Tomb Raider

So! I know the last game I mentioned playing was Virtues Last Reward (which I am still playing, thank you unlockable timelines I need in order to complete the game)  BUT Brad sucked me into Tomb Raider. Something about wanting a female opinion on a female protagonist or something along those utterly sexist lines. 😉

ANYWAY! Brad bought this for PC  and I played it with a XBox controller so I’ll be judging it from that angle. I did have a few freezing issues that made me need to restart it. Brad has apparently not experienced it yet, but oh goodness it’s frustrating. Luckily this game saves about every five seconds.

From what I understand this is a reboot. Full disclosure, I swore to myself I would never play this game. After seeing numerous cosplays with random internet nerds drooling over girls I’m not fully convinced know what an inverted control is I was very jaded about the whole idea. Not to mention the whole Angelina Jolie computer enhanced thing. The whole thing was enough to churn my stomach. I know, I’m one of those girls that just doesn’t care about stereotypes and thinks the whole uber feminist thing is blah but geez Tomb Raider’s publicity just turned me off.

That being said:





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Fancy Box: Report 1 – Making Levels

It’s seriously been over a year since I last posted a video?? That’s just nuts!

Let’s start the year off right, here’s an introduction to the Fancy Box and level creation.

If you make a level, email it to me (under contact), and I’ll feature it in a future report! Just make sure to include the name you want credited.

Next video coming soon: Fancy Dueling! If you make an arena soon enough, it could make it in the next video.

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Fancy Pants Experiments

Sup Internet! Yup, Brad again, popping my head out to say hi yet again. I know things have been even quieter than usual around here, I put a lot of things on hold while working on World 3 / FPA on consoles, and so I’ve been spending a lot of time catching up on those things recently (fixing up the house taking up the most time lately).

But, not to worry! There’s still plenty going on behind the scenes, even if there’s no new big game announcements at this moment.

– Cornell Tour Pack for the Grateful Dead: Epic Tour online game

Play online here

I posted about the Epic Tour a few months back, but now there’s a new tour available online for 99 cents. Various enhancements have made it back to the original levels, and there’s a few levels leading up to the station that are new (and still free!). You’re able to collect 6 multitrack recordings and mix them how you like in the Cornell levels, so I think that’s a really good deal.

The Fancy Box

I’ve been getting the itch to work on something Fancy Pants related lately, so I wanted to start experimenting with features that weren’t able to make it into the FPA console game. I have a 2 player battle mode (Smash Bros. influenced, of course) up and running, but keep an eye out for something that hasn’t been seen by the public yet that I’m very excited about.

Oh, and I’ve made a package available for download that allows anyone to build their own Fancy Pants levels.

No clue where this is going, but I’m not above making an excuse to play with Fancy Pants Adventures a bit more!

Check out the Fancy Box here. Click on 2 players and ‘custom: Level4’ for a ‘smashing’ battle! 2 players could certainly use some beta testing. Normal baddies are a bit broken at the moment, though.

a s and tfgh for player 2, ; ‘ and arrows for player 1.

Check out this thread in the forum to try your hand at creating levels.

That’s it for now, now go make some awesome levels so I can play them and highlight them on the site!

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Ah rants . . .

Watching Brad play Resident Evil 6 Demo:

Fairly: At least his hair looks good.

Brad: His hair looks horrible!

Fairly: What are you talking about? His hair looks amazing!

Brad: No, look . . . adjusts camera . . . see the shadows? It’s horrible!

Fairly: Whatever, you aren’t a girl, you have no idea what you’re talking about!

[Brad: Leon’s hair was fabulous! (as it was in Resi4!) It was the shadowing that sucked :P]


Brad: Why am I even here? Look, she’s killing everyone for me. I’ll just stand here.

Fairly: You’re just supposed to stare at her. That’s the entire point.


Continue Ah rants . . .

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Fairly here, which means that posting anything under this post will not make sense if it’s directed at Brad 😉 (did that sentence make sense?)

What can I say? Welcome to motherhood for me. My gaming life has gone drastically downhill since having a son who apparently decides to break every single milestone ahead of time. At this rate maybe I can get him gaming by 12-18 months . . . hmmmm. He might break all of my Mario Kart high scores by age 2! Just kidding, I don’t have anything you could refer to as a “high score”, must keep up that feminine mystique or whatever.

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Ack, Halp!

Just another quick update, I don’t want anyone to think that I’m posting to make anyone worried. We’re in a place that doesn’t flood too much, and in a house that as been through its share of hurricanes. Just wanted you guys to know what was going on down here! Now excuse me while I sit on my porch and wave my fist at the stupid thing! (after some sleep, obviously)

Soo, where have I been? That lost post was supposed to jump start a bunch of posts and videos, but I ended up getting sick a week or so ago. I’m feeling better, but my ears are all stuffed up, and I’m really getting mad that I can’t record a video until I can hear and talk right again.

Just when I start to feel better, there’s a stupid hurricane headed my way. Trying to evacuate last time was way more of a pain than it was worth (though playing four player Castle Crashers on a generator is always fun), so we’re just going to be lazy and sit back and hope that the levees actually work this time.

I’ll try to post an update sometime later. Maybe now I’ll have time to write that blog post that I’ve been meaning to, heh.

[Wed 3:00 am]: Well, power’s still on, but Isaac should be hitting full force tomorrow, so we’ll see how long that lasts. Rain isn’t too bad but the wind is picking up. Looks like it shouldn’t be too bad (famous last words…). Should be right over us in about 10 hours, so we’ll see how that goes.

Got every single portable game system we could find powered up to brave the storm!

[Wed 6:00 pm]: Very good news, power didn’t go out! Looks like there’s some outages nearby, but things seem to be fine over here. I’m seeing some other places in Louisiana didn’t fair as well, though.

I read over the last hurricane post I made almost exactly 4 years ago (it’s been that long??), and I forgot how scared I was then. Not really about the damage, but since it was only a few years after Katrina, I didn’t think the economy could take another pounding. Guess we’re all, though.

Now if only I could find some more game developers around here…

Comments Ack, Halp!

Oh Game Industry

Phew, now that this post is out of my system, I’m going to try to keep up a string of posts, what I’ve been up to, what I’m games I’m thinking of making in the future, more complaining about video games (except Gravity Rush, amazing game), that sort of thing. Later, everyone.

I keep wanting to write more simple blog type posts about games I’m playing and my thoughts in general (remember my that one time I wrote an angry post about the Too Human demo??), but the longer I wait to post something, the more epic I feel the post should be, and the more epic I feel the next post should be, the longer I take to write something… Doesn’t help that I was writing this from my phone and the WordPress app crashed and killed most of the content of this post, so it ended up taking even longer to finish.

So let’s break the vicious cycle, here goes:

Recently I slapped a new (okay, now old) GTX 570 in my now ancient Mac Pro, sick of waiting for the new generation of consoles to emerge (don’t get me wrong, I’m hyped as hell for the Wii U, but Nintendo isn’t giving me nearly enough info to go on at this point). I picked up the PC versions of a few games that were in my need-to-play list (and even more during the Steam summer sale, arg!), and finally got around to playing the first Crysis and Crysis Warhead again.

There’s been a lot bugging me about the video game industry lately (DLC, online passes, DRM…), but there’s no better way to illustrate the absolute worst of video games right now than to go between Crysis 1 and Crysis 2.

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Lego City, First Impression

“Chase, Chase McCane”

“Chase McCane! You’re a legend!”

….. Well I’ve never heard of him! Hmph

By demand (from one person, I’m a pushover) I’m going to post my thoughts on this new Lego game. Disclaimer, I have only heard of the Lego games, I have never actually played one. It’s not because I thought they looked extremely childish (I’m all about extremely childish), they’ve just always been overshadowed by other games that have been released.

I do know that my cousin, Sarah, was a big fan of at least one of them. She’s a massive gamer, and one of the few opinions I’ll really listen to on gaming. She knows her stuff.

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And We’re Back

Finally, after the long, exhausting, almost three year long journey that was The Fancy Pants Adventures: World 3, I had to disappear from the internet a bit to regain some of my lost sanity. But I’m back, and more ready than ever to, I dunno, attempt to do awesome things at the Internet?

So what’s been going on these past few months? Lots, actually. First and foremost, I celebrated my first Fathers Day (:D) last Sunday, I’ve also been working on the Grateful Dead online game with Curious Sense. The first part of it is out now, and there’s some really awesome additions coming soon. Just make sure to register and create your own avatar, a lot of code went into making those little guys customizable! Disappear for awhile, come back with a launched game, not too bad, eh?

TommyLM and I have begun discussing Fraser’s Ride again, so expect to see some updates on that, finally! I can say, though, it looks WAY more awesome right now than it did the last time you saw it. I’ve also learned a bunch of code while working on W3 that should help make that development far easier.

I’ve also finally upgraded my audio / video equipment, so I’m itching to get back on YouTube and talk about teh gamez again. Anything you guys would like me to address, relating to W3 development, perhaps?

Been playing a lot of games recently, I’ll make a post later so I can go more in detail about the games I’m playing, since those usually have a pretty big influence on the games I’m working on.

And last but not least, I’ve got some cool ideas on how to get the Borne Games community more involved in some game making, so check out our forums for my latest hair-brained schemes.

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Nintendo E3

Well, I was trying to figure out how best to word this post, but I couldn’t’ find a way so I’m just writing.

Despite the fact that Nintendo was fully introducing the Wii U at this point, they didn’t have too much to offer. There were so many other presentations after the big one that I was hoping there were a few surprises in store. Not so much. The roundtable seemed to focus most on Nintendoland and the 3DS presentation was basically a recap of the E3 presentation. I mean, REALLY?

You’d think that since they were naming something “Wii U” they might have a little motivation to do something spectacular with it. Nintendo just fell back on games that everyone KNEW were coming to Wii U (such as Mario, Nintendo = Mario) and offered nothing new for fans to drool over. All of the presentations were “safe”.

I was expecting something crazy like a new F-Zero or even an awesome third part addition like Professor Layton or Phoenix Wright. Shoot, they could have easily put Layton and Wright on the Wii U.

Oh! Or Mario Paint! F-Zero and Mario Paint were the two I was crossing my fingers for.

Trust me, with all of the potential retro games being brought back going through my head I was sorely disappointed with everything Nintendo brought forth.

Who knows, maybe they’ll surprise me later but the last two E3 presentations have been absolutely bland.

Someone mentioned Madden and FIFA in a comment on a previous post. While the new features may be cool, it’s still underwhelming. We all knew those would be announced, that doesn’t help the pain and disappointment I feel. 🙁

Btw I’ll make a post on the Lego games. While obviously geared more towards the younger crowd. The whole thing just has the potential to be very interesting, especially with the way the dialogue seems to be written.

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E3 Microsoft

Well guys. I would say that Trey Parker summed up Microsoft’s presentation nicely:

“How many times have you thought I want to watch this on my TV while listening to my mobile device which is being controlled by my tablet device which is hooked into my oven all while sitting in my refrigerator?”


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Fairly here!


It seems there’s a bit of confusion. Two people post on this blog: Brad and then me.

Anything posted under “Fairly’s Corner” will not involve Brad except for the occasional times I ask him to check my grammar.

For the record Brad is still alive, just very busy. He’ll probably post his opinions on E3 once it’s over.

So who is psyched for E3? I’m baking a cake! (I’m serious)

Comments Fairly here!