World 3 Report 9
No release date yet lawlz!
Comments World 3 Report 9No release date yet lawlz!
Comments World 3 Report 9Posting this from the Newgrounds office. AfroNinja demonstrates a new level! Happy Pico Day!
Shot from my iPhone, but better than nothing!
Comments World 3 Report 8For reference, this is specifically what I’m responding to:
Roger Ebert – ‘Games Can Never Be Art’
Comments World 3 Report 7I’ll admit, the last 30 seconds are by far the best part of this report…
Comments World 3 Report 6teh fifen!
Comments World 3 Report 5Wow, somehow the video ended up being 16 minutes and I didn’t even realize it… I’ll just have to upload it in two parts…
Part 1:
Part 2:
Comments World 3 Report 4The iPad is epic win. Maybe I’ll finally answer my massive backlog of emails (sorry everyone who’s emailed me recently!).
Comments iPadSo I finished playing Miles Edgeworth: Investigations (Nintendo DS) a little while ago. Brad bought it for me before we headed up to GDC, to provide myself with some entertainment. I’m a huge Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice fan so I was extremely excited to get this game. At first I was disappointed because I thought that they’d ripped out the audio whenever Miles Edgeworth said “Objection!” or “Take that!” or “Hold it!” then I realized that apparently my headphones just weren’t picking it up. Lucky for the game otherwise I would have given it a straight 0/10 and counted my losses . . . Well maybe more of a 8/10 maybe, I mean if you’ve played the Phoenix Wright games you know that the audio makes the game.
Anyway, the game.
Continue Miles Edgeworth . . . TAKE THAT!!
Woot! We’re 3 for 3! This one went pretty well on the first go, so I didn’t have to redub this, hopefully it sounds a little more natural than the first 2, and hopefully that that’s actually a good thing.
A little less to show off in this one, I’m more looking for feedback this time around, so fire away!
(by feedback I mean what you think of everything in video, not new ideas, trust me I have too many ideas as it is :P)
Comments World 3 Report 3What do you guys think of this?
bleh that link kind stunk so here’s the link from gonintendo . . .
Miles Edgeworth Investigations review coming soon . . .
Comments SooooI was going to wait for the HD version to kick it, but that’s taking forever. Oh well. Enjoy!
And don’t forget to check out Toy Tanks!
Comments World 3 Report 2Play Toy Tanks on
Borne Games mini release, created by my cousin, Matt Borne, inspired by Wii Play: Tanks. You can contact by email from the game, or by posting below.
Kongregate version is live (if posting awesome scores to Kongregate is your thing).
Comments Toy Tank Arena!This game made up for my disappointment with Spirit Tracks. Brad has been trying to get me to play this game for a while now, but I always found another game to play instead. I finally relented and I will never regret it. Sadly, this game was a limited release and not heavily advertised. Sounds reminiscent of . . . let’s see . . . Okami?
I will not say I put this game up on the same pedestal as Okami, but it’s definitely one of my FAVORITE DS games.
Forewarning, this game does have a bit of language in it. Not harsh language, but I’m not suggesting this for anyone under the age of . . . 12? It’s mild language, I don’t know how ratings go nowadays, they’ve become a bit less strict since I was young. Sooo I’m going by MY experience, because I’m a genius and all. (right . . . ) Anyway! Back to the game!
Continue The World Ends With You
First step to trying to clean up this site in anticipation for World 3 is to get the stupid forum and WordPress database thing working properly. Apparently the forum was running off an older database that I don’t think I’m even intentionally hosting anymore. Switched everything over, but I had to pick between the two user lists. I went with the Forum list, so if you’ve been registered on the my blog for over a year, that name should still be there (and should have always worked with the blog and the forum), but if you’ve registered for the blog more recently, you’ll have to register again. Unless you’re also registered on the forums, then you should now be able to use that name on the blog also.
Cookies are saved between the two now, so if you’re logged into one, you’ll be logged into the other. Post subscriptions shouldn’t be affected, though (need to overhaul that email though, definitely).
So, if your blog account doesn’t work anymore, use your forum account, if you don’t have a forum account, you’ll have to make a new blog account (sorry).
Anyways, next Progress Report scheduled for this Friday (and hopefully every Friday after that). And no I still don’t know when World 3 is going to be released 😛
Got some really neat new stuff for the next video though 😀
Comments Database stuffGonna be heading up to GDC in San Francisco soon. Don’t know if that means I’ll be posting more or less for the week, heh. I’ll try and keep you guys updated if anything interesting happens. If anyone here is awesome and going to be there, let me know!
Comments GDC 10′Hopefully this is the first in a series of progress reports on World 3. I know I never post as much info about the development of World 3 as I’d like to, so I’m going to make an effort to consistently post updates on development. Hopefully I’ll be able to make these on a weekly basis.
To start off, we have:
– Advanced pencil combat and movement techniques.
– What exists so far of the sword fighting pirate baddie.
– Combat with flying enemy concept
– First video of Squiggleville 🙂
Next video should be much more interesting, got a few things I’m working on that hopefully everyone will like.
View the video from YouTube to watch it in HD!
Comments World 3 Progress Report 1Yo,
Sorry for being so absent as of late; with removing wallpaper and painting + refinishing floors my time has been limited. Please do not be angry with me *whimper*
I just wanted to ask all of you a question, please answer in any way you see fit (rant, outlined format, etc). Brad and I are attending GDC this year and there is a panel that’s addressing “Are Girls the New Hardcore Gamers?” Brad has issues, as do I, with the term “hardcore.” I, personally, do not consider myself a hardcore gamer. I lean more towards the retro historical aspect of games and most of my experiences are directly effected by my previous experiences. I do not sit down and for five hours straight perfect my Halo technique, although I believe L4D2 and Uncharted 2 could potentially suck me in rather easily (one of the reasons I’m afraid to start playing them, hah)
So what do you consider “hardcore”?
AND do you believe that people tend to be more loose on the application of the term “hardcore” when it comes to girls?
Don’t be worried about making comments “too long” I really want to know what y’all think.
(and please don’t be worried about offending me)
Thx guys =)
Edit: Love the comments, I have another question to add on inspired by the comments. Are you more likely to avoid going after someone who identifies herself as female (to go easy on her in a fight), have you seen this happen?
It would make a bit of sense, I know that I had to knock a few males down before they took me seriously in different male dominated pastimes. However, I had a tendency to go easier when I was playing against girls because I was afraid I’d hurt them.
Comments Question . . .I will say, first off, that anyone who says this game is better then Phantom Hourglass better check their water system because something in there is affecting their brain. While a decent game, Spirit Tracks is in no way better then Phantom Hourglass. I know that a lot of reviews claim that it is, I began to question my own view of this game because so many reviews were all gung ho about it, then I talked to someone else who was currently playing the game and they agreed. So I felt much better about my stance.
Continue Zelda: Spirit Tracks