends on how awesome it is and how much work it would be, so make sure you fool my fla guide!
Again, don’t put replays in the comments! Email them!
Thanks again to everyone, you’re beyond awesome
(might need to empty your cache)
Fixes to the Parrot, a few more enemies, enemies all cycle once before going random, plus everything else:
Here’s where it gets fun, for me at least. Now that I have enough baddie mass to really stress test the gameplay, I started going through and making actual tweaks to how FPM controls. Here’s the list of the latest changes, please leave feedback in the comments!
– FPM runs bit faster while holding pencil, feels less sluggish, but there’s still a contrast
– Much larger reach with the charged attacks, give you another reason to fully charge them
– Changed the deceleration, shouldn’t run into baddies as easily if you miss
– Can change directions while poking, or while doing the 3 hit combo
– Gave the attack hits on all baddies a red tint, better feedback.
– Separated stomped and hit clips, so stomping something doesn’t turn it red
– Some fixes to the Parrots, but I think they still don’t work quite right… Should work next (this) time
Now, I’m not making these changes specifically to make the game easier, but, the game should start feeling better and control more intuitively, so keep an eye on your high scores, they should be going up.
Let me know if there’s anything that still feels wrong, like if you get hurt when you think you shouldn’t, or don’t hit a baddie when you think you should. I need to add the replay system back in so you can just send me a replay when something ‘wrong’ happens.
If you guys can send me baddies that aren’t really animated, I can just give them springy type animation routines, should be able to tell what I mean if you play the beta long enough.
Original Post:
Sheesh, it sure has been quiet around here, hasn’t it? So then, what’s been going on? Well, I’ve been working on World 3 again (remember, FPA on console was made by an entire team, we didn’t just charge you for a Flash game!), but I’ve also been keeping an eye on the XBLA and PSN games. The main reason you guys haven’t really heard from me lately, PSN’s been down, and well, we can’t really plan for the future until we a firm grasp on how sales are going. PSN’s finally back up (and FPA’s on sale for 5 bucks!), but it’ll still be awhile until we know how we did.
I have been reading all of the reviews, though, and one thing that I think is really disappointing is, well, a lot of reviewers don’t seem to really like combat. So my plan was to tighten it up for the World 3 release. But that’s pretty boring, so here’s where you guys come in.
Make me stuff to beat up! I’m gonna be testing combat, and I’m tired of beating up spiders!
Yep! I’ll go ahead and add a baddie room to the Sneak Peek for hitting over 30k Likes plus Follows, and you guys can help keep me amused. I’ll start us out with some ninjas, and I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else!
Once that’s in there, I’d love your help debugging combat, comparing it with the console version, and letting me know what works, or what needs to be fixed still. I’ve been tweaking it a bit already, so we’ll see how much more work needs to be done.
Here’s how this is going to work:
Download this file (you might need to right click, save as). It should be Flash 8 now, anyone want to confirm it works? You can download a demo of Flash at adobe.com.
Actually, if you want to avoid the stupid Akamai downloader, just get the trial here (I swear, if Adobe has the option to do something easily or stupidly, they’ll choose stupidly every single time).
If you’re using CS5.5, though, please do a file, save as, and send me a CS5 fla, please!
Replace the spider’s individual clips with your own art, and rename all the ‘spider’s to something unique.
Email it back.
Play the Sneak Peek online, beat up tons of random baddies!
Tell me how the combat feels.
A few guidelines:
Don’t send me other people’s art, without their permission. This includes Nintendo’s and SEGA’s, so don’t just send me sprites, or anything that breaks someone’s copyright (your own parody art is fine).
Nothing vulgar, and nothing boring!
I don’t claim to own anyone else’s art, it’s just all in good fun, and just for the demo. I won’t be using any art for financial gain (other than helping to spread the word about FPA on console), and I’m not planning on using anything in World 3.
I’ll let everyone know when the first round is up. I haven’t uploaded anything yet, though. I’m going to try to make a video about it tomorrow, if you’re not sure how to edit the fla, I should have something in there for ya.
TL,DR: Testing combat is boring, help me out!
@Atilioo: Thanks.
Damn! I found out why not open the files:
Because it is not compatible with Win32 -.- ‘
I lost my Fancy! T-T
no time for sorrow! I will make another.
But if so, how will I save and continue my projects?
Somebody help me!
Hey everyone, I got it! simply using the same file (which was in error) to continue! Phew ..
oh, and Brad fixed what I as complaining about.
What ?
You live with Brad? Or never seen in person but helps-the?
and I, can I help you? 😀
Thank You, I sent the video to brad.
And the Baddies.
ØÅÁ¯ ˆ „ˆÒÒ Å˜Í„´‰ Áب˘
That was in Chinese, If your computer is Chinese you will get Chinese characters, If your computer is any other language, you will get weird looking letters.
Hey, what are you doing while talking to me?
I asked what you helped Brad, and if I could help also
ÎŘ˜ ÇÓ´˜ ˆÇÓ Îˆ‰ ´ˆ˜´Â Æı¨˜ÇÓ ØÏ ÏÒØ„´‰ÍÆ˘
Next One. Stop the nonsense, answer me!
okay, anybody know how to put an animation drawing all together, like if i color my animation in, how to i make that one part of the actual animation?
I do not understand ..
˝Ø˝ÎıÁ´ ÅÒÒ ÏØÒÍ⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄ I’m going offline ( or not )
just to make sure total: Adobe Flash, right?
Luckily in Brazilian Portuguese! ^ ^
It’s easier.. for me even because I’m Brazilian ..
Thank you !
It is currently impossible to download, start tomorrow!
Fortunately, my net is fast
unfortunately not always the same speed, sometimes it 1MB/PS 30kb/ps times, 600.500 ..
up to 2 Mb / ps and at least 30kb/ps (wow!)
Great! Adobe has reduced the size of the dowload of the Setup ! It’s the same thing, but It’s the same thing, but Can you leave the Setup ready for tomorrow! 😆
Mr. Green ? No, It’s Impossible, Mr. is MR. FANCY PANTS !
MR. !
Im really close to finishing my animation… its a BANANA MAN!! 😀
@Atilioo: OY!!! THOSE ARE MY LINES… 😆 lol.
@ICARAX how so??
Publishes there for us to see!
Glitch: I was standing on the Right divider thing (you have to bounce off of ninjas to get up there) and i was moving around a little and then it booted be all the way down right below it.
Possible glitch: I was bouncing the round turtle on my head and its counting was off by one.
@atilioo: i came up with that idea
what should we publish the figure as? the three choices i have are the following.
EDIT: I emailed my animation to brad… 😀 😛
@Atilioo: Huh? Everything’s compatible with win32…
@Infrared: About the baddies floating if you kill the parrot, I should have fixed that, I’ll check it again, though.
hey thats fun! i had a ton of enemys in a line and did a massive slide! baddies went flying everywhere! when did you make these? although i think you should get a little bit of health when you kill a baddie though.
UPDATE: Just need to colour Fall in, then I am ready!
And I thought a walking hamburger was the strangest thing in the world! Then those guys make bananas and tomatos!
@Brad: Can you upload the ninja animations? (FLA)
@ ICARAX HTML and Flash! (if possible)
@ Brad, is that I opened the file directly,but if I open in Macromedia it opens normally ..
@ Pencilmaster who are you?!
@ Hey Brad, I could not open at all! only I can visualize that the saved.
When I go in and then open the file,the Macromedia gives error
@To All It’s hard to move the Fancy and the timeline!
Table when I go in, I simply drawing over all, and ONLY if I move this frame, it affects everyone.
I was wondering how I move the character (Fancy) and how to make frames without affecting the other.
(my animation)
I use Macromedia
if you do not understand the 1st question:
When I create a table if I do something about it, everyone is affected!
I wanted to know how to create a frame without affecting the other ..
I use the Keyframe, but I think I’m using it wrong.
What discourages me is that Adobe and Macromedia Flash are Trial,and I do not think it necessary to buy. But I wanted to do animations in no hurry or anything like that! :/
I would not dare to download a pirated (crack)
Moreover, it is illegal
87 guys!!! 87 baddies killed!!! PWNAGE!!! YEAH
Hahaha! I am the best!
No no, I’m terrible it 🙁
(This is my best score)
I plan on continuing, with the Fancy sleeping ..
Having a Nightmare! Muwahaha!
No, I do not want that the FPM be afraid!
Anyone out there? Look at my animation!
#4 same with me 😛
#3 same with me 😛
#1 same with me 😛
#5 same with me 😛
@ everyone:
I have a folder of pics in order of awesomeness, ( the angel of FPM is least awesome… ) should I send it to Brad???
Next one: LOLOLLOLOLOLOL funny. 😀 😛
*heh* XD
OH, you posted same time as me.
for next post for
NEXT ONE: Yes, you should send it to brad. who knows, that’d be funny if he added it as a baddie.
@Atilioo: is it a baddie, or a finished version to the FPM video clip you made? if its a baddie, send it to brad.
@everyone: is it me or me just being late to it, or has anybody noticed a slight change in a wall jump when you face opposite while being on the wall while pressing down… I dont know
😕 ❓
And.. also ..think the only pretends R restart, but actually makes a break!
@ICARAX Hosts for me to see!
Yeah, is the finished version to the FPM video clip !
Oh stop, man, that phrase is in my math book:”Aha, Gotcha!”
Along with various puzzles and other phrases!
Wait, the phrase
The Statement below is True.
The Statement Above is False.
That isnt a phrase! THATS A STATEMENT.
The Statement below is True.
The Statement Above is False.
@ICARAX Of course I found!
Not now, but long ago!
Hahaha gotcha 😎
@ICARAX heard?
Aha! Gotcha: Paradoxes to cry for more (something so)
@ICARAX Host the file immediately! lazy
(which sent Brad)
Just call me Atilio.
with an acute accent over the first i
@ ICARAX Como posso fazer um inimigo para enviar para o Brad?
Eu realmente quero ajudar.
I’m leaving!
ok so here’s what i saw.
1st off. please remove the door. its a score killer.
2. Camera jumps crazy occasionally when you go into a pencil spin mid-air.
3. i got a turtle, that was turned red, like when you hit it, that was dead sliding across the floor slowly. i didnt have time to watch him because there were so many flippin ninjas at the time so i dont know where he went, but i doubt you want dead baddies sliding across the ground in a perpetual state of being smacked in the head by the pencil.
on a different note… FPA for psn was amazing. the only thing wrong that i thought in the whole thing was the snail shell control. plz find a way to update that version and put the fp 2 snail controls in. when you slide into the shell it doesnt go up. when you jump at it and hold a direction it doesnt go in that direction and when you let go of the direction when you run into the shell it still gets kicked into the air instead of rolling. it was very annoying.
I’m still one of your biggest fans brad, excellent job on FPA and i cant wait to play world 3
Batman @ Yeah, me too, although I can not play the third world When it launches ..
Is That someday I will get? Haha, maybe .. but not yet.
I really wanted, still want really. I hope flash version is not too bad Compared to the console version!
Anyway, I will follow the progress of Brad, always.
I remember when I met FPA World 1 .. I found the FPM very interesting, fast-moving, funny hair and. using only a pair of pants?
@Brad And, might add a trampoline in the Beta Baddie, right?
batman yeah, that happens, but im not sure that it isnt part of its animation. i mean for the red turtle. 😛
@atilioo: firstly sorry if i didnt right your name properly, dont have much time, typing as fast as i can (which is fast (75 for average)) but number two,
REALLY!?! did brad say he would add a trampoline, or did i miss something when i was in england?
@Batman: I agree, if I can get OtT on board for a patch, fixing the shell would be a pretty high priority, though not the highest, so we’d still have to see.
Hm, did the parrot grab and drop him? But yeah, we’re definitely brute strength testing the engine now. Dangit, I keep saying I’m going to get the replay in there, need to do that! (though it still had some problems, so it might not work correctly right away)