
Oh hey, new trailer up on Steam, release date should be announced tomorrow!

Check it out

Spot the new Fountain Pen Abilites!


Still fixing up bugs here and there, but at this point there’s mostly waiting until the actual release. When is that, eh? Should be a date and new tailer dropping soon πŸ˜‰

I’m going to try to make some posts to help keep my sanity before launch (yeah I know I always say that, right?).

In the meantime, I found this trip down memory lane, might be a good refresher before SFPA hits. I’m seriously honored that someone thought my games are worth such a detailed look (no pressure for SFPA or anything, lawlz!), so please help me throw some views and thumbs up his way!

Comments Waiting…


I sense a disturbance on the web… internet sleuths, get on it!

Edit: Guuuuuyyyys! There is a thing out there and you need to find it uuuughh.

Edit edit edit edit edit: guess we’re waiting till tomorrow then πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

Comments Something…

Art in Motion

The gears are grinding behind the scenes, guys, I promise! To help with the wait, here’s a few new clips!

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More level art from Chris Gianelloni. Some levels are more cartoony, while others are more abstracted and… fragmented. I wonder why that is…

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And earlier section, drawn by Andy Debus, focused on the good ol’ momentum-based gameplay you know and love. Run down slopes to gain speed, jump off ramps and profit, you know the drill!

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Wasn’t someone pointing out unfinished slide pole animations earlier? This one’s for you.

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Despite completely overhauling combat for World 4, I went back and adjusted the stomp a few times to get just the right springiness. Because you guys deserve only the best stomping there is!

Probably owe everyone a follow-up Let’s Play video with final art, hmm…

Comments Art in Motion


Hey guys remember when I super pranked everyone on April Fools with an image of World 3 on Android?

Lucky for you guys I’m actually far too lazy to mock up an Android download screen and Over the Top was working on one all along!


World 3 Google Play

And it’s free! (ad supported), so download away!

And please, give us a fair rating, it’s a fresh launch so we need your help!

Comments Android!

Annnd We’re Back

We’ve been single-mindedly hammering away at the last stages of development for awhile now, just want to assure everyone that the site going down didn’t mean development was stalled. Lots of boring behind the scenes paperwork type stuff going on at the moment (more on that hopefully soon), but we’re also sprinting on the rest of the artwork, some new sounds to up the production quality, tweaking challenge difficulty, just lots of little things that I hope I can show off in some videos soon!

In the meantime, I think I owe everyone some new screens for the temporary disappearance there.










And some challenges:



Comments Annnd We’re Back

Happy New Year!!

We’re here, we’re alive!

Sorry for the absence, we’ve been scrambling quite a bit this past month. We had some small setbacks so we weren’t able to get W4 out this year. πŸ™

Right now we are planning on an early 2017 release. We haven’t had too much to show off just because a lot of what Brad is working on is spoiler-filled. He’s also been working with artists and on the music (which is amazing), but it’s also something that needs to be ironed out before we post anything.

It’s probably important to mention that this will actually be a substantial sized game. Brad has tackled a lot of this by himself and it’s much larger than any of the other games he’s released (larger than all FPA games put together). There is a LOT going into this game and as much as we would have loved to get it out in 2016 we didn’t want to rush release and deliver an incomplete game. Nothing worse then releasing a game and saying “wait for the update THEN it will be REALLY good, promise!”.

Brad said he’s going to be around on here so if you have anything you want to ask/say to him leave it in the comments!

Comments Happy New Year!!

Checking In

Hey guys!

We’re still here! Just trying to cram everything we want into the last remaining time before release (remember we said before the end of the year, that’s still the plan!). Brad has been working Β a lot on animations! He’s done some really interesting stuff and hopefully we can get another video out soon. Brad wants to save some of the new stuff for the lead up to release because he doesn’t want to post a ton of spoilers.

However, Β I can tell you that we have artists working with Brad on the levels. I’m actually really excited about the artists Brad is talking to because I’m a fan of their art styles and I’ve loved their interpretations of Brad’s style so far. I’m very picky about art in FPA so I guarantee you’ll like what they’re delivering. Once I have some solid level shots for y’all we’ll get into who they are.

Here’s some new animation for y’all to check out:


Comments Checking In

World 4, Let’s Play!

Oh man has it been awhile. I absolutely love keeping everyone a behind the scenes view while I’m working on a game, but World 4 is just a huge game. Since new info has been pretty scarce lately, I wanted to give you guys a nice big unfiltered view of World 4, so I enlisted my 4-year-old and Fancy Pants testing enthusiast Seth to run though a few of the earlier levels.

We run and stomp and attack through 3 full levels, and hey, if this was World 1, that would be the entire game already! Like I said, World 4 is going to be HUGE, so I hope that at least makes up for the lack of development updates in the end. Let me know if you enjoy this type of video, it’s still quicker than planning something specific (I do way too many re-takes), and I’ve worked the bugs out of the recording processes.

Do you even Fancy Pants??
Click for some World 4!

I think it was getting passed Seth’s bedtime near the end there, he was going nuts O.O

Comments World 4, Let’s Play!

Fairly Here

Hey guys,

I didn’t realize how long it’d been since there had been a post on the site. Brad mentioned before that I’ve taken over the social media for World 4’s development. Someone mentioned on there that the blog hadn’t been updated in a while and I’m sorry about that. With me handling Facebook, twitter, and instagram I kind of pester Brad for snippets and small things here and there because the whole point is to foster interest and grow the audience there.

For the blog, Brad likes to break things down and explain what he’s doing so posting small things with cheesy quips doesn’t really work here.

He’s kind of been inundated with work as of now, working really hard to try to get the game released before the end of the year. There’s a lot he wants to talk about but he’s also trying to make sure that he’s making something that his y’all (and all FPA lovers) will enjoy. Meanwhile I’m chirping in the background “Brad! I need something to post this week!” or “Ummm can I post what you’re doing right now?” which probably isn’t helping his focus much. Social media is a necessity to get the word out though, so hopefully he doesn’t mind too much.

Is there anything y’all want from me? I mostly try to keep the blog as Brad’s thing since Bornegames is his creation. Mostly I just post small things on social media and then reply to questions.

Brad should be posting something soon. Right now he’s just plowing through stuff.

I also noticed that there have been posts on the forum about my updates on social media and AJ32 noted that I was in Boston (btw AJ32 I like need to send you a fruit basket or something, you’re awesome).

Between May and July Brad was working on things that he didn’t want to post because, well, spoilers. Let’s just say this was a very frustrating time for me as a social media manager. I was also in Boston for a period of time for a vocal conference. I never mentioned it here (I don’t think) but I’m finishing off a degree in vocal performance which isn’t easy with Brad working full time and three kids under the age of 5. It’s been an interesting year.

In short, guys, we appreciate y’all. Please don’t think you’re being ignored. I can’t reveal anything without Brad possibly hitting me over the head with a frying pan (just kidding, he’d probably glare at me then roll his eyes) but my experience is this game is going to be good. Really good guys. I can say 100% with confidence that this game will be amazing, and that’s not the supportive wife role, that’s the “I’m a female gamer and I will not sugar coat this because doing so will completely make me look like a tool”.

Comments Fairly Here

Some Imageses

Since Fairly’s taken over the social media site places, new images and info tend to show up on those quicker than on the site, since I’ve been pretty much animating all day. Here’s some catchup, if you haven’t seen them!

Playing around with some new styles for World 4, what do you think?



Comments Some Imageses


Three years since my last video, six since the 1st World 3 Report. Yikes!

Still can’t upload a video on time to save my life, but man am I out of practice. Tried to put my dumb face on video to say hi and start the new series out but that just wasn’t working out, maybe once I’m back in the swing of things again.




Melty Level, Dr. Seuss

Last image I posted showed off the crazy amount of backgrounds I have for the cave level, with the bit of ground in there being closer to the earlier sketchy FPA style. This time around, different styles will actually be of some importance, rather than whatever I can scratch into the computer at the time. Since it’s Dr. Seuss’s birthday, it seemed like a good time to show of a later part of the level, which uses a more solid, physical style that’s partly inspired by Ted Geisel’s amazing, twisty landscapes.


The question, of course, is what happened to cause landscape to change, but I’ll leave that up to speculation for now 😎

Comments Melty Level, Dr. Seuss

World 4, Cavey Goodness

We still haven’t been updating as much as we had hoped (totally my fault), but maybe this will make it up to you guys.

I’d like to present, the first ever official World 4 screenshot:

It's a cave, bro

What can I say, caves and The Fancy Pants Adventures go pretty hand in hand. I think World 4 will be much better at contextualizing level locations, though (I love the reason you end up there, but that’s a secret for now :X )

I’m still playing around with the style, I’ve always loved the old scribbly style of World 1 (hence the Remix), but you’ll be seeing more diversity this time around. I look forward to running some new styles by you guys, so stay tuned!

– Brad

Comments World 4, Cavey Goodness

Drip Drip

ink drip

Wanted to share this earlier, but the whole house somehow managed to get runny noses (except me… somehow…).

Now I know if looks like a simple animation, but-

ACK, I’ve already said too much! *runs away*


Comments Drip Drip

Fancy Running

Just one more art update until we get to the good stuff, promise!

Vault Fancy

Fancy Pants Adventures has always been most personal to me, it’s always a reflection of my skills at the time, and I’ve always made them as simply the games that I want to play. One aspect of the game, however, that’s been heavily influenced by player feedback has been the parkour influence. Even from the beginning, I’ve seen players excited about playing a ‘parkour platformer’ (which there seems to be criminally few of), and since the style certainly goes well with FPA, I’ve let more and more moves creep throughout the series (remind me to go over the original influences one day… And no it’s not just Sonic :P).

So, figured I should just ask you wonderful people. Would you like to see more obviously parkour influenced moves in World 4, or push the series to be more unique?

Either way, parkour makes for some great poses to draw Fancy Pants Man in :woot:

– Brad

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