Move: Left and Right Arrow Keys
Jump: S
Duck: Down Arrow
Hold down while running to slide, while moving backwards to roll, or while landing to slide boost.
Stomp or slide into a baddie to stun them, run into a stunned baddie to kick.
Revisit Fancy Pants Man’s very first stomping grounds and get a preview of the new Flash game engine that will be powering future Fancy Pants Adventures games. Filled with new levels, secrets, surprises, hats, and pants, you’re sure to experience a fresh take on a familiar World!
Play More Fancy Pants!:
The Original World 1
The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 2
The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 3
:woot: :fpm:
soy horrible
very good
BRAD how do you do multie plaer
Hi,Brad Borne. l love this remix of World 1. Best Remix that l have played. l Hope Fancy pants Game Series lives on. l got two Questions for you, Brad. One : Why is not on android? l would love to play this on android! Two : is it okay if l do a review of all three fancy pants games (including World 1 remix). This is RockerDefeater and World 4 will be a great sequel to World 3. Peace,Brad And Fancy Pants, Keep on running. :fpm:
:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:
guys I’ve got great news! fpa world 5 is completed thanks to me and brad
go play this game now!:*
WARNING: this symbol * means that you cannot click on it! only use it to type url or google search
you stupid sob
no one try
it its a freakin lie your computer will be messed up
SHUT UP NOOB :er_neutral:
:er: Doesn’t even exist
I won the pencil battle.
for some reason the door on level three wont work im on google chrome
I recomend :woot: :woot: and the when the world 4 comes??
sorry the error…
Anyone know how to get the key
Brad,in the level 3 of time trials,I can not finish it even though I went past the finish point :angerz: :angerz: :angerz: .Please fix this bug.
i like this game
Consegui derrotar o lápis na batalha e acho q peguei todos os chapéus ( peguei 8 ) e todas as calças ( tenho 6 calças peguei 2 e 4 já veio junto com o jogo ) e peguei aquelas bolinhas que deixam a calça com listras e a calça dividida a fase mais difícil pra mim foi a do parkour com aranhas
Brad , why do not you launched :pants: The Fancy Pants Adventures :fpm: for Android
Brad, why do not you launched :pants: The Fancy Pants Adventures :fpm: for Android
P.s: Sou Brasileiro
EU Tambei sou BR :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:
:fpm: :fpm: :fpm: :fpm: :fpm: is so cool
Anyone notice Brad’s name in level 1?
Anyone saw Brad’s name in level 1? Still waiting for World 4!
i did
What’s with the key rooms crashing at certain points? I die on a skateboard and repeats the “FPM OW!” sound every tenth of a second. The Level 4 Key Room crashes too! White Screen! (In challenges too…)
Please fix this Brad! (Or Fairly… Who knows) :angerz: :angerz: :angerz: :angerz: :angerz: :angerz:

Found an easter egg on level 3 :cat:
please add karate to world 4: the fancy dojo!!
:pants: :fpm:

:woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot:
When I tried the time trial for level 3, the finish line didn’t work. Could you fix this, please?
fun but how do you reset your data? :er: :er: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants:
Hey Brad!
I can’t seem to click on the “Get this for my site” button.
It takes me to the menu.
Wonderful game! But it’s very glitchy, the camera just won’t move on many occasions. And as I was trying to roll down that tunnel-y thing the bowl opened up for me at the first scene of World 1, the sprite just stay crouched at the entrance and won’t move down or out of the tunnel.
Anybody notice the ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! in level 5?
Fancy Pants Man jumps off slope.
Brad and FPM: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! :angerz:
good games fancys pants
:woot: :fpm: :pants:
I found a glitch i went into the key room on level 1 clicked buy key went to the other screen closed out the paypal screen without buying the key left the key room and the camera was locked in one spot.this happened in the original not sure it is meant to be a reference or not. huge fancy pants fan been playing since the original :fpm:
eu não sei o que é pior ou o jogo ou eu :red:
I like Kabottle
:woot: :fpm:
Great every time I get in to start world 1 remix door its stuck on preparing level.
Need help Brad
:pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants:
:angerz: :angerz: :angerz: :angerz: :angerz:

Ps3 Controller doesnt work on left analog stick when i push right it brings up the damn menu now i do this to fancy pants man
:fpm: :pants:
This sucks 1 reason when i push the ps3 analog stick on the left right it brings menu up BOOOOO
this game is the best game I ever played.
:woot: :cat: :pants: :fpm: :fpm: :fpm:

this is sooooooooooooooooooooooo cool :fpm:
:cat: :pants:

Where’s the world 4 man? The remix is cool, if 4 will in be a long progress, please put the remix of world 2 and 3 too! :woot: :pants: :fpm:
I found a bug when I go to a key room and back I can move bnut the screen dose not
I found a bug when I go to a key room and back I can move but the screen cant :er:
This is awesiome man :fpm:
hey Brad or fairlyhere i like how you or he(talking to you fairly) put the how to play:s to jump and arrow keys to move BUT YOU/HE didnt put how to use your pencil(A KEY) BTW stay Fancy