Going to be playing some multiplayer FPA on PlayStation 3 with Giniro Shourai on his Twitch channel in a few minutes. Come chat and bug me about World 4!
Edit: Offline! Anyone able to catch the stream?
Going to be playing some multiplayer FPA on PlayStation 3 with Giniro Shourai on his Twitch channel in a few minutes. Come chat and bug me about World 4!
Edit: Offline! Anyone able to catch the stream?
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ah sory i read this to late, i wish i was there! :angerz:
aww, missed it 😥
Edit: by three days apparently, hahaha
You guys do realize you can still watch it? Warning: the audio is LOUD. I couldn’t hear Brad talk. I turned it off 😐 .
Brad, visit the Forum. At least take a look. :er_neutral:
I know I know! Sorry I haven’t been around! Please keep an ear out, though, things should start moving forward again soon and I’ll finally be able to dedicate some time to the forum / comments / posts / videos and all that stuff.
I’ll try to stop by sooner rather than later, though!
Okay, but when you plan to return to post and comment in the forum? Since the beginning of this month some former members of the forum are returning to participate in the Forum. WJUK, Wingdemon, DaxterSpeed, FFA, KCYF. Until some time ago the Forum was dead. (sorry for spelling errors as they do not speak English)
I have a question. It’s about a level of FPM I’m doing in Flash. If you do not have time to answer, fine. But I was looking for you for 4 months to ask for it.
Too bad, because do not understand anything of audio from videos. Even putting subtitles on videos of the Google and Bing translators are horrible.