Category: Website

News about this site.

I Promise…

… this is relevant to your interest.

I’ve mentioned this offhand on the forum, but I wanted to bring it here. I’ve taken over @runfastrunfancy on Twitter and also The Fancy Pants Adventures on Facebook.

All of you here on the site know that Brad and I really love tailoring what we do to what the fans like to see so I wanted to bring this to all of you.

What is it you want to see here? On social media?

Do you prefer videos, images, bullet point outlines, or maybe random pictures of cats? Do you like constant updates when we mention the little things changing or for us to just wait until we have bigger, more substantial news?

Honest feedback is really appreciated guys. I don’t want to post useless information or spam your inbox or twitter/facebook feeds (although they hide stuff pretty darn well unless you pay, jerks).

Look forward to hearing from you!

– Fairly


Comments I Promise…

Angry BirdDragonThing Strikes Back

Screen Shot 2014-06-07 at 4.00.07 AM

Following his de-retirement for the World 1 Remix, Angry BirdDragonThing ego inflated to such heights that he now stars in his own spinoff, Flappy Angry BirdDragonThing (which has been deemed the World’s Most Original Game™ by highly prestigious ADADC).

So go, Angry BirdDragonThing, and Flap! Flap like only pretty much every other bird ever has Flapped before!

And if you set enough high scores, he just might grant us the favor of his presence in World 4!

On a more serious note (boring!), I’ve been putting some time into the site, as you can probably tell. Seemed like a good time to get some older (and flappier) games on the site. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where to play Mirror’s Edge 2D nowadays, so now the full version is playable here to keep things simple. All the games are being moved over to a way faster server, so loading them up should be WAY quicker before. Remix I believe is the only one left, but that’ll be moved soon.

If you guys have any suggestions on what you’d like to see on the site (more older games, more high scores, more smaller games like FABDT, more videos), let me know.

Comments Angry BirdDragonThing Strikes Back

Ack, Halp!

Just another quick update, I don’t want anyone to think that I’m posting to make anyone worried. We’re in a place that doesn’t flood too much, and in a house that as been through its share of hurricanes. Just wanted you guys to know what was going on down here! Now excuse me while I sit on my porch and wave my fist at the stupid thing! (after some sleep, obviously)

Soo, where have I been? That lost post was supposed to jump start a bunch of posts and videos, but I ended up getting sick a week or so ago. I’m feeling better, but my ears are all stuffed up, and I’m really getting mad that I can’t record a video until I can hear and talk right again.

Just when I start to feel better, there’s a stupid hurricane headed my way. Trying to evacuate last time was way more of a pain than it was worth (though playing four player Castle Crashers on a generator is always fun), so we’re just going to be lazy and sit back and hope that the levees actually work this time.

I’ll try to post an update sometime later. Maybe now I’ll have time to write that blog post that I’ve been meaning to, heh.

[Wed 3:00 am]: Well, power’s still on, but Isaac should be hitting full force tomorrow, so we’ll see how long that lasts. Rain isn’t too bad but the wind is picking up. Looks like it shouldn’t be too bad (famous last words…). Should be right over us in about 10 hours, so we’ll see how that goes.

Got every single portable game system we could find powered up to brave the storm!

[Wed 6:00 pm]: Very good news, power didn’t go out! Looks like there’s some outages nearby, but things seem to be fine over here. I’m seeing some other places in Louisiana didn’t fair as well, though.

I read over the last hurricane post I made almost exactly 4 years ago (it’s been that long??), and I forgot how scared I was then. Not really about the damage, but since it was only a few years after Katrina, I didn’t think the economy could take another pounding. Guess we’re all, though.

Now if only I could find some more game developers around here…

Comments Ack, Halp!

And We’re Back

Finally, after the long, exhausting, almost three year long journey that was The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 3, I had to disappear from the internet a bit to regain some of my lost sanity. But I’m back, and more ready than ever to, I dunno, attempt to do awesome things at the Internet?

So what’s been going on these past few months? Lots, actually. First and foremost, I celebrated my first Fathers Day (:D) last Sunday, I’ve also been working on the Grateful Dead online game with Curious Sense. The first part of it is out now, and there’s some really awesome additions coming soon. Just make sure to register and create your own avatar, a lot of code went into making those little guys customizable! Disappear for awhile, come back with a launched game, not too bad, eh?

TommyLM and I have begun discussing Fraser’s Ride again, so expect to see some updates on that, finally! I can say, though, it looks WAY more awesome right now than it did the last time you saw it. I’ve also learned a bunch of code while working on W3 that should help make that development far easier.

I’ve also finally upgraded my audio / video equipment, so I’m itching to get back on YouTube and talk about teh gamez again. Anything you guys would like me to address, relating to W3 development, perhaps?

Been playing a lot of games recently, I’ll make a post later so I can go more in detail about the games I’m playing, since those usually have a pretty big influence on the games I’m working on.

And last but not least, I’ve got some cool ideas on how to get the Borne Games community more involved in some game making, so check out our forums for my latest hair-brained schemes.

Comments And We’re Back

The Great Spam Bot Purge!

Update: FLUSH!!!

Alright, if anything has gone wrong don’t hesitate to email me, I made sure to make a backup before running the plugin! But, if you had no posts but wanted to keep your account, just make another account, and, well, post something this time! heh.

The Great Spam Bot Purge is coming! I have like 6k users on my site, and most of them are bots, blech. Any accounts with no posts will be deleted! If you have an account and haven’t posted anything before, comment here to keep your account safe! I don’t know if it counts subscriptions, so please, all subscribers, leave a comment! Forum posts count, but you can leave a comment if you want to make sure. Yay, spam with a purpose!

Of course, if your account gets deleted and there was nothing attached to it, but you still want an account, you can always make another one later…

Comments The Great Spam Bot Purge!

Database stuff

First step to trying to clean up this site in anticipation for World 3 is to get the stupid forum and WordPress database thing working properly. Apparently the forum was running off an older database that I don’t think I’m even intentionally hosting anymore. Switched everything over, but I had to pick between the two user lists. I went with the Forum list, so if you’ve been registered on the my blog for over a year, that name should still be there (and should have always worked with the blog and the forum), but if you’ve registered for the blog more recently, you’ll have to register again. Unless you’re also registered on the forums, then you should now be able to use that name on the blog also.

Cookies are saved between the two now, so if you’re logged into one, you’ll be logged into the other. Post subscriptions shouldn’t be affected, though (need to overhaul that email though, definitely).

So, if your blog account doesn’t work anymore, use your forum account, if you don’t have a forum account, you’ll have to make a new blog account (sorry).

Anyways, next Progress Report scheduled for this Friday (and hopefully every Friday after that). And no I still don’t know when World 3 is going to be released 😛

Got some really neat new stuff for the next video though 😀

Comments Database stuff

Quick posts

Picture 50

Hey guys, so I’m trying out a new sidebar thingy, something that would allow me to make smaller posts that don’t push down more important posts (like pictures of various pets on my shoulders).

What do you think of the idea? Is the site too thick now? Should I just sell my soul and finally get a twitter to place up here?

Comments Quick posts

Getting married and all that

Hey everyone, I know I haven’t been updating lately, even after promising that I was going to kick start updates (which did last for a little while there, especially with E3 providing some nice topics of conversation for anyone with their eyes on the gaming industry), but, well, Fairly and I have been crazy busy lately, as we’re getting married on July 11th (and you can check out the engagement post from some time back here). Yep, that’s this Saturday! Craziness! Just wanted to give one last blog post as a single dude, since there will probably be yet another period of broadcast silence after this post.

First off, there was a bit of progress made on World 3 that I announced earlier. I haven’t really had a chance to work on World 3 much since then, but development on World 3 will begin officially after Fairly and I get back from ComicCon at the end of this month. Hopefully there will be a whole bunch more updates once that starts, as I really want to keep everyone updated on World 3’s progress along the way, get feedback on the progression, and hopefully try to involve everyone out there in the development in some sort of way. Should be fun.

Click below to check out the rest of the post. Got a pic of the Newgrounds Tank Trophy in there!

Continue Getting married and all that

Comments Getting married and all that

Easter Weekend!

Sorry guys, Easter weekend and all that, just wanted to make a quick post to let you guys know that the official seven posts will continue Monday. Might make a quick post of I get a chance, but it/they won’t count as one of the seven.

Comments Easter Weekend!

New posts!

Alright guys, I know I don’t update this thing as much as I should, to help remedy that, my fiancée has been making posts under ‘Fairly’s Corner,’ but now that the Flash Gaming Summit and Game Developer’s Conference are over, I want to try and do something special and post something new every day for a week.

That’s right, 7 updates in 7 days. Compared to my usual ‘whenever’ update schedule, that number is pretty mind boggling. On the last day, I’ll have some cool news and concept art for World 3 to finish the new post flood with.

World 2 at FGS

So to start off the barrage, The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2 won the indie game category at the Mochi award show! Most of you have probably read about it, but still, I think it’s way awesome, and just had to say it myself.

The Mochis Winners

Sadly, there was some computer trouble, so there’s no video saved from the ‘what makes a game a hit’ panel that I was on 🙁

But wait, there’s more!!! Click below to read the reset of the post!

Continue New posts!

Comments New posts!

iPhone / Too Human

So I just downloaded the WordPress app for my (pre 3G) iPhone, testing it out…

Playing the Too Human demo at the moment, haven’t really heard any buzz about it on the Internet (the demo, I mean, the Internet won’t shut up about the actual game).

Wow, it’s awful. Really, really bad. I’ll have to go into it a bit more once I’m back on the computer (that is, if you guys care), but all I keep hearing about is how much better the game gets every time the press sees it again. If that’s true, then the first versions must have been absolutely atrocious…

Maybe I should make a list of all the things wrong with the game and see if any of them get fixed…

Comments iPhone / Too Human

Q&A pt 2, site updates

Alrighty then, so I finally got around to posting the second part of the Q&A session I recorded a few months ago. Yeah, I know, trust me, I’m still dealing with a lot of post World 2 release stuff. I’ve got a lot of cool stuff brewing in the background, though, I’m trying to set up a lot of stuff that FPA fans should like. Either way, check out the ‘videos’ tab under World 2 to view part 2. I think these questions are actually pretty interesting.

While on a ‘taking care of things that I should have done a long time ago’ kick, I updated a lot of the placeholder pages to the right. Game pages now have short little blurbs about them, and links to the game if there wasn’t one before. I still need to post images and stuff like that, but it’s better.

Also, and Fairly’s been bugging me about this one, I went and put some stuff up on the About Me pages, some info, a few pictures, if there’s anything else you guys think should be up there, go ahead and yell at me in the comments.

I’m going to try to get a few new shots up of Fraser’s Ride up, also.

Comments Q&A pt 2, site updates


Starting small on this one, there’s now a little art button under World 2 in the usual spot. Nothing too spectacular, but it’s a start. I figured I should leave it open to you guys to tell me what you like that’s there, or want to see/download, suggestions for desktop wallpapers or drawings, stuff like that. Go ahead and leave monitor resolutions while you’re at it, I’m running at 1920×1200, so that’s what the first wallpaper is set to, but I can make them smaller or non-widescreen if you guys need.

Comments Downloadables

Update, other stuff


Nope… update’s not ready yet, sorry…

Basically, the deal with the update is, I’m both lazy and extremely picky about my games, I’m sure you all know that by now… So it should be no surprise that I keep finding new things that I want to fix in World 2. I think I have it locked down now, so there’s really not that much more to do… you guys should be glad, though. If it was merely a bunch of bug fixes, you wouldn’t really have much of a reason to replay it. The biggest addition is the 2 more transitional levels, added after Level 3 and Level 4. I’m trying to be creative with these two, since they’re so small, I figure more thought should go into them, right? Nothing mind-blowingly amazing or anything, of course, but new content is new content, right?

There’s a few additions to the backgrounds, in Level 5 and Level 4 mostly, that I’d say are worth checking out. And don’t forget the timer… oh, and what some people would probably consider the best additions, if you hold a button while at the title menu or dialogue, it’ll speed them up. Definitely a plus if you play the game more than once.

Hopefully around the time the update gets out, I’ll have some fancy standalone players for the game, too, I’ve gotten a few requests for those…


The new forum’s been great, too, so here’s a big thanks to everyone posting and being generally awesome in the forum, and to Fairly who’s taking care of most of the admin functions there. We’re getting 108.765 average posts per day, and 5.529 average topics per day, in 2 weeks. Sounds pretty good to me.

Ah, that reminds me, I still gotta add the Forum door to the banner… but first I have to finish this update, argh.

Check out the topic rofl lmao: currently covered in cats and captions, and I approve. I want to start linking to more topics in the future, but I really haven’t had time to lurk around in my own forum lately…

I’d like to do more topics like this in the future, and build up some sort of collection of tips and how-to’s for making Flash games…

And finally, games I’m currently playing, since it would be too long to post that here…

On a completely unrelated note

You know what I hate? Those hand driers with the sensor on the front with small text that says ‘sanitary touchless’ or something like that. I mean, not once have I not rubbed my hands all over the thing looking for a sensor or button before I actually notice the small sensor in front. And gamers / developers who think online gaming is a replacement for multiplayer gaming in person, I REALLY hate that…

Comments Update, other stuff

Donations, Forum, and Portal

Well I’m getting sick of how ads work. I’m allowing people to advertise on my site and I’m only getting paid when they actually click a link? Hey, if your product isn’t interesting enough to get people to click on it, it’s your fault, not mine. I guess I could make the same complaint for MochiAds, but so many more people play World 2 than visit my site that it’s not nearly as big of a problem. I also know that those guys are working to get use developers the best deals that they can, so…

So, instead of using ads on the site, I’ve added a Donate button to the sidebar. I’m sure that most of the people who enjoy playing my games aren’t exactly able to donate through Paypal, but… they have parents, right? 😀

Also new: What I would consider the next step in expanding the site: a forum! Yep, now you guys get to post off topic comments, and off topic forum posts! (kidding, kidding! you know I love you guys’ ‘creative posting’!). WordPress names carry over to the forum, and yes, I will make a door for them… eventually…

Current categories are:

Brad Borne, Makes games, which will soon be filled with thought provoking questions such as, ‘when is World 3 going to be release?!’

Game Development: I can’t promise I’ll be able to answer everything, but I’m hoping this can turn into some sort of database for the most asked questions.

Your Work: A place to show off your own creative side. Drawings, animations, games, fan art, engine builds, music, whatever. If you made it and want to show it off, you can post it here.

Video Games (current) and Video Games (classic): I’m not too sure if I want this classification yet, not sure if I’ll stick with current and classic, or ‘reviews’ and ‘analysis,’ or something…

Music: I’ve always said that having a good beat in your head is extremely important while animating, so I’ll probably end up ranting about a bunch of bands that I like that you probably haven’t heard of.

Serious Business: There’s a few topics that I would like to talk about, not necessarily related to gaming, that I don’t think would work well as a blog post. I do plan on heavily moderating all threads under this category, but no, I won’t be censoring anyone’s opinion that differs from my own.

Off Topic: Because I know my forum would explode if you guys didn’t have this section 😉

I was going to write on Portal and it’s current seemingly endless influence on any and all online puzzle games… but instead I think I’ll go use my newfangled Forum thing to do that

Comments Donations, Forum, and Portal

Sorry Sonic…

Yep, that previous post was an April fools dealio, but since I’m lazy, I didn’t actually post it until late yesterday, so I’m going to leave that post unedited so you can still view it in all it’s splendor. I’ll leave the mock banner up for one more day also…

Figured I’d show you guys what my ‘genius’ sister did to my desktop yesterday. She was quite proud of it…


Song that’s currently stuck in my head: In My Head by Your Vegas. The song’s on their site, ya might wanna check it out. Reminds me of The Stills on a good day (aka Love & Death or Still In Love Song).

Comments Sorry Sonic…

Where are those videos?!


Things have been pretty busy around here. I don’t really want to go into details of my personal life, but I haven’t been able to get much work done lately (and no, it’s not because of Brawl :P), so I’ve finally found myself catching up on a ton of things.

Soo, basically, I’ll get to those videos when I can…

Oh yeah, right, that picture… Been playing around with Art Rage a bit lately, Flash isn’t really good for the sketchy way that I draw, but I like having an undo button, so that program tends to be really good for goofing around.

Comments Where are those videos?!