
Since everyone seems to like random exchanges between Brad and I. Here is a sneak peek into part of the review for “Virtues Last Reward.”

Me: I don’t like this game. YOU SAID I’D LIKE THIS GAME!!

Brad: You watch all those murder law shows I figured you’d enjoy it.

Me: How?!

Brad: People die and it’s a puzzle.

Me: I’m not the one who decides who potentially lives and dies in those shows! They’re already dead! I don’t have control over it! I have control over this! This game is like “SAW”!

Brad: I thought you liked “Saw”?

Me: This is making me question my own morality!

Brad: Sorry . . .


(For the record, I am still playing this game. I have yet to figure out a way to cheat so everyone lives. Blast.)


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