Category: Music

Getting married and all that

Hey everyone, I know I haven’t been updating lately, even after promising that I was going to kick start updates (which did last for a little while there, especially with E3 providing some nice topics of conversation for anyone with their eyes on the gaming industry), but, well, Fairly and I have been crazy busy lately, as we’re getting married on July 11th (and you can check out the engagement post from some time back here). Yep, that’s this Saturday! Craziness! Just wanted to give one last blog post as a single dude, since there will probably be yet another period of broadcast silence after this post.

First off, there was a bit of progress made on World 3 that I announced earlier. I haven’t really had a chance to work on World 3 much since then, but development on World 3 will begin officially after Fairly and I get back from ComicCon at the end of this month. Hopefully there will be a whole bunch more updates once that starts, as I really want to keep everyone updated on World 3’s progress along the way, get feedback on the progression, and hopefully try to involve everyone out there in the development in some sort of way. Should be fun.

Click below to check out the rest of the post. Got a pic of the Newgrounds Tank Trophy in there!

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ME2D -> World 3

I’m gonna be gone for the weekend, but something came up in the comments of the last post that I thought deserved it’s own topic.

What features from Mirror’s Edge 2D do you think should be carried over to World 3? Any of the new moves? Time Trials? Replays?

On a completely unrelated note, the new Doves CD is out and it’s quite awesome.

Check it out here.

Doves Myspace

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A better late than never 4/7

Sorry about the last minute weekend blackout there. Still haven’t gotten back home yet, so this post is quite late, heh.

Anyways, music is a big part of The Fancy Pants Adventures, not just the in game music, but the background music that I listen to while working on it. See, I do a whole lot of sitting and working at the computer (makes up a good majority of my work, really), so to keep sane, I usually have a constant stream of music in the background.

Very gameplay focused animation is extremely rhythm centric, so having something with a solid rhythm in the background helps get my mind into a good state for animating. So in a way, you could consider a good deal of these songs as alternate background music for whatever games I was working on when I listened to them the most.

Gameplay is an art, music is an art. Both can create emotions that can’t be easily conveyed in words, so during production, I usually run into a few songs that I dig that seem to help convey the intangible qualities of gameplay that I’m going for.

Click on for a big ol list of musics!

Continue A better late than never 4/7

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Sorry Sonic…

Yep, that previous post was an April fools dealio, but since I’m lazy, I didn’t actually post it until late yesterday, so I’m going to leave that post unedited so you can still view it in all it’s splendor. I’ll leave the mock banner up for one more day also…

Figured I’d show you guys what my ‘genius’ sister did to my desktop yesterday. She was quite proud of it…


Song that’s currently stuck in my head: In My Head by Your Vegas. The song’s on their site, ya might wanna check it out. Reminds me of The Stills on a good day (aka Love & Death or Still In Love Song).

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