Super Fancy Pants Adventure is available on Steam, iOS, and Android
The original ‘World 4’ post below for archival purposes:
The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 4 will be the next mainline adventure in the Fancy Pants game series.
It’ll be the start of an epic journey for Fancy Pants Man that will span the next few Worlds. What happening, where’s he going?? You’ll just have to wait and see!
The Fancy Pants engine has been rebuilt and mostly reanimated from the ground up. You can check out the new movement and animations in the World 1 Remix, or try out more specific World 4 features, like running through multiple backgrounds, in the World 4 early alpha.
The main priority in World 4 is focus. Previous games have added a lot of new features with every game, but I’d like to keep the game more focused this time, so that the movement and attacking better compliments each other, and moving through levels is more involved in a logical, streamlined way. I also want to better utilize features throughout the game, rather than piling on features that are used once or twice. I have some ideas that I’m really excited about that are still secret, so stay tuned!
As a bonus for key holders, the first created level of World 4 is available to play in the Remix, inside the World 4 Preview door and past the first level.
Still no release date, but I’ll be posting new information on the website as it’s available. You can subscribe to posts, join the Fancy Pants Adventures Facebook page, follow us on Twitter, or come say hi in Discord!
I like stuffs!Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
whats that?
What’s what??
Cannot wait for FPA 4!!!!! Hope you can be other characters apart from FPM…. No offence Fancy… :fpm:
DUDE I JUST HAVE TO SAY: X3 LET FPA 4 OUT!!!! :fpm: + :cat: = :woot:
Guys we need that golf swing and remix suits should be saved in world one two three and of course four!
if tested it its pretty good beta version you can do it to.
me no creater im just a random guy who tested it
:fpm: + :pants: = :woot: . :cat: meow
World 4 ROCKSS!!! ๐ :pants:
cuando va a salir? ๐
con s
could you tell me the approximate date in which FP4 will release.
I’d like to know, but I think Brad would too.
me to
I would generally like to know if it’s going to release onto the apps store/Google Play/Windows Store. That would be sweet if that would be accomplished.
:fpm: :woot:
we will never know.
I dont no because he’s thinking about making it.
I want to know too :fpm: :woot: :pants: :cat:
ะบะพะณะดะฐ ะพัะธัะธะฐะปัะฝะพ ะฒัะนะดะตั fancy pans 4?
such detail ๐
Much Fancy! :cat:
Much Fancy. Such Wow. So Pants.
Brad can you add the golfswing now plsssss.
:pants: ๐ :fpm: :woot: ๐ :cat: :angerz: โ ๐ ๐ ๐
wen fancy :pants come out XD lol
Sooooo, any chance for playable Cutie Pants this time around?
It actually seems like a good idea, maybe there could be multiplayer like the third game, but we’ll have to wait and see.
when will the full game FPA: World 4 โ
whats stuffs?? โ
:fpm: :pants:
When will the beta release. :er:
:pants: :fpm: :angerz: :cat:
on the preview I noticed the different level design it’s cool but could u also put most or some levels with the classic design?
Dear,Brad Could u make some new pencil attacks and enable us to use the pencil while were hanging off a ledge also make a recover move for the pencil and in the game make a arena mode like in fancy box and include the soundtrack from the remix and put it in world 4 also in the remix was the boss u?
What he said, I’ve been waiting on a double jump my whole time playing fpa. Do it now pls.
๐ ๐ ๐ก :woot: ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ :red: ๐ :pants: ๐ณ ๐ฎ
๐ ๐ก ๐ :fpm: ๐ฟ :er_neutral: :er: ๐ฅ ๐ :cat: โก :angerz: โ ๐ โ
:cat: :pants: :pants: :pants:
if a wizard was in world 4 and gave :fpm: magic, it would be awesome! :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants: :pants:
what if fancy gets a item and clones himself for 10 seconds?
the enemies will be like, :angerz: .
LOL. I like the idea. XD
Brad, I do not know if you will like my idea:
Before Fancy Pants 3 can only be played in the full version, I played at Click Games and there was a door near the beginning of the first phase was going to a place called “Behind The Curtain”. In this place there were four doors that went to somewhere else in the game, but one of them led to a place (or room) that had a cannon as the Piraty Princess Ship (seventh phase). But this cannon fired not only spiders, parrots, ninjas, pirates and ducks. Also threw some crazy critters (an ice cube, a green ghost, among others). That room with that cannon is not part of any place of three worlds of Fancy Pants. It was very difficult and fun. How have the challenges, you could achieve this with Click games room and use it, perhaps improve it as a challenge. I think this site is Brazilian, because the name of this site on my tongue. I hope you like my idea and use it somehow.
Yep it was part of the World 3 demo to get some new content out there while I was still working on the Flash version of World 3.
I’ve been redoing most of the combat for W4, so you’ll probably be seeing something similar for World 4!
Even better news, though, combat’s going to be a core part of W4, so there’ll be more combat in the final game, like the test room.
fajne :fpm: :woot: :pants: :red:
I played the FPA 1 remix and immediately knew that anything that comes after in the series would be amazing.
oh que lol ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
oh shit :fpm:
i.m win
you dead
ืืื :fpm: :pants:
i can’t wait but i can wait
I can’t wait for FPA: World 4! *sniff* Speaking of which, World 1 Remix is pretty fun (even if it’s pretty laggy.)
Hey Brad, I don’t know if you’re gonna respond to my question or something, but, are you gonna make FPA games for Android phones in the future? ๐
# :fpm: # :pants:
Scaleform can also run on Android, I’m just not as familiar with the Android ecosystem. The plan is to release games over there also once things settle down a bit.
๐ Well, it’s sad to know. ๐
But I understand. You’re gonna understand what Android’s all about, someday, bro! ๐ *pats your back*
:fpm: :woot:
:pants: This game will be the best! :pants:
yes game
when it will come โ
The pancy pants is a cool game! :fpm: :woot: :pants:
:fpm: :woot: :pants:
๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ ๐ณ
When the heck is world 4 coming out!!!! ๐
i really need to wait for FPA 4 in may 1,2016 pls brad make the game on may 16 2016
is FPA world 3 wil be updated and it will be ink boarding in the water?
I wonder if it could be possible to make it work on Android because I’d like to play it on my nextbook ares 8, I love this game so much! ๐
how a about creating hair styles
PLEASE TELL ME THAT FANCY PANTS 4 IS COMING SOON!!!!!!! :er_neutral: :er_neutral: :er_neutral:
I don’t know It’s coming soon or not but I’m exciting to play it
go play the remix so that you… ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ :pants: :fpm:
go play the remix so that you… ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ ๐ฟ :pants: :fpm: :woot:
emassa cars :woot: :woot: :pants: :fpm:
I want to play world 4!
please make quick world 4, creator brad.
who is world 4 boss???