Category: World 2

1.5 released!

Version 1.5 is released, gah, finally! If you’re a site hosting my game, grab the latest version from here, if there are any sites that you guys especially like, tell them to update, or give me their address and I’ll try to get ahold of them.

Next up on the to-do list: Standalone versions with full quality audio. Woo!

I’ve also been getting requests for FPA art lately, would anyone be interested in some icons, desktop wallpapers, or things like that?

Comments 1.5 released!

1.5 Update Beta 3

If I had a dollar for every time I rewrote the snail’s bounce code…

Either way, I have a good feeling about this one, the actual bouncing should be much more accurate (the shell should act more realistically), and I think I finally got everything stable this time around (crosses fingers).

I was having some problems with the platforms, so if you guys could play around with those, hit them from weird angles, at the very corners, and play around with getting the snailshell into the hole in level 2 (this should have fixed any problems there also…), that would be a HUGE help. I’m really hoping to finally get this out there tomorrow…

Beta 3

(Oh, and just to make sure, the Best Time scores are saving properly, right?)

Ah, and one more thing you guys can tell me, are your save files carried over when I update?

Comments 1.5 Update Beta 3

1.5 Update Beta 2

Everything should be addressed, plus a lot more code rewriting that I probably didn’t need to do. The most noticeable would probably be that that mayor is animated now.

Can everyone check on getting the snailshell into the golf hole in level 2, to check and see if they have any of the problems Sahiro describes in the last comments?

[bit of an update, that should fix the springs]

Same link

Comments 1.5 Update Beta 2

1.5 Update… Beta

Alright, I need sleep, like always, and I want this update to be perfect, so here’s what’s basically the final 1.5 update. Run through it, tell me if everything works, if there’s any bugs, particularly in the platform code, and what you like and what you don’t like about what’s new (or anything simple that you think could still be addressed in the final update)…

Basically I’m letting you guys beta test the update instead of waiting until tomorrow when I can make sure that everything works. Sneaky? Oh, most definitely.

Some tips: holding s, up, or down at the title credits or when the mayor is talking when you can’t move will speed everything up. T displays the stopwatch. Get the squiggles in the boss fight after being hit to allow yourself to take one more hit than normal.

Just a note to webmasters, please don’t upload this version, it’s locked to my site. Please wait until the full update is released.

Update 1.5 Beta

Oh, right, there’s also a few new things besides what was listed in the previous posts. One in particular should be pretty sweet…

Comments 1.5 Update… Beta

Update, other stuff


Nope… update’s not ready yet, sorry…

Basically, the deal with the update is, I’m both lazy and extremely picky about my games, I’m sure you all know that by now… So it should be no surprise that I keep finding new things that I want to fix in World 2. I think I have it locked down now, so there’s really not that much more to do… you guys should be glad, though. If it was merely a bunch of bug fixes, you wouldn’t really have much of a reason to replay it. The biggest addition is the 2 more transitional levels, added after Level 3 and Level 4. I’m trying to be creative with these two, since they’re so small, I figure more thought should go into them, right? Nothing mind-blowingly amazing or anything, of course, but new content is new content, right?

There’s a few additions to the backgrounds, in Level 5 and Level 4 mostly, that I’d say are worth checking out. And don’t forget the timer… oh, and what some people would probably consider the best additions, if you hold a button while at the title menu or dialogue, it’ll speed them up. Definitely a plus if you play the game more than once.

Hopefully around the time the update gets out, I’ll have some fancy standalone players for the game, too, I’ve gotten a few requests for those…


The new forum’s been great, too, so here’s a big thanks to everyone posting and being generally awesome in the forum, and to Fairly who’s taking care of most of the admin functions there. We’re getting 108.765 average posts per day, and 5.529 average topics per day, in 2 weeks. Sounds pretty good to me.

Ah, that reminds me, I still gotta add the Forum door to the banner… but first I have to finish this update, argh.

Check out the topic rofl lmao: currently covered in cats and captions, and I approve. I want to start linking to more topics in the future, but I really haven’t had time to lurk around in my own forum lately…

I’d like to do more topics like this in the future, and build up some sort of collection of tips and how-to’s for making Flash games…

And finally, games I’m currently playing, since it would be too long to post that here…

On a completely unrelated note

You know what I hate? Those hand driers with the sensor on the front with small text that says ‘sanitary touchless’ or something like that. I mean, not once have I not rubbed my hands all over the thing looking for a sensor or button before I actually notice the small sensor in front. And gamers / developers who think online gaming is a replacement for multiplayer gaming in person, I REALLY hate that…

Comments Update, other stuff

First real World 2 update

[update: Everything done!]

World 2 update 1.5 is fast approaching. ‘1.5’ sounds like a good version number to make substantial changes at, so I’m fixing a few problems that have popped up since the initial release, as well as spending time on a few little details that weren’t big enough to delay the game further. So basically, yes, I’m patching World 2 as if it were a retail game.

I’m posting the list because, well, if you can think of anything that you think deserves to be fixed, now’s your time to post it in the comments.

– Added a stopwatch, like World 1 on Kongregate.

– Best time displayed in trophy/colors room.

– Angry Rabbit won’t just jump over you now.

– 2 squiggles added to boss battle, getting them lets you take one more hit before dying. They’re the only squiggles that come back after you die.

-Screen blinking after loading improved… mostly…

– Added another sign about wall jumping to Level 4

– Exaggerated spiders crawling over you when you’re defeated.

– Player now needs to hold the direction away from the wall to let go a wall jump, so players switching directions with the jump won’t accidently cancel the wall jump.

– Fixed Geier’s name to match the rest in credits

– New inky walls transitional level

– New ‘ladder’ moving platforms transitional level

– fixed wall jump to ledge hang notches in the Level 5 wall that leads to the Afro Dojo

– FPM can plow through baddies now if he’s sliding or rolling fast enough (which would be faster than a run, so still no easy mass spider killing) (you guys wanted this one, no?)

– invincible for a few frames after sliding into something so if you hit two spiders that are taking up the same space, you won’t get hurt

– music on / off toggle saved after game is closed

Edit: stuff update!

– Finished Level 5 background (FINALLY, looks so much better now :D)

– option to reset game data (I’ve promised a few people this, though I’m not sure how I should implement it, I guess I can break the rules for something as important as that and make it clickable…)

– update ‘matrix backflip’ head and hair

– update getting hurt clip

– and a bunch of other little stupid things that I can’t believe got through testing, ugh

– fixed spring/baddie jump hair

– cleaned up slopes transitional level

– cleaned up duck motion lines

– Level 4 background finished, background not empty anymore, woot.

I’m hoping I can get all of this finished tomorrow in the near future…

Comments First real World 2 update


After ongoing negotiations, Borne Games can finally announce its acquisition by SEGA-Sammy Holdings, Inc. Borne Games will begin rebranding all Fancy Pants Adventures games with the Sonic the Hedgehog license. Webmasters: if you are currently hosting an outdated version of The Fancy Pants Adventures World 1 or 2, please update your site immediately.

The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 3 has already undergone rebranding, and has since been announced as Sonic: Unleashed.

Comments SEGA

Q&A pt 1

I always feel weird about uploading these to YouTube for hosting. I can just see a bunch of people all like, ‘who is this guy, and why do I care?’ Oh well, still better than using my own bandwidth, I’m sure that banner is sucking up enough bandwidth as it is…


Questions addressed in this video are:

Where and when did you first come up with Fancy Pants Man?

Do you have the first drawing of Fancy Pants you made?

Where does Fancy Pants Man store his brain and other headly organs?

How did you get into game development?

What is your educational background?

What do you do other then makes games?

What are you using as a webhost?

How much did Armorgames pay you?

What is your girlfriend like?

How long have you been working on flash games?

Did you make Mindbender?

Can I have your MSN/AIM?

How do you pay for all this, do you have an actual job?

Have you made yourself a level editor?

What kind of pants were you thinking of when you created Fancy Pants?

Are you looking for any ideas for future games?

Is Fancy Pants Man’s wardrobe a reflection of your own?

Did you plan on making Fancy Pants Adventures a series? Did you mean for it to be such a big hit?


Comments Q&A pt 1

Behind the Fancy Pants

Alrighty, here’s one of those videos I’ve been talking about. I dig around on my hard drive for old files from FPA’s creation. Joining me is Paul Downs, original creator of the Penguin, who is mostly there so I wouldn’t just be talking to myself about how terrible all my old stuff is.

I had to cut a lot from this video, so who knows, maybe I’ll post some of that footage one day…

Next up, though, is a multi-part Q & A session with Fairly Obvious / my girlfriend Jenna, once I begin editing that, I can tell you guys which questions we’ll go through in the first part.

Also: yes, I will make the banner navigate the site through different doors, I was planning that all along, but I’m still catching up with a ton of work, so, I’ll do it eventually 😛

Comments Behind the Fancy Pants

Why Not

Before we started filming, my fat cat decided to say hi.Just thought I’d prove that the video is real and Fairly/Jenna exists 😛

Video Thing Again

If it’s not working still and you have Quicktime, either click return in the address bar to load the movie file again, or try right clicking and save file as…*shrug* It’s being weird for me, if I click it and click back and click it again, it works fine.(it’s Quicktime, and I should probably learn how to embed videos…)Yeah whateva.

Comments Why Not

Video Guide!!!

Dun dun dun! Never thought I’d finish this… guess I’m too critical of my own voice and kept rerecording the lines over and over. Oh well, learned to loosen up a bit near the end, so it starts to sound more like me, I think…

But even if you’ve already gotten everything in the game, I still try to a little bit about the game and levels and all that, plus there’s a few tips for controlling the Shell in the very beginning. Who knows, you might still learn something.

Of course, if you’re new to the game or you’re looking for guidance on any of the holes, here’s the video, I hope it helps, if there’s anything that’s unclear, or anything else you’d like to see, ask away.

The video on the guides page


The YouTube page

Not really sure what you’d use that for, but there it is anyway, heh.

Comments Video Guide!!!


So here’s a question for all of you.

If I would happen to make some Fancy Pants Man shirts, would you guys buy them?

If you really, really want to sport some FPA gear, here’s your chance to be really loud about it. Telling other people to comment in this thread if they’d want shirts too could also work…

Comments Shirts

The colors!

Okay, so a few things had to be left out of the initial release of World 2, but there is one feature that made it in that I thought you guys especially would enjoy.

On every level, there is a snail, and somewhere else on that level is a golfball hole. Sink the shell, your pants turn the same color as the flag at the hole. Surprise surprise, the hole in level 3 is based on the little challenge that this site created while playing the beta!

Post screens of Fancy Pants Man sporting different shades of fancy! How many can you earn? Who can get all 6 first?

On a sidenote, the Fancy Golfball challenge was created in direct respose to anyone who said that World 1 was too easy 😛

And guys, please, no spamming up this thread like the others…

Comments The colors!

Merry Christmas!

As much as I would have liked to have World 2 out already, being able to work less and actually enjoy the Christmas holiday has been quite nice. I’ve also been working on a few small things in the game that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I didn’t have the extra development time, if that’s any consolation.

Either way, Merry Christmas!


Comments Merry Christmas!

Some real news

Alright, guys. I’m gonna do the classic good news / bad news deal.

Good news is I actually have a release date for World 2.

Bad news is, it’s not before Christmas.

I’ve been working like mad lately, with World 2 and Christmas stuff, I’ve almost burnt myself out. So I’m going to release on January 8th, there’s not all that much left to do, but I don’t want to be cutting corners or sleeping even less than I do now. Plus, you know, I wouldn’t mind enjoying the holidays with my family a bit, heh.

And in an attempt to get ya’ll to hate me less, a shot of what’s probably my favorite background in the game. It’s actually from the second level that was in the demo.


But, this will be the final delay, as long as nothing goes terribly wrong, which it shouldn’t…

Comments Some real news

Beta .1, have at it.

Approximately 3 gajillion fixes in this one, so attack it and make sure I didn’t break anything else.

Off the top of my head:
– improved landing smoke and new cannon smoke animation (by James Kholamian)
– fixed that pause when you land while running
– fixed baddies rotating when coming into screen
– should have fixed baddies just floating in the air
– fixed where the stupid shell would skip forward while rolling off of something (you don’t know how much that bugged me…)
– tightened up normal wall jump
– that stupid teleporting thing should be FINALLY fixed
– LOTS more stuff

Beta .1

Comments Beta .1, have at it.