I’ve been working on some crazy things since the last update, and I have a cool surprise coming up, but I wanted to make another summary post about all the things I’ve been adding to the engine in the meantime.
From Googling around, I seem to be the only person who’s actually gotten Parse working in Flash ever, which is just nuts because it’s exactly what every Flash developer needs: an easy way to save player data online. If it would be worth it for anyone for me to make a post solely on how to get that working, shoot me an email or leave a comment.
To test this out, I have a handful of hats in the build online and a race level (you must be registered and logged in to this site for it to work, I’ve added a Facebook login to make this even easier. And no I’ll never spam your Facebook wall, yuck). There’s also scoreboards for the fastest times there and the highest juggling combos. Which leads me to the next thing…
Yep! Future FPA online games will have collectible hats (and maybe other accessories?), and with Parse, all unlockables will carry over to all future games! Load up the alpha, click anywhere on the screen, and select a hat to check out the networked saving and loading.
I’m still baffled by how incredible ScaleForm is, and how few people seem to know about it. Plays Flash games on mobile, hardware accelerated, ridiculously fast, with full touch support, it’s nuts. ‘Flash doesn’t play on mobile so it’s clearly teh doomed!’ is an even sillier thing to say now.
This is the main reason this update is so late, I’ve been getting the current build running on my phone (no Adobe Air, no nasty spritesheets, no piles of external level bitmaps), and get the Flash game running at 60fps with some trickery.
This is actually a pretty huge thing for the online game also, it’ll run at 60 fps if your computer is fast enough, 15 fps if it’s too slow, and anywhere in between. Even if the game stutters, the code will take that into account and updates properly, so it’ll control more smoothly than before.
Changing the movement system introduced a bunch of new bugs (of course, ugh), but I think most of them are taken care of now. Let me know if you find anything, though!
We’ll see if this means I can actually launch future FPA games on mobile myself (the core FPA games are really demanding and uses Flash in ways that it usually isn’t). In the very least, I’ll be able to make smaller mobile games myself in the future.
That’s it for now! Stay tuned, though, I’m working on a cool surprise for the Level 1 from World 1 that’s in the engine right now, and I’ll have some more info on future plans!
– Brad
Comments Parse, Hats, and ScaleForm