Quick Update:
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I’ve been going between actually trying to finish World 3 and making things for the Sneak Peek lately, today I finally make some code that will compress those crazy long replay arrays, which I wanted to do before pushing out another version of the Sneak Peek. I changed a ton of the collision since, so I wanted to makes replays easier to pass around before uploading a build that I’ll probably need to debug some more.
I haven’t added any baddies to the beta since last upload, but I’ll probably throw a few more in before the big update. We’ll actually be at 40k Likes / Follows pretty soon (I seriously wasn’t expecting that to happen this soon, thank you everyone!), so the public Sneak Peek update is going to have 2 big additions to it. There’s a few things that I’ve been touching up on my side that I’ll point out, too, so it’s a pretty substantial update coming out.
I still don’t think I’ve taken enough advantage of the fact that I really can just upload stuff that I’m working on for everyone to see, so I’m going to try to show off some more behind the curtains things that will actually be playable, that should be pretty cool too.
tl;dr: I’ve gotten a good amount done on actually advancing World 3, so I’m going to be doing some more work on the Sneak Peek this week. Fun times for all!
Talk to everyone soon!
Update 6:
Lots of bug fixes, keep sending those bugged out arrays, guys, I can’t tell you how much they help!
I’m at the point where I have to start working on World 3 again, so once we all debug this version, I’ll get a baddie room up in the main Sneak Peek build. That means I won’t be able to spend as much time putting baddies in, so it might take me awhile. Mostly depends on how awesome it is and how much work it would be, so make sure you fool my fla guide!
Again, don’t put replays in the comments! Email them!
Thanks again to everyone, you’re beyond awesome
(might need to empty your cache)
Fixes to the Parrot, a few more enemies, enemies all cycle once before going random, plus everything else:
Here’s where it gets fun, for me at least. Now that I have enough baddie mass to really stress test the gameplay, I started going through and making actual tweaks to how FPM controls. Here’s the list of the latest changes, please leave feedback in the comments!
– FPM runs bit faster while holding pencil, feels less sluggish, but there’s still a contrast
– Much larger reach with the charged attacks, give you another reason to fully charge them
– Changed the deceleration, shouldn’t run into baddies as easily if you miss
– Can change directions while poking, or while doing the 3 hit combo
– Gave the attack hits on all baddies a red tint, better feedback.
– Separated stomped and hit clips, so stomping something doesn’t turn it red
– Some fixes to the Parrots, but I think they still don’t work quite right… Should work next (this) time
Now, I’m not making these changes specifically to make the game easier, but, the game should start feeling better and control more intuitively, so keep an eye on your high scores, they should be going up.
Let me know if there’s anything that still feels wrong, like if you get hurt when you think you shouldn’t, or don’t hit a baddie when you think you should. I need to add the replay system back in so you can just send me a replay when something ‘wrong’ happens.
If you guys can send me baddies that aren’t really animated, I can just give them springy type animation routines, should be able to tell what I mean if you play the beta long enough.
Original Post:
Sheesh, it sure has been quiet around here, hasn’t it? So then, what’s been going on? Well, I’ve been working on World 3 again (remember, FPA on console was made by an entire team, we didn’t just charge you for a Flash game!), but I’ve also been keeping an eye on the XBLA and PSN games. The main reason you guys haven’t really heard from me lately, PSN’s been down, and well, we can’t really plan for the future until we a firm grasp on how sales are going. PSN’s finally back up (and FPA’s on sale for 5 bucks!), but it’ll still be awhile until we know how we did.
I have been reading all of the reviews, though, and one thing that I think is really disappointing is, well, a lot of reviewers don’t seem to really like combat. So my plan was to tighten it up for the World 3 release. But that’s pretty boring, so here’s where you guys come in.
Make me stuff to beat up! I’m gonna be testing combat, and I’m tired of beating up spiders!
Yep! I’ll go ahead and add a baddie room to the Sneak Peek for hitting over 30k Likes plus Follows, and you guys can help keep me amused. I’ll start us out with some ninjas, and I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else!
Once that’s in there, I’d love your help debugging combat, comparing it with the console version, and letting me know what works, or what needs to be fixed still. I’ve been tweaking it a bit already, so we’ll see how much more work needs to be done.
Here’s how this is going to work:
Download this file (you might need to right click, save as). It should be Flash 8 now, anyone want to confirm it works? You can download a demo of Flash at adobe.com.
Actually, if you want to avoid the stupid Akamai downloader, just get the trial here (I swear, if Adobe has the option to do something easily or stupidly, they’ll choose stupidly every single time).
If you’re using CS5.5, though, please do a file, save as, and send me a CS5 fla, please!
Replace the spider’s individual clips with your own art, and rename all the ‘spider’s to something unique.
Email it back.
Play the Sneak Peek online, beat up tons of random baddies!
Tell me how the combat feels.
A few guidelines:
Don’t send me other people’s art, without their permission. This includes Nintendo’s and SEGA’s, so don’t just send me sprites, or anything that breaks someone’s copyright (your own parody art is fine).
Nothing vulgar, and nothing boring!
I don’t claim to own anyone else’s art, it’s just all in good fun, and just for the demo. I won’t be using any art for financial gain (other than helping to spread the word about FPA on console), and I’m not planning on using anything in World 3.
I’ll let everyone know when the first round is up. I haven’t uploaded anything yet, though. I’m going to try to make a video about it tomorrow, if you’re not sure how to edit the fla, I should have something in there for ya.
TL,DR: Testing combat is boring, help me out!
I do not understand, I do not understand this thing to make PS2, Wii, but I’m saying if you can sell for PS2!
Yes, I meant that if Brad could put a trampoline!
Yesterday I isn’t share my animation.
Here is the link for all to see.
How to get to the top right
Ah .. Banana man and a new turtle ..
thankfully withdrew the door!
@Brad, I have a shopping cart. (Enemy Baddie)
I need to walk to cheer hin?
the design is ready.
hey, there are many personagems, turtles and foods, let’s make an object! The shopping cart will be perfect!
hey, there are many characters, turtles and foods, let’s make an object! The shopping cart will be perfect!*
The correct isn’t personagems.
I meant ‘hey, there are many characters”
@Brad: Is it okay if I make another baddie?
Do not bug and it just fell there, when he was knocked out.
@ AJ32
I already did! Ahahahaha
And I ICARAX ? I can ??
@Atilioo: Yes Atilioo, you too can.
Five questions:
I need to animate it?
I need to cheer him to walk?
I need to cheer him when he attacks me?
I need to cheer him when he is knocked out?
I need to animate it to make it fly when I kick?
to just say no to no
and justify (how?) when you say yes.
@Atilioo: what do you mean “cheer him”?
@ICARAX Hmm.. Type: I just need to send the design. Fla?
or I need to make an animation with all the moves?
Are you there?
The new turtle just keeps on doing that until you hit him!
what a glitch!
I also liked the parrots, because when you stayed in the right, then eventually get out of the right and go to the centre, and when your baddie number is about 35, there are at least a dozen parrots, which makes your baddie number go up a lot because parrots die right away, which makes your baddie number about 50.
@Brad: Yeah, the new turtle is glitching up. Do you think that you could put the parrots back in, and just have them spawn much less frequently? Because I want to see what the banana-man’s animation is…
Oh, and I had an idea for a way to boost your score: every time you hit an enemy when it is in midair (with the x1, x2, etc. popping up above you) you get one point. That way, it wouldn’t boost your scores too much, but it would still be an extra variable to think about.
Why do people all like turtles so much? Ha ha! I was joking!
BTW, here is my build: http://www.mediafire.com/?3dh5kk60meb6t64
Sorry it took so long. I was pretty busy with school. Oh, and sorry for the low quality too. My scanner broke down at this very “perfect” time and I was forced to draw on computer, which I suck at.
Well Brad, which email do I send it to? Is it the brad@bornegames.com ?
yep, its brad@bornegames.com
nice build. i like the “kick me now” bit a lot. good thinking. in mine, i wanted my banana man to say FOOOOD when he attacked, but i didnt know how to make the text get bigger (it was my first time using flash, heh)
Do you use Adobe Flash CS5? I can not open these files .fla that you post on Macromedia! I think it’s because you use Adobe and I Macromedia ..
Whats everybody high score for the room? Mines 49
I love all of the baddies but the best one to me is the Hamburger. Who made that?
Do you have to have flash on your computer to make a baddie or does it just open in flash by itself?
Sorry for the double post but it wont let em edit
@icarax what is the “kick me now” bit you were talking about earlier?????
@ICARAX: I made the turtle.
It is very strange! sometimes says that the file is not compatible or something, and sometimes simply the Macromedia closes !
When the time I see Macromedia with Adobe ..
I’ll see when the 30 days of Macromedia run out .I have 27 days and some hours ..
With Adobe!
Has no equivalent program to Adobe or Macromedia that is free?
@ Atillioo no idea.
@ everyone My high score is 54, I want to hear yours.
give me tips, my highest score is 33!especially need to tips for fight with ninjas. They are the Biggest problem for me!
1 tip: stay to the right and keep killing baddies until a ninja comes…
2 tip: always do the flying move! Never be on the ground when there are ninjas around! If you do the jabbing or slashing moves, the ninjas will retreat. If you want, make them keep on retreating and run back to the right.
Oh, I just got 0 and died!!!!!!!
Fail by me!!!!!
I really wanted to donate, but I do not have dollars!
only real ..
I can not even buy the game.
even if I buy, I could not play
Brad will put my shopping cart in 4.7: D (or 5.0)
NOOOOO! I was at 64 then the computer froze and the games stopped working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
๐ new high score for me, 64. ๐
what was I going to say?
oh yeah,
@ Brad: when you wall jump on top of the beam in the right, and you stay on top for 30 seconds, you come down ( grrrr,I think you did that on purpose!!!! )
@ICARAX: Yeah, I don’t know why that’s happening. I checked the animation, so the problem isn’t there, I don’t think…
Hello everyone, I was working on my baddie and now its finished, you can check it out if you want to at
Now I am going to try to improve my score in the baddie’s room of the death, pretty awesome idea by the way, have a nice day.
Fancy Pants Man started to run by himself and got stuck at the left wall after I hit my 12th baddie.
And some parodies are weaker then others P:
@ next one: My last one was 47, I have to get it up!
Wow. Turtles definitely seem to be a favorite enemy…
@MisterCheesio: MOAR TURTLEZ!
@Brad: I agree. If the turtles get any awesomer they will have personal jet packs. Also nice work, I like the baddie room. But do you think that it would be a good idea if you put that room the other sneak peek so when you go into a door you go into that room and you have to beat 100 enemies or something and then you get to play as cutie pants??? I don’t know, just a suggestion
Baddie room’s going into the Sneak Peek once it’s less buggy.
Cutie Pants, haha no way she’s going in the Sneak Peek.
Brad: when i die & the sad music plays & all, it goes back to the door but FPM doesn’t come out. the camera just stays at the door & i can’t do anything unless i press the reload button…
it happens to me too sometimes applewarrior! its a mystery… ๐
Haha, just got back from Cape Cod and found THIS! The baddie room is amazing (even though it’s really hard). THANK YOU BRAD!!!! The ninjas and parrots (and all of the random other baddies) are awesome! I’ve only found a few glitches so far, I’ll try to get screenshots for you.
@Brad:I found some problems.
1)when i die normally afterwards when i come back to game FPM doesnt open the door to come in and i have to press “r” everytime i die
2)when i die and i press “r” still FPM has the Same life that he had before
3(glitch)when i go torwards the right wall no baddie can hit me ๐
And maybe pls can you make FPM playable after the replay stops?
Everyone agrees that my score’s the best?
I have a screenshot!!
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
I’m working on a new enemy.
I’m finishing..
@pompos2: Fixing the R problems now, will be up in a moment.
@AJ32 show us.. THE SCREENSHOT!!!
@Brad Brad, is there?
@ICARAX: Tomorrow! If you wanna know why, look at the forum!
@Atilioo: What do you mean: “Brad, is there?”
Brad, is not seen my e-mail of the enemy, please check your e-mail!
is a Jedi of the film Star Wars .. Man, I’m not breaking copyright. The only thing I copied was the saber. Do not waste!was very difficult to make it, and it took too .. 2 hours.
Also, it is a stick-puppet, I’m not copying a character of the movie .
I hope you enjoy!
YES!!!!! High score = 91!!!!!!!!!!!
No, I went the 1st