Category: The Fancy Pants Adventures

At FGS 2011

What’s up, everyone? So I’m currently at the Flash Gaming Summit, but we have another event coming up where we’ll be revealing another round of console specific features. However, you guys are way too awesome to keep waiting, so we’ll be previewing a new feature every day leading up to some great coverage.

Here’s some lovely doodles to start us off (oh dear I’m so impatient!), but check back soon for some real screens!


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Yay camo!

This was seriously the most requested feature for a Fancy Pants Game, but it wasn’t something that I’m able to do in Flash (and no a mask wouldn’t work, performance would plummet). With the consoles, we get to use all that pixel pushing power to stream in actual pants textures on your player. And there’s a LOT to earn, but that’s a story for a different day…

More updates tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‰

Comments At FGS 2011

Public Sneak Peek

We’re going public with the Sneak Peek, fixing some bugs, finding new ones, and generally making sure that everyone has the chance to try out Fancy Pants Man’s latest adventure!

On Newgrounds

Added support for Medals:

A tiny trial: Score under 400 on the Squiggleville MicroTrial.

An awesome trial: Score under 280 on the Squiggleville MicroTrial.

For Science!: Beat the sciencey challenge room.

Challenge Accepted!: Destroy all expectations and get over a million points!

Don’t forget to vote!

On Kongregate

On Kong, I’m tracking Science and Microtrial high scores, so show everyone who’s boss!

Once again, please vote!

If you want to help spread the love and post the game on your own site, you can use the following embed code:

Or download Mochi’s zip package.

And of course, if you’re wondering about the differences between FPA for console and World 3, check out the video below!

Comments Public Sneak Peek

NYC Fancy Pants 2 player

So, I’m over in New York right now, and we just finished showing off 2 player FPA in Fancy Pants Man’s second EA Showcase (FPA for console was announced at the first).

We had a round of press play a round of co-op through Squiggleville. The response has been incredible, warms my heart to see how many old-school platformer fans are out there! Keep an eye on the onlines, there should be some impressions going live tomorrow or so, I’ll try to link to what I can find here, too.

I hate hyping you guys up and not having anything to show for it, I’m going to scrounge around a bit and try to find some new images or something…

But yes, I can finally talk about console co-op (two Fancy Pants Mans (men?) ) ! Should make the next few reports even more interesting ๐Ÿ™‚

(races are super fun, btw)

Impressions incoming!



A huge thanks to Stephen Totilo for the great write up (once again the comments are staggering to read!).


Cira’s Lyrics

Impressions are pretty far down, but it’s really cool to see the events surrounding the event. It’s easy to wonder what everyone was doing there, heh.

38 Watch

If anyone finds more impressions from the event before I do, please post them in the comments below! Exciting! ๐Ÿ˜€

Pictures until I finish editing and dubbing the next report, after the jump:

Continue NYC Fancy Pants 2 player

Comments NYC Fancy Pants 2 player

FAQs added for FPA console

I’m still getting questions about FPA on console and World 3, so I wanted to be completely upfront with everyone and make a FAQs page. There’s a few basic questions on there, but I’ll be adding more soon.

As for me, I’ve been finishing up a ton of late game animations. I think I’ve done around 500 frames in the last for days? (which doesn’t sound like much, but I’m animating in much higher quality than I’m used to, these are really turning out great!

We’ve been doing a lot of great tweaking and testing, and the game is really just plain awesome. You’ll be seeing a lot more of it soon, and like I aways say, there’s just so much that you haven’t seen yet I can’t wait to show off! ๐Ÿ˜€

Should have another report ready very soon, you’ll get to see some more finished areas from later on in the console game, fun fun ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, and the link to the FAQs page, which is also in the side bar to the right over there:

– Brad

Comments FAQs added for FPA console

The Fancy Pants Adventures Report 4

Just a quick run through the demo! Holidays are over and I’ll be catching up with the updates.

We’re on the last stretch and I’ve been working like crazy to get these animations finished. Gotta make sure you guys get the best. Remember the Angry Rabbit’s 6 frame moves? I’m up to 170 frames for the next boss, and that’s just for one move! Phew. Alright, back to animating!

After that, plenty more awesomeness heading your way!

Comments The Fancy Pants Adventures Report 4