World 3 is live!

World 3 is currently live around the internet on all your favorite sites! Armor Games, Kongregate, and Newgrounds, to name a few (I’ll post links when I get home).

I’m still updating the game, but there’s two major bugs that I keep reading about. One is, if a stunned baddie hits a scratch shot from a mouse, it’ll break. Shouldn’t be too hard to fix when I get a chance.

The other is, FPM becomes invincible at some point. I haven’t been able to reproduce this one, maybe you guys can help me out. Anyone have this happen to them? Any idea what could be causing it? Are you hitting anything specific before becoming incincible? Halp!

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Where’s World 3?


Well, most of it, at least. The public beta is live! Play through the entire game and help me get World 3 ready for its full release.

A few menus and such still need to be added later, but World 3’s been in development for long enough, amirite??

Oh, and like always, let me know what’s broken.

Fixed so far:


– Changed how the challenge scores work, which should fix the Beach (no idea why it was like that, thought I already fixed it).
– Bottle was missing from Misplaced.
– Fixed the pants menu.
– Adjusted the reset controls button in the menus.


– Biggest change is the pants color selector from the pause menu
– Option to reset controls from the main menu, in case something goes wrong (and I forgot that the game’s background is white, not grey, whoops)
– There was an extra star or something in Misplaced? Weird.
– Fixed Bat Spider’s congrats
– NPCs now only change your pants automatically the first time they congratulate you after beating their challenge.


– Ducks and Parrots fixed
– Music overlapping fixed


– Manly Beard fixed
– Music tweaks
– ‘quick sounds’ fixed (swimming, sand and puddle footsteps)
– rest of the dialog fixed (fingers crossed)
– Attacking ‘beard shockwaves’


– Factory and Cave Plats fixed
– I broke some controls earlier, fixed them
– NPCs change your pants color after victory message
– Moved Mountain Goat Course finish line


– Falling off the level while rolling
– Sliding into crabs
– Quitting from Beach scoreboard glitch
– Bumper tweaks


– Beach fix
– QTP on throne fix
– Beta is now certified beatable!


– Bunch of fixes, I’ll list them later
– I did break progressing passed the beach, though, and Mochi’s not letting me upload a new build, I’ll have to upload tomorrow. Hopefully, most of you can just skip it for now.


– Beach sand effects
– All moving platforms
– Bottles pop up message
– Forest background
– Baddie pile and dialoge
– HUD during pirate ship
– Places where you could jump out the level (sorry, heh)
– Yellow key room
– Disco effects
– All far foreground animations (tub drain, getting pencil, a few others).
– Rainbowbeard’s text size
– Tub music fade in repeat

I’m sure I’ve missed something, check the build and let me know, just make sure that 0.7 is showing in the top right at the first menu screen, otherwise clear your cache and refresh the page.

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FPA on PSN, 50% off!

To celebrate the launch of The Fancy Pants Adventures on iOS, FPA on PSN is currently 50% off! That’s right, you can have FPA on the go AND play 4 player matches online for less than 10 bucks!

Which reminds me, another weekend, another battling event!

Download FPA on PSN (I’ll be playing it on XBLA too, don’t worry) for only five bucks, then come beat me at some King of the Hill!

Here’s how:

Tomorrow (Saturday), at 5:00pm CST

Quick Match -> Player Match

I’ll be switching between the XBLA and PSN versions, like usual.

And for anyone who’s in a different time zone, check here.

Wow, that entire post sounded like an infomercial. That’s CRAAAAAAAZY! ๐Ÿ˜€

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App Update

So, right behind Apple’s own just released iPhoto, not a bad place to be!

Just wanted to address a few things. Hopefully, this page will come up if you’ve had trouble with the game and you Google around a bit.

Update: Build has been submitted to Apple, no idea how long it’ll take to go through, though.

Game size on phone: There was a slight error in packing up the game, and it expands to 1.1 gigs once installed. This is why the game isn’t installing on devices that have less than 1.1 gigs left, even though the filesize says under 300 megs in the App Store.

Save games disappearing: Apparently, progress is being lost when the game is started up again. Force quitting the game (double tap home, close the icon from the quick launch bar) and starting up the game again may restore the save file.

An update is coming soon that addresses both issues. File size on phone will be only slightly more than the download size. I don’t know if save files can be restored, but I’ll check.

Many apologies for any inconveniences you’re experiencing, I just wanted to let everyone know that Over the Top addressed both problems as soon as we knew about them, and an update is imminent!

Thank you so much, and I hope that you can enjoy the game even more in the future!

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First Fancy Pants League Event!

As is with all online games, it’s far more difficult to get a game going through online matchmaking than it was at launch in FPA on consoles.

Well, let’s fix that. every Saturday, at 5:00pm CST, I declare the first gathering of the Fancy Pants Online Racing / Battling League! The plan is to flood the servers all at once at that time so that matchmaking is able to do it’s thing once more.

So that we’re all in the same matchmaking pool, go to:

Quick Match -> Player Match

If there isn’t a room waiting, go ahead and make one.

I won’t be joining any groups or playing story mode, just going back into matchmaking over and over.

I’ll be switching between the XBLA and PSN versions.

So hop online and bring your a-game, there’s a good chance we’ll be smacking each other around with pencils. In the very least, everyone should finally be able to play a 4 player match again!

Once more:

Saturday, 5:00 CST, Quick Match -> Player Match.

And I’m DrNeroCF on both services, see you online!

Comments First Fancy Pants League Event!

Fancy Pants Racing/Battling League!

Sup everyone? So, FPA on 360 and PS3 has been out for a while now, and as is usually the case with online games, it’s much more difficult to find an online game, much less one with 4 people in it.

So, I propose we pick a day and a time to flood the servers and reach critical mass. I’ll be there, too, so bring your A game!

What day would work best for you guys, what time? (in CST, if you please) Once we have something decided, I’ll announce it on the Facebook/Twitters, and we’ll see what happens!

Comments Fancy Pants Racing/Battling League!

The Great Spam Bot Purge!

Update: FLUSH!!!

Alright, if anything has gone wrong don’t hesitate to email me, I made sure to make a backup before running the plugin! But, if you had no posts but wanted to keep your account, just make another account, and, well, post something this time! heh.

The Great Spam Bot Purge is coming! I have like 6k users on my site, and most of them are bots, blech. Any accounts with no posts will be deleted! If you have an account and haven’t posted anything before, comment here to keep your account safe! I don’t know if it counts subscriptions, so please, all subscribers, leave a comment! Forum posts count, but you can leave a comment if you want to make sure. Yay, spam with a purpose!

Of course, if your account gets deleted and there was nothing attached to it, but you still want an account, you can always make another one later…

Comments The Great Spam Bot Purge!

Ninja Update

Just a quick upload for the Sneak Peek, fixes a lot of the issues, though baddies getting stuck because you stomped or jumppaded next to them is still in there. Cave plat room is fixed and colored, super backflip fixed, probably a few other things. Oh, I went back to the old root scrolling method, mixed with individual clips for zooming, should be much faster for anyone complaining about performance.

One of the bigger changes is how Ninjas are fought. They’re ninjas, so they have a ton of health, but you can easily overpower them with a strong pencil swing! Taking them head on should be more effective now, instead of cheaper tactics. I’d like everyone to check out Ninsplosion and see how their scores compare to before.

Got a lot of progress done on later World 3 levels, too, which is good news, but you guys can’t see that quite yet ๐Ÿ˜‰

Comments Ninja Update

2012 Update!

Update: another handful of fixes

– Rolling through tunnel problems. Hopefully this addresses previous issues with the tunnels also.
– Hanging: Whoops! Updated hanging to work with the new collision, and tweaked it a big. Finally, you can backflip from ropes!
– Little bug fixes to ground collision while near walls
– Updated the charge in air animation.

Well here we are, the last stretch of development. Finally feels like things are really starting to come together for World 3. I’ve been working on this game forever now, but here’s the push to get the game out of the door!

Got a lot of changes in this update to the Sneak Peek, remember to empty your cache if it’s not updating for you.

– The biggest actual addition is the new air jab. Jabbing felt sort of useless before, it bugged me that there really wasn’t a time to use it over the air spin attack. Now, tapping attack while in the air will perform a powerful jab, a one hit kill against spiders, and a great way to take Ninjas head on! (not to mention jabbing frogs mid jump!)

– I’ve been going over the combat in general, also, trying to make things a bit more fair. It should be harder to get hurt while performing combos on the ground, but the best way to stay alive is still to move around! There’s even a protected time after stomping, so you won’t, say, launch off of a baddie straight into another baddie. Super useful against a swarm of Ninjas.

– 3D camera is finally working properly! Check out the pinball test level, looks awesome ๐Ÿ™‚ Spent some time on the tracking for FPM and the shell, should be much better now. Which reminds me, Bats are updated, bob in the air a bit and respawn. Though they probably shouldn’t in the pinball level, oops…

– Tweaked the seesaw platforms in the super hard room, should make them much easier to run up and jump off of.

– Here’s probably the most requested feature: Try hitting the mouse’s bullet now ๐Ÿ˜€ There’s not really a great place to do it in the Sneak Peek, but it’s great fun in Outer Squiggleville.

– I finally gave up and completely changed how I’m handling rotation and collision. Over the Top did it a much easier way for the console, I’m now doing something similar. So if you see any weird teleportation bugs, please send a replay, they should be much easier to fix now.

A few smaller things:

– I revisited the combo system for smacking baddies around. You’ll get a combo going for jumping on multiple baddies (I think I broke that after World 2), or bouncing around them with the air attack, or sliding into one and bouncing on another, or pretty much anything that you can do without touching the ground, wall jumping is fair game! Hmm, makes me want to make a level with a ton of baddies and walls, floor is lava! or something like that… Still need to add a few things, like a combo for the shell hitting things… Show off by hitting a baddie into a wall, headbutting it, then jabbing it into oblivion!

– Dead baddies now can hit other baddies. Not sure if I’ll leave this one in, but it’s pretty hilarious. I hope it doesn’t eat anyone’s computer alive when there’s a ton of baddies. Let me know if performance drops too much for anyone in the combat arena.

– The uh, shell wobbles a bit when bouncing. Yeah…

– And the pencil’s slightly larger… Totally the most important item on this list! Yep…

Comments 2012 Update!

Merry Christmas ’11!

Can’t believe that it was back in ’08 that I first uploaded the Christmas version of World 2, sheesh.

Got a little something different for this Christmas: a new challenge level for the Misplaced Caves in the Sneak Peek, but with a small Christmas twist (and of course, fixed a bunch of bugs).

You’ll have to find the room inside the Caves, it’s pretty close to the beginning, same as the console version.

There won’t be a Snailshell Golf course in every single level like in World 2, but as challenge levels, I have a lot more freedom making a smaller level specifically for a round of golf. I like how this level turned out, and I’ve tuned the shell physics a tad bit more, so hopefully the shell is a little easier to control, too.

And of course, Merry Christmas! Watch many good Christmas movies!

Comments Merry Christmas ’11!

iOS release and more World 3

What’s up everyone? Hope you’re all enjoying the holidays so far!

So I’ve posted this around on the Facebook and Twitters, but just for the sake of completeness, I’ll post it here, too. The Fancy Pants Adventures is coming out for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad January of 2012! I can’t say too much more about it yet, but you should be hearing more very soon. I can say, though, that we’ve spent a lot of time on the controls, making sure they’re easy to press and super responsive, and they stand up to the best I’ve seen on iOS.

But don’t forget about about World 3! I’d want to release it as soon as possible after FPA goes live on the App Store, so I guess you can consider that sort of a release date, as long as everything goes well.

As for the Sneak Peek, I’ve been working on painting a water level recently, and ended up tweaking the swimming a bit, just because it was bugging me. Tightened up the controls, fixed up a few animations, and smoothed out the camera a bit. Let me know how it feels, or if you even notice a difference. Or if I broke everything.

And finally, I have something coming up in the Sneak Peek Christmas, check back soon!

Comments iOS release and more World 3

Time Trial and Extra Level up for Caves!

[Edit: Looks like some things in the first upload was a bad export, and with a few other problems. Should be fixed now!]

All those bug fixes, Time Trial’s been in there, but I figured I’d mention it in a post.

And, that door should be working now. Added some doodles to show kinda where you need to go, but the level’s supposed to be very very difficult to complete, let me know if it’s clear enough, or if you think it’s unbeatable, heh.

Also, been doing some more work on the combat, lots of tweaking to little things like how baddies act when they’re flying in the air, how far you hit them, all that, so have a few rounds in the Baddie Arena if you want to give some feedback on how that all feels.

I’ve done a bit of polishing on the swimming, too, so if you want to have a go at breaking that also, be my guest ๐Ÿ™‚

Next up: Challenge level! I thought it would be a good time to make a super awesome Snailshell Golf dedicated level for World 3. Whatcha think?

Comments Time Trial and Extra Level up for Caves!