Author: Brad

You probably know me for my Flash game series, The Fancy Pants Adventure.

World 3 Report 3

Woot! We’re 3 for 3! This one went pretty well on the first go, so I didn’t have to redub this, hopefully it sounds a little more natural than the first 2, and hopefully that that’s actually a good thing.

A little less to show off in this one, I’m more looking for feedback this time around, so fire away!

(by feedback I mean what you think of everything in video, not new ideas, trust me I have too many ideas as it is :P)

Comments World 3 Report 3

Database stuff

First step to trying to clean up this site in anticipation for World 3 is to get the stupid forum and WordPress database thing working properly. Apparently the forum was running off an older database that I don’t think I’m even intentionally hosting anymore. Switched everything over, but I had to pick between the two user lists. I went with the Forum list, so if you’ve been registered on the my blog for over a year, that name should still be there (and should have always worked with the blog and the forum), but if you’ve registered for the blog more recently, you’ll have to register again. Unless you’re also registered on the forums, then you should now be able to use that name on the blog also.

Cookies are saved between the two now, so if you’re logged into one, you’ll be logged into the other. Post subscriptions shouldn’t be affected, though (need to overhaul that email though, definitely).

So, if your blog account doesn’t work anymore, use your forum account, if you don’t have a forum account, you’ll have to make a new blog account (sorry).

Anyways, next Progress Report scheduled for this Friday (and hopefully every Friday after that). And no I still don’t know when World 3 is going to be released 😛

Got some really neat new stuff for the next video though 😀

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GDC 10′

Gonna be heading up to GDC in San Francisco soon. Don’t know if that means I’ll be posting more or less for the week, heh. I’ll try and keep you guys updated if anything interesting happens. If anyone here is awesome and going to be there, let me know!

Comments GDC 10′

World 3 Progress Report 1

Hopefully this is the first in a series of progress reports on World 3. I know I never post as much info about the development of World 3 as I’d like to, so I’m going to make an effort to consistently post updates on development. Hopefully I’ll be able to make these on a weekly basis.

To start off, we have:

– Advanced pencil combat and movement techniques.
– What exists so far of the sword fighting pirate baddie.
– Combat with flying enemy concept
– First video of Squiggleville 🙂

Next video should be much more interesting, got a few things I’m working on that hopefully everyone will like.

View the video from YouTube to watch it in HD!

Comments World 3 Progress Report 1

Pencil Teaser!

Remember, it’s just a teaser! There’s no baddies yet that actually take advantage of the combat, and very limited audio, but I wanted you guys to be able to check out the bunch of animation I’ve been working on for way too long now.

Sometimes you just gotta go a-stompin’…


Video Q&A (to make this easier on me, gonna try and answer the more general questions here):

How does sheathing the pencil work?

– He does it automatically during normal levels, after running a bit, or jumping. No separate button, but for now, ducking forces a sheath.

Does this mean that old levels are getting redone for World 3

– Maybe, maybe not, I just still like the first level of the first world of FPA, haha. Soooo much better with the newer physics, too.

Should FPA carrying the pencil on his back instead of it disappearing?

– Probably, I’ll have to do some tests, as long as it’s not distracting.

Is there a separate key for using the pencil?

– Yeah, it’s A or D right now. All the moves are done by either tapping or holding one of them. So it’s only one button, just set to either of those right now.

Can the ricochet scratches hit other enemies?

– They better, would be a wasted opportunity if they didn’t 😀 Might have to fiddle with the trajectory to make that easier.

Parts that take specific advantage of the pencil? / Many baddie sections

– Absolutely.

Bring back those hideous and terribly drawn flying dog / dragon things from World 1!

– I really should, huh? Man, those were embarrassing…

Will there be a running attack?

– There certainly should be, there isn’t one animated now, though.

XBox Live and/or PSN?

– I’d sure love to. But yeah, that’s a full port there. Regardless, I want World 3 to be as good if not better than most games that come out on either of those services 😀

Separate post on pencil fencing?

– Nope! Hence the magic of the edit button! Love you honey! ; )

Comments Pencil Teaser!